Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

Good Chance to Reunite

Good Chance to Reunite

When Yan Xiaojun stumbled out of the house, Ying Yue met him. She was surprised and jealous at the same time. How could Yan Xiaojun even dare to come for the engagement? And what happened inside that the guards had accompanied him outside? She was curious and had an inkling that he must have been asked to leave. She thought this would be a good chance to reunite with him, as they were both in the same boat.     

"Yan Xiaojun, what happened, dear?" said Ying Yue in a melodious voice, as if trying to seduce him.     

Yan Xiaojun gave her a seething glare. He wondered what was she doing there. "What are you doing here? Did you come to disrupt Wu Lina's happiness?"     

Ying Yue got afraid of his glare. But she hid her fear and said, "No, Brother Xiaojun, I came because I was invited by Yang Xinyu. I only came here to give my blessings. I haven't done anything."     

He heard her and walked ahead with a scorn. Outside the house, the night was dark. The sky was lit by the solitary moon, which was even lighting up the land beneath. Only a few garden lights were on. Yan Xiaojun tried to make his way out of the garden but lost his balance and fell in a flowerbed. Ying Yue rushed to his side to help him stand up. She slid her hands under his arms and tried to lift him up from behind. He was reeking of alcohol. Somehow he managed to get up with her help.     

"Brother Xiaojun, do you want me to take you home?" she asked, showing concern.     

He pushed her aside and went to his car. He must have driven for a long time, his mind enveloped in the memories of Wu Lina. He parked the car in front of the House of Fengs where he took the elevator to the nightclub.     

Ying Yue couldn't let this opportunity go. This was the best time to have him back. So she followed him to the bar. She saw that he was again drinking. When he had drunk to the extent that the bartender had to call for assistance to send him home, Ying Yue stepped forward to take his responsibility.     

"Do you know him?" asked the bartender.     

"Yes, I know Brother Xiaojun very well," she replied politely.     

"Please show me your identity card," said the bartender wary of her.     

Ying Yue cursed him silently but produced her driving license to him, which he photocopied and gave back to her.     

"Thank you ma'am. But I don't know how you have entered the nightclub. This place is exclusive only for its members. Today I am allowing you but next time I will refrain and will call the security," said the bartender, handing her the driving license.     

Ying Yue gave him a dirty glare for insulting her in front of other guests. Then she approached Yan Xiojun to support him so that he could stand up.     

Yan Xiaojun looked at the person who was supporting him. "Wu Lina, is that you? You knew I couldn't stay without you and so you have come to help me?" he said through his misty eyes.     

Ying Yue pursed her lips. 'This wretched man only thinks about Wu Lina!'     

"Yes, Brother Xiaojun, I am Wu Lina," she said in a honeyed voice. "Let's go home."     

Yan Xiaojun was overwhelmed and readily agrees to go home with whatever sanity he is left with. He circled her shoulder and walked sloppily towards the elevator putting all his weight on her. "Wu Lina, I thought you would never leave Yang Xinyu. Do you know how much I miss you? I am not able to concentrate on my work anymore. Now that you are with me, we will do whatever you say."     

Ying Yue only listened to his non-stop blabber about Wu Lina quietly. She took him to her car and somehow managed to seat him on the passenger seat. After buckling him up, she drove the car. All the while in the car Yan Xiaojun would bring his hand to her face and say, "Wu Lina, you are so beautiful. I love you."     

Ying Yue felt like slapping him.     

She took him to her home and once again, it was a gargantuan task for her to get him inside. She guided him to her bedroom and threw him on the bed.     

"Brother Xiaojun, please don't worry. Now you are with safe with me. I will always stay by your side," she said seductively.     

He smiled and beckoned her with his finger, "Come here, Wu Lina."     

Ying Yue was waiting for the opportunity. She went near him and before she knew it, he pulled her and kissed her wildly. Rolling her over on the mattress, he whispered, "Wu Lina, Wu Lina… I'll go mad without you. Stay with me, please. Do you know I was the one who called your father and told about your mother? Now your wedding with Yang Xinyu will stop. But I don't know who informed the police about him… Don't worry, your father loves you. He will take us back to Bulgaria and we will live happily…"     

He removed her clothes and she gave way to him. He whispered Wu Lina's name while he was inside her. Ying Yue hated it.     

When he released his tension, he slumped beside her and held her tightly. He gripped her waist and pinned her legs with his. He slept off peacefully.     

In the morning when he woke up, he saw that he was sleeping next to Ying Yue and he that he had circled her body with his arms. He felt repulsive and immediately left her. He sat up on the bed and realized that he wasn't wearing clothes. He tried to remember as to how he ended up in that situation but couldn't recall anything after reaching the bar.     

Ying Yue also woke up, sensing the movement beside her. She brought her hand to his chest and said sweetly, "How are you feeling?"     

"What am I doing here with you?" he asked shoving her hand away.     

"Don't be so rude, brother Xiaojun. I got you from the bar yesterday."     

"Why did you bring me here?"     

"If I would have taken you to your home, your parents would have worried."     

"Never ever meet me again," said Yan Xiaojun giving her a contemptuous glare. He left her on the bed. Even though he was having a headache, he got dressed and left her house.     

"We will meet again, Yan Xiajun," she sat up and said aloud, puffing smoke out of the cigarette she had lit.     

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