Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

The Honeymoon (2)

The Honeymoon (2)

When they were cruising down the road to their hotel, Wu Lina saw that the road was stretched along the ocean whose waves were splashing hard on the shores. The weather was warm. Wu Lina held Yang Xinyu's hand in excitement. "Where are we Xinyu?"     


"Xini baby?" she said exasperatedly.     

He smiled and replied warmly, "We are in Seychelles, darling."     

Wu Lina squealed in excitement! She jumped from her seat to hug Yang Xinyu and placed a lingering kiss on his lips. Poor Yang Xinyu squirmed in his seat while the driver of the car grinned watching his agony in the rear view mirror.     

Half an hour later the car stopped in front of an island resort and they were guided to their suite, which was located furthermost inside the ocean. The suite was standing over the azure waters of the ocean and connected to the main bamboo road that led to the reception area. The bellboy left them after Yang Xinyu tipped him heavily.     

The couple was so exhausted from their journey that they slept for the first four hours. When they woke up it was evening and the sun was setting in the horizon. Wu Lina came out in the balcony to see it. She was captivated by its beauty, spellbound by the scenery in front of her. The sun looked like a large red ball of fire being engulfed by the vast ocean. The sea gulls were cawing around hustling to reach their nests before the night fell. Yang Xinyu came behind her and hugged her, "Liking it baby."     

Wu Lina nodded and sighed. "Xini baby, can we just stay here forever?"     

"Yes, I would love that."     

Yang Xinyu turned her towards him and bringing his hands behind her head, he held her back and brought her lips closer to her. He brushed his lips against her dewy ones and then licked them. Slowly he pried his tongue into her mouth and sucked hers. The kiss was sensuous leaving WU Lina breathless. He picked her up and not leaving her lips he carried her to the bed inside. Slowly he peeled her clothes as if he was unwrapping his precious present and wanted savor the surprise.     

He tasted her body. He licked her neck, her breasts and her earlobes spinning her head into a tizzy. Then he started sucking her thighs, his hands were all over her body – from head to toe. Wu Lina moaned. She was waiting for him to reach there. She had become addicted to his way of making love to her.     

"Baby, don't make me any crazier than I am for you," said Yang Xinyu before he went down to his favorite place and sucked her.     

Wu Lina bucked under his soft tongue and her insides exploded into an orgasm. Yang Xinyu left her clit and came over to her breasts. He sucked them hard and Wu Lina rewarded him with a loud yelp. The heat kicked up several notches up.     

Their bodies were pressed against each other. He cupped her face with his hand and put his arms around her waist and kissed her plush lips again demanding to explore the insides. She slithered her fingers into his hair. Their bodies heated up and the touch of their hot skin made them go wild. Yang Xinyu's member was gorged and impatiently waiting to explore her insides. He pulled her down on the bed and without waiting any further he pushed himself inside her. She let out a throaty moan.     

"Look at me Lina," he whispered.     

She opened her eyes. He increased his pace and she came again. As she came, her eyes started closing but he again demanded, "Open your eyes. I want to see you."     

She barely opened them. They were lost in the trance of her orgasm. Seeing her Yang Xinyu lost his patience and tipped over.     

Both of them were beside each other after love making, panting and sweaty. Yang Xinyu warmly caressed her hair and cheeks. He asked, "Wu Lina, I know these days women don't add their husband's names but would you do me the honor of adding my name in front of yours?" He wanted her to be known as Yang Wu Lina.     

Wu Lina was shocked to hear this strange request but she quietly said, "I don't know… please give me some time to think…"     

He nodded and continued to stroke her hair before taking her again.     

The next day was spent exploring the ocean beneath them. They went scuba diving under expert guidance to explore the world that belonged to the pieces kingdom. For Wu Lina this was a beautiful experience.     

On the third day when they were sitting in the balcony talking and looking at the ocean, it started raining. Wu Lina immediately sprung from her chair to go in but Yang Xinyu caught her. "Let's enjoy the rain."     

She was wearing a muslin shirt and a green miniskirt, which got drenched in a minute. The clothes clung to her body revealing her contours. Yang Xinyu traced her body and reached her buttocks to slightly squeeze them. She gasped and he grabbed her lips with his. That day Yang Xinyu made love to her in the rains.     

Five days passed with Wu Lina completely forgetting about the world she had to go back to. Along with Yang Xinyu she was floating in clouds. And she didn't need to even look at her phone. It was the first time she had enjoyed so much without a worry about the people and world. She noticed that Yang Xinyu was also not checking his messages.     

She asked out of curiosity, "Don't you have to look at the office emails or messages?"     

"No, I had instructed people not to disturb me," he replied shamelessly.     

Wu Lina laughed and said, "When are we going back?"     

"Tomorrow…" said Yang Xinyu feeling sad.     

"Hey! If you want we can stay here for another week, Xini baby!" said Wu Lina to cheer him up.     

Yang Xinyu smiled. There were many pressing company matters, which were postponed for three weeks already. He would have loved to delay but he knew that his father needed him back.     

Next day they flew back to City H.     

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