Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

Emotional and Upset

Emotional and Upset

"From now onwards no one will be allowed to catch fish from the lake. How can we breed fish only to kill them? Mrs. Jiao, please inform the servants that this will not happen from now onwards. Also please take away this dish from here."     

Mrs. Jiao looked at the young miss with a weird expression and removed the dish from there.     

After having her lunch, Wu Lina again went off to sleep. She woke up in the evening at 5pm and decided to take a stroll outside. The gardens of the house were kept beautifully. There was a special herb garden that was located on the southeast side of the house just after the koi pond. Wu Lina walked to the koi pond. She was captivated by it's landscaping. The architect had done a beautiful job. The pond was not more than three feet deep. It was surrounded by canopies overhead giving it its fair share of shade and sunlight. There was a water fountain flowing over the rocks leading inside the pond. There were many floating plants where the koi fish could hide. Apart from these there were aquatic plants that served as their home beneath water.     

Wu Lina bent down to play with them. There were so many them that when Wu Lina dipped her hand in the pond, all of them swum to the opposite direction in a cluster. Wu Lina laughed at the orange cluster that formed on the opposite side. Minutes later when she was walking towards the herb garden, her hands started smelling. The smell was so unbearable to the extent that she had to rush back inside and wash it off her hands.     

She was exasperated at her heightened sense of smell.     

When Yang Xinyu came home in the evening, he was very tired. He saw that Wu Lina was watching television. He smiled at her and went to sit near her. Mrs. Jiao had received the information of his arrival and she went to the kitchen to prepare tea for him.     

"What did my darling do today?" he asked her giving a soft peck on her forehead.     

Wu Lina narrated her day and in the end said, "Xini baby, I have asked them not to fish from the lake we have here."     

Xini baby looked at her in confusion, and said, "Okay Wu Lina, as you say." He didn't have the energy and courage to argue with her.     

He went inside the bedroom to take a shower. When he came back he saw that she was watching a news channel that covered a story about woman in office, and he was afraid that it will remind her of going to the office. Yang Xinyu rolled his eyes and came there, prepared for another battle.     

Mrs. Jiao had served the tea to them and left.     

As expected - "Xinyu, when will I join the office? I had talked to Zhou Zhili a while back and she had informed me that new projects had started. I want to join one of those. So when can I come to the office?" she asked looking eagerly at him.     

"Baby, I am planning to give you a different role. How can you join as a mere project manager being the CEO's wife?" he replied fearing yet another session of fight.     

"What role?" she asked with an arched eyebrow.     

"I was thinking of making you my next in command."     

Wu Lina was so happy that she clasped her hands in excitement. "Really?"     

"Yes. But that would take at least a week because I have to get a new office made for you," he gave her a lame excuse. He just wanted her pregnant and in the house.     

Wu Lina arched her eyebrow again. "New office? Aren't there plenty of offices in the building? You can just give me one of them. Or are you again trying to delay my joining the office?" She became upset at the thought.     

"No baby…" Yang Xinyu shook his head. But Wu Lina had become so upset that she started throwing a tantrum.     

"You just don't want me to work, right?" she started crying suddenly.     

Yang Xinyu was taken aback at his wife's reason to cry. Keeping his cup on the coffee table beside him, he held her hands and pulled her towards him. But she was so emotional that she jerked his hand away, got up from there and walked inside crying loudly.     

Yang Xinyu didn't know what had gotten into his wife. Why was she so upset? What was this emotional outburst all about? She was so good as a girlfriend but what happened to her when she stepped over to this side of the fence? Do all wives behave like that? He went after her.     

In the bedroom Wu Lina was sitting on the bed, still crying.     

"Lina, I am sorry baby. Please don't cry. You can come to the job tomorrow if you like, but please don't cry," he said circling his arms around her.     

Wu Lina smiled through her tears much to his relief and he wiped her tears with the back of his hands.     

"Okay tomorrow we will go together," she said with a charming smile and went to wee.     

After dinner Yang Xinyu slept early and when Wu Lina came to lie down beside him, he pulled her reflexively on himself. But Wu Lina felt uncomfortable and slid back to her pillow. He stomach felt tight and it was uneasy.     

In the middle of the night Yang Xinyu woke up all of a sudden to see that the bed beside him was empty. He looked around but she was nowhere to be seen. Worried, he wore his night robe and came out. A dim light was coming through the kitchen. Very quietly he tiptoed to the kitchen and picked a flower vase on his way. When he reached there, his eyes were wide with shock. Wu Lina was standing in front of the refrigerator eating an ice cream from a huge box. Her face was smeared with it. She looked as if she ate the ice cream for the first time in her life. He stood there motionless with the flower vase in his hand watching the spectacle in front of him.     

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