Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

Right Answer!

Right Answer!

"I left them a week back. I am not on any medication now," she replied, eager to have him.     

"So, what do you want to do with me?"     

"I want to make mincemeat out of you, Xinyu," she shouted, because now she was very frustrated.     

"That's a scary option," he replied, stroking his member and tempting her further.     

"Then come in me," she hissed dangerously.     

He continued to stroke it and glanced at her. She was squirming beneath him. She tried to hold his member but he didn't allow her. She tried to get up but he pushed her back on the pillow.     

"How many babies do you want, Wu Lina?"     

"I want just one healthy baby," she replied, now desperate.     

"Wrong answer," he said with an evil smile and bent down to suck her nipples. While he squeezed and kneaded the adjacent one, he sucked the other one hard, making her come.     


He left it sucking it and asked again, "How many babies do you want, Wu Lina?"     

"I want four babies!"     

"Good girl. Four what?"     

"Four sons! Damn it, Xinyu!"     

"Right answer!"     

He dismounted her and putting her legs on his shoulders, he positioned his erection. He teased her further by just brushing it there.     

"Xinyu, I'll kill you!"     

"Oh, baby! I'll kill you first!" And he slammed into her.     

The exercise was over in fifteen minutes and both of them lied side by side, exhausted completely. Even though Wu Lina was satiated, Yang Xinyu had just started. He woke her up five times during the night to satisfy his hunger for her.     

Downstairs in the room, the engagement party continued till the wee hours of the morning until one of the cousins were either drunk or extremely tired to move. While half of them slept in any place they could find, the other half actually went to their villas. Two of them were found sleeping in the garden outside.     

Since the night was so exhaustive, both Wu Lina and Yang Xinyu didn't wake up early. When the Chairman came out of his room, he saw one of the scariest scenes outside. One of the cousins was sleeping in the fireplace while his twin was about to set it on fire. Obviously both of them were still drunk. He shook his head and muttered, "Yang family boys are crazy." He called the guards to take care of the two of them. Others were lying scattered like garbage. The guards helped each one of them to reach their villas and the room was cleaned soon.     

Yang Xinyu and Wu Lina woke up past noon. When they came downstairs after taking a bath, the Chairman who was having lunch looked at them. He raised his eyebrows when he saw that his son looked drained out. He smiled inwards and thought that soon he would become a grandfather. Wu Lina and Yang Xinyu greeted the Chairman and sat down to have lunch with him.     

He called the butler and said, "Did you prepare the soup I ordered you to?"     

The old butler nodded, giving pitiful looks to the young miss.     

"Then what are you waiting for? Go and get it for both of them."     

Yang Xinyu suspicions raised. He looked at the butler questioningly. The butler shook his head. Yang Xinyu exploded, "No father!"     

The Chairman gave him an angry look and said, "What? You must have nutritious food."     

When Wu Lina heard 'nutritious' she started quivering. "Father, my stomach is feeling queasy. Can I go upstairs? I don't feel like having anything."     

The Chairman was so concerned at her that he said the butler, "Serve young miss after some time. But serve the young master now."     

Yang Xinyu shot a glance at her, then said, "Father, even I am feeling queasy. I think I will give rest to my body today."     

The Chairman looked at him confusedly. It took him a minute to understand, "Oh oh! Okay, Yang Xinyu you can go."     

Then he turned to the butler and ordered him, "Make fresh soup for them in the evening and see that they both have it."     

The poor butler nodded and left immediately.     

But the couple had sneaked out of the family house before evening. When they reached the penthouse they asked Mrs. Jiao to prepare a normal meal for them.     

Exhausted, both of them slept again. They woke up at 6pm and asked Mrs. Jiao to prepare tea. They went to the living room and started watching TV in the meanwhile. Most of the news channels were showing the clips from their engagement.     

While they were sipping tea, the Chairman called.     

"Where did you run away, Yang Xinyu?"     

He was so loud that Wu Lina could listen to him.     

"Father, I have come to the penthouse," said Yang Xinyu meekly.     

"Why have you gone to the penthouse? Why do you think I have gifted that bungalow to Wu Lina? How will stay in that cramped penthouse when you have kids?"     

Yang Xinyu looked at Wu Lina who was already red. She smiled at him.     

"Father, we will move as soon as possible."     

"I want you to move there tomorrow."     

Yang Xinyu was so exhausted that he couldn't move his finger, let alone shift the entire house.     

"Father, both Wu Lina and I have decided to move there after the wedding."     

Wu Lina knitted her brows and said loudly, "But you never asked me. We can move in the bungalow tomorrow if you like." And then she smiled mischievously. She had taken yesterday's revenge very sweetly.     

Yang Xinyu covered her mouth with his hand and said, "Father, Wu Lina is talking to her friend on phone. I will call you back once we have decided," he said disconnecting the phone.     

As soon as he disconnected the call, he seized Wu Lina and crushed her beneath him. "So you think that was your revenge?"     

She giggled uncontrollably and nodded. "Wasn't that good, Xini baby?" she said, fluttering her eyes seductively.     

Yang Xinyu was captivated and for a moment he forgot what he was thinking. Xini baby sounded nice and sensuous! He moved closer to her lips. But the spell was broken when she said, "Let's move in the bungalow tomorrow."     

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