Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

New Master and the Missus

New Master and the Missus

Yang Chen Lin wanted to discuss about the business in Spain with her father. She asked the servants as to where he was and headed for that room. When she was entering the room she heard some of the elders talking. She saw that the elders who had surrounded him were gossiping about Wu Lina. There was a grave look on his face, as he listened to them with attention. He was obviously angry at something. Then she heard the remarks passed by Yang Fangxu's mother and shook her head.     

Yang Chen Lin had noticed the behavior of the mother and daughter since yesterday and didn't like their disposition towards her. She remembered her conversation with Yang Fangxu yesterday.     

"Good morning Jie, how are you doing?"     

Yang Fangxu had snickered and replied, "I am doing fine Yang Chen Lin. I heard that father has gifted you a company in Spain and that you have married its owner."     

"Yes Jie. Sebastian and I got married yesterday here in China."     

"Oh, how come you didn't receive as good a wedding arrangement as Yang Xinyu did?" Yang Fangxu tried to provoke her.     

But Yang Chen Lin knew her place and said, "Jie, I am happy with the way things are going. Thank you for your well wishes. How is your career going on in the movies?" Yang Chen Lin probed knowing that Yang Fangxu was a still struggling despite being in the industry for more than eights years now.     

Yang Fangxu shot an angry glance towards her and said, "I have landed with three different roles and will soon debut as the main lead in a historical drama."     

"Debut? But I thought you are an established actress already," said Yang Fangxu innocently.     

"Yes, I am… but I am looking for meaningful roles…"     

Before Yang Fangxu could speak any further, Yang Chen Lin excused herself, "Oh, Sebastian is here. I will talk to you later Jie." Yang Chen left with a smile leaving her elder sister with an acrid taste.     

Today again the duo was trying to aggravate the Chairman's anger. She knew that there were already plenty of enemies in the household who surrounded Wu Lina. She came and sat near her father and said loudly, "Father, I hope to see my nephew or niece as soon as possible." That sentence would take care of all their cheesy remarks.     

The Chairman turned to look at her and beamed when he heard about his yet-to-be-born grandchild. Then he realized what she meant by saying that and turned to the butler, "Tell Yang Xinyu and Wu Lina to take as much time as they want to, to come downstairs.     

The butler cringed as his plans failed. Now he had to go upstairs all over again.     

All the elders including Yang Fangxu's mother became quiet. Yang Chen Lin laughed inwards.     

When the butler was going to inform the couple, he saw that both of them were already coming down to meet the elders.     

Wu Lina wore a traditional red qipao while Yang Xinyu was wearing a white shirt and light blue pants. Both of them looked mesmerizing together.     

When the butler saw them, he left for the kitchen immediately fearing Chairman's wrath for misinforming him.     

Wu Lina couldn't understand his immediate rush to the kitchen. She shrugged her shoulders and asked another servant about Chairman. He guided them to the room where the Chairman was sitting along with others. When they entered the room, the elders eyed them with admiration. Wu Lina kowtowed everyone out there and went to sit next to Yang Xinyu.     

She was looking very beautiful in her qipao. The Chairman and other elders were surprised that they had came down so early.     

But then became happy and looked satisfied – the new master and the missus of the mansion and the Yang Conglomerate had announced their presence. He prayed god inwards to soon send him grandchildren so that he could spend the rest of his life in retirement surrounded by them and leave the company to its successor.     

The Chairman sent a message to someone from his phone.     

Slowly the elders started leaving the room and Wu Lina bade them individual goodbyes by handing them gifts. Yang Fangxu's mother was the last to leave.     

"Yang Ming-Chang, I will be waiting for you to come to the house. It has been a long time since you have visited," she complained, also trying to show-off to Yang Xinyu.     

Wu Lina was in the most awkward situation.     

The Chairman was very angry at her behavior. He said, "I don't have time to visit you!" and dismissed her.     

She left the room with a small face.     

Yang Chen Lin who had suppressed her laughter couldn't stop herself anymore and started laughing hysterically. Yang Xinyu gave her knowing looks and rolled his eyes but Wu Lina maintained her calm looks.     

Few minutes later a photographer arrived. The Chairman had called the photographer personally to take a picture of his son and daughter-in-law now. He wanted the picture to be framed and hanged in the living room. Yes, they were the new owners.     

The photographer asked the couple to pose in twenty different ways before the Chairman intervened again. "Wu Lina, please sit on this chair," he said vacating the chair he was sitting on. It was a grand golden chair belonging to eighteenth century. "Yang Xinyu, stand behind her."     

The best way to pose for the classic picture was the traditional way.     

The photographer took the photo.     

"Remember to send it back to me in an hour. I want this picture to be framed in a life-size frame," said the Chairman.     

"Yes sir," said the photographer and left.     

The Chairman turned to his son and daughter-in-law and asked, "Where are you going for your holiday after marriage?" He hesitated saying 'honeymoon'.     

Wu Lina became red. Yang Chen Lin again laughed and said, "Father, it's a secret. Brother Xinyu is not telling anyone."     

The Chairman joined her laughter and nodded. "Yang Xinyu you must attend the office as soon as you are back. You've been absent from the office from almost two weeks now and you will again be not in the office for another week."     

Yang Xinyu looked at Wu Lina, who was now redder till her neck and said, "Yes father."     

The Chairman left the room and Yang Chen Lin teased her brother with a naughty smile, "So you can tell me where you are going brother."     

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