Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

Aleksander Antov

Aleksander Antov

In Sofia, Bulgaria, Aleksander Antov watched the wedding on his private channel. He sipped at the wineglass in his hand and frowned at the familiar yet bitter taste. To him, it seemed the world held him in low regard. First, Yan Xiaojun had sent the news about Wenqian too late. Had he sent it a tad earlier, Aleksander would have brought Wu Lina to Bulgaria and married her by now. But the news and her marriage with Yang Xinyu coincided with each other. Second, was that someone had tipped off the police about Vladimir Yankov which also pissed him off. They left as soon as he heard someone had informed the police; he had to take Vladimir to a safe place. Their escape from the border to Bulgaria went off without a hitch. Even though they had arrived safe and sound back in Bulgaria, Vladimir was already eager to go back. And Aleksander had to keep finding new ways to stop him from making a foolish mistake.     

He had to get Wu Lina to Bulgaria.     

Aleksander lounged in his armchair, almost as if in wait. Vladimir soon entered the room—agitated as usual. As soon as Aleksander saw him, he switched off the TV. Although he knew that it wouldn't take long before Vladimir would come to know that Wu Lina had gotten married, he wanted to delay giving that news to him.     

"Aleksander, I want to meet Wu Lina again. How can I do that? I want her to come over to Sofia to make her see what she is missing. Do you know how precious that child is? She is my heiress. Aleksander, get her here and I will marry her off to you."     

Aleksander smiled. This is exactly what he wanted. For that, he either had to kill Yang Xinyu or abduct Wu Lina and make her his mistress. He was a cold man and logic was his top priority in any matter. That was the one reason he could torture or even kill people, and be Vladimir's right-hand man at the same time.     

However, he'd heard that the Yang Corporation had a private military at their disposal. It was an influential family and killing its heir meant serious harm. He had to devise a way to get Wu Lina to Bulgaria.     

Aleksander was an orphan whom Vladimir had adopted when he was only ten years old. Vladimir raised him like his own son and made him well versed in the ways of the mafia. He loved him like his own child. And that was another reason Aleksander protected Vladimir more than his own life. To protect Vladimir, he stood as a human shield ever since he became eighteen. Even though he was a brilliant boy, and Vladimir wanted him to study further, Aleksander joined Vladimir. His rise in the mafia was meteoric because of his cold attitude. For him, Vladimir was, 'Father'.     

One could see him, smile but one would never know what he was thinking about inside that sharp mind of his. At 6 foot 4 inches, he was blond with a very muscular body. His hair always fell to his forehead which made many girls swoon over him whenever he was around. He had a steady girlfriend when he was a teenager but he had to kill her when she witnessed him murdering an enemy with nothing but a knife. After her, he refused to fall in love with anyone.     

Many in the underworld feared Aleksander Antov.     

"Father, don't be so impatient. We have to wait for the right time to bring her here. There are two ways to bring her here - first, we coax her into coming here to see you, and second, we bring her here by force. Let's wait how things work out and then we will act accordingly." He said trying to reason with Vladimir.     

He had been successful in hiding her marriage information from him for a week.     

Vladimir got irritated and left with a warning, "You better get my daughter here as soon as possible!"     

Aleksander threw the wineglass to the floor. Vladimir's impatience was also annoying him. "The old man is losing his logic ever since he met up with his daughter."     

Although his men were on the radar ever since they had traced Wu Lina, it was the next week that Aleksander became edgy. There was no trace to where the married couple went for their honeymoon. He'd used almost all his intelligence to find out about them but all he could find was that the couple had left in the private aircraft to an unknown destination.     

That week he had no news about them, and Vladimir came to nag him every day. When Vladimir didn't get any answers from him, he used his own network. His aide contacted Wenqian and from her, he came to know that Wu Lina had gone for her honeymoon with Yang Xinyu.     

It stupefied Vladimir! How could this happen? Wedding with Yang Xinyu? Why didn't he have any clue about it? In a rage, he went to Aleksander, "Why didn't you inform me about Wu Lina's wedding?" he growled.     

"Father I didn't want to bother you with something as silly as that," Aleksander replied while brushing back his hair.     

"How is that silly, Aleksander? I was making plans to marry her off to you!" He roared.     

"And that shall happen," came the cold reply.     

"Are you insane? That will never happen! She's married to Yang Xinyu. Do you know who Yang Xinyu is? If you even bat an eye towards Wu Lina, he will gorge it out. Do you understand what the Yang Corporation is? They have their own private army," said Vladimir in a nervous tone. He was dejected that Wu Lina may never come to Bulgaria now.     

"Father, we will get her here. Please don't worry," replied Aleksander with a crooked smile. That week when he couldn't trace the couple he had done only one thing—he had made plans to get her to Bulgaria and never let her go back.     

"What are you thinking of in that complicated brain of yours Aleksander? I won't let anyone touch a hair on her head!"     

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