Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

Priceless Treasure

Priceless Treasure

"Oh! I knew the day she became pregnant. I could tell it by the looks of it. In a few days I can even tell the gender of the child," said Mrs. Jiao showing-off her expertise in the area.     

Both of them gaped at her.     

Mrs. Jiao just shrugged and left the couple to bask in their glory muttering, "Young people these days don't know what we oldies are capable of…"     

When she had closed the door behind her, Yang Xinyu said, "Wu Lina, I want to call father!"     

Wu Lina nodded with a huge smile. She wanted to call her mother also. However, they decided to first visit the doctor and then call everyone.     

Next day in the hospital, the doctor examined Wu Lina physically and said, "Wu Lina you appear absolutely fine. Do you notice anything different?"     

"Doctor, I can't eat anything. My stomach cannot hold anything I eat! Please help," said Wu Lina with a long face.     

"Oh! But that is one thing you have to face bravely until your first trimester. You will be fine in your second trimester. Don't worry. But you should eat what you love and it should be healthy," said the doctor with a smile. She added calcium in her prescription.     

"Doctor, when can I get an ultrasound done? I wanted to see the baby inside," said Yang Xinyu with excitement.     

The doctor laughed at his excitement. She said, "The first ultrasound can be done now also but it wouldn't show anything. I would advice you to go for first ultrasound once six weeks are over."     

Yang Xinyu's face fell. He was so keen to see his baby. Wu Lina looked at the disappointment on his face and giggled.     

They left for their house. On way Yang Xinyu called his father and informed him about Wu Lina. The Chairman was so ecstatic that he asked Yang Xinyu to increase Wu Lina's security and also the number of servants in the house.     

"Father, the security is already quite enhanced. We don't need more people," Yang Xinyu assured him.     

But the Chairman didn't listen to him, "You don't understand Ah Xinyu. There are so many enemies we have. If anyone would come to know that Wu Lina is expecting they would try to harm her immediately. Remember the board members of the company will see it as a threat. Do you realize that Wu Lina is carrying a treasure? A priceless treasure that can easily become an eyesore?"     

"Father, I understand… but really there are plenty of people around her…" he said exasperatedly knowing that the Chairman won't listen to him.     

"No, I will increase the security up to two kilometers. There will be a circle of five men around her, another ten around the house at all times and then five near the barricade of the bridge and then fifteen about dispersed within two kilometers of her location every time. Do you understand?" said the Chairman very strictly as if no one could mess with his plans.     

Yang Xinyu shook his head and told Wu Lina about the new change in security. Wu Lina was bereft. The change was so drastic that she didn't want to accept it. But since the Chairman had ordered, she didn't have a say in it. She just had to accept.     

When they reached home, Mrs. Jiao had already prepared a number of dishes for her so that she could choose the one she liked the most and eat that heartily. Wu Lina was so grateful to Mrs. Jiao that she almost hugged the lady. But she met with a serious 'ahem… cough… cough…' to be reminded of her position. Wu Lina chose to eat steamed buns with vegetables and eggs. They were so delicious that she gobbled five stuffings one after the other. Yang Xinyu could only see his baby cow and smile with affection. Actually he didn't mind if she became a cow. He just wanted healthy babies.     

In the bedroom Wu Lina called her mother and informed her about her pregnancy. "Mother, I am expecting…" Wu Lina had just started the conversation and Wenqian jumped out of the sofa much to her son's amusement.     

"Really?" Wenqian shrieked.     

Wu Lina had to move the phone away from her ears.     

"Wu Lina I want to see you as soon as possible. There are so many things that you have to eat for having a health baby. I will prepare them and bring tomorrow. Also where is Yang Xinyu? I want to talk to him," said Wenqian.     

Wu Lina gave the phone to Yang Xinyu.     

"Yang Xinyu, Lina is pregnant! You have to take care of her emotionally and physically. Remember that she shouldn't get any kind of shock. It would not be good for the child's health. You have to treat her like a queen. If something happens to her or the baby, I will come after you!" said Wenqian threateningly.     

Yang Xinyu arched an eyebrow and said, "Yes mother, I will take good care of your daughter!"     

He disconnected the phone and quipped, "The daughter she had abandoned for four years!" He never took it kindly because Wu Lina had suffered a lot all those years to achieve her goals.     

Wu Lina frowned at him, "Don't you say anything about my mother!"     

Yang Xinyu rolled his eyes and said, "Okay!"     


In the Yang Mansion, when the Chairman returned from the office, he called his head of security and asked him to increase the circle of protection around Wu Lina. Yang Chún qiàn, who was sitting on the sofa of the living room became all ears when she heard Wu Lina's name.     

When Chairman disconnected the phone, he realized her presence and immediately pursed his lips. He started leaving but was interrupted by Yang Chún qiàn, "Why are you increasing the protection layer? Has something happened to Yang Xinyu?"     

The Chairman wanted to keep the information to himself, but he thought that as a mother it would be unwise to hide it from her that she is going to become a grandmother soon.     

"Wu Lina is pregnant," he said tenderly hoping to get a reaction from her.     

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