Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

You Would Become Bankrupt

You Would Become Bankrupt

Yang Xinyu entered the meeting room with a ruthless look on his face. The Vice President stood up and greeted him immediately, "Good afternoon CEO Yang."     

Without getting up Yang Fangxu's uncle harrumphed and said, "We have waited from almost twenty minutes for you Yang Xinyu. Don't you have enough curtsey to respect your elders?"     

Yang Xinyu did not speak a word. Giving an angry glance at him Yang Xinyu sat in his chair and opened a thick file in front of him. He came straight to the point, "Over hundred computers with faulty processors were reported. Your company is the one who supplied us with those processors. Do you deny that?" he asked in a cold voice as his brown eyes trailed towards them. The temperature of the room dropped.     

Both the VP and the uncle gulped in fear. The secretary, Pān Shīshī held her breath and shivered at such a sudden drop of temperature. She was already on a wrong foot with what she did at the office. She was afraid that she might get fired after just a week of working with the Yang Corporation.     

Uncle hesitated for a fraction of second then pointing a finger towards Yang Xinyu, shouted, "Yes I deny it. It is your company's fault and not mine. What are the engineers in your company doing? Didn't they know that the processors were faulty? Didn't they test it before fixing them in the units?"     

Yang Xinyu's cold gaze fell on the uncle who was almost jumping outrageously from his chair. "Keep your voice down uncle," said Yang Xinyu in a chilling voice. He had murderous look in his eyes. The Chairman had trusted this snake for so long but he continued to show his true colors. And now he even denied that it was his fault by shifting the entire blame on the Yang Corporation.     

"Do you mean that you are not liable for any monetary compensation? The company has suffered a huge loss reputation-wise. I am not even talking about the monetary loss here," said Yang Xinyu in a cold and deathly tone.     

"What is going on here? You brat! You are making allegations on me? The Chairman never ever did that kind of a thing. He was so softhearted," retorted the uncle.     

Yang Xinyu looked at the Vice President who was already looking pale. He feared that he would lose the job or go behind bars.     

Yang Xinyu picked his phone and sent a text message to someone. He became quiet and started flipping the pages of the report. Within five minutes the door of the meeting room opened and Bo Xilai along with Hua Jiefeng entered the room.     

Uncle's and the Vice President's gaze followed them as they sat near the CEO and presented him with another file.     

Yang Xinyu nodded after seeing the content of the file and gave a knowing look to Hua Jiefeng.     

"Good afternoon, I am the company's lawyer and after assessing the situation we have come to the conclusion that you will have to compensate the company," said Hua Jiefeng coldly.     

Yang Fanxu's uncle flinched. He was frozen on the spot after hearing Hua Jiefeng. Shirking his fears shamelessly he countered, "Who the hell do you think you people are to make that kind of decision? I will never pay any compensation, and where is the Chairman? I want to talk to him. I will not deal with people under him!" he yelled.     

Yang Fangxu gave him a piercing gaze. Then he looked at his secretary, who immediately ran to the uncle and presented him with another file saying, "Sir, please take a look at this document."     

When Yang Fanxu's uncle looked at it, his eyes became wide. The content were a break of the amount he had to pay as compensation. It was five hundred thousand Yuan.     

"What is this going on?" said the uncle and hurled the papers in air. The papers landed on the secretary and the Vice President, who was now quivering in his chair.     

The Vice President came near his ears and said in a meek voice, "Sir, I suggest that you agree to paying that amount to the company."     

Yang Fanxu's uncle pushed his face away and said, "Are you mad? Are you siding with them now, you selfish person?"     

Then he looked with anger at Yang Xinyu and said, "Yang Xinyu, you spoiled imp, I will make sure that you pay for this. I will talk to the Chairman now."     

He picked his phone to dial the Chairman's number but before he could do that Bo Xilai came towards him and offered his phone to him to speak with the Chairman. He had already dialed the number.     

Yang Fangxu's uncle snatched the phone roughly from his hand and pressed the phone on his ears. However, the call was never picked.     

He slammed the phone of the table in frustration. Yang Xinyu was absolutely quiet all this time. Then he looked at Hua Jiefeng.     

Understanding his glance, Hua Jeifeng said very professionally, "We have had a thorough investigation done and it has been proven that your company knowingly supplied us with faulty processors, which means that it was your intention to malign our image."     

He continued, "Hence keeping in tandem with company's policies the company has decided that your contract with the company shall be terminated with immediate effect. Moreover you are liable to pay us one million Yuan as compensation."     

The Vice President was shifting in his place now. He hated that the old fool near him was being arrogant. He understood that the money would keep increasing with every tantrum the uncle would throw.     

He coughed slightly and bent towards the uncle to whisper in his ears, "Sir, please agree to this amount otherwise by the time this meeting is over you would become bankrupt."     

"I will not pay a single penny! Let me speak to the Chairman and he will take care of this rascal here," shouted the uncle on top of his voice pointing a finger at Yang Xinyu.     

"In that case let me take care of you," said Yang Xinyu giving him a menacing look and pressed a number on his phone. Moments later, police arrived on the scene, picked the uncle roughly from his arms and hurled him in their van before heading to the police station.     

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