Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

Mrs. Jiao’s Constant Nagging

Mrs. Jiao’s Constant Nagging

She kept crying. He wiped her tears and kissed her cheeks. "Sorry, darling." He embraced her tightly. "I will never ever talk about her. I love you so much. Please, Lina, don't cry." Saying that he picked her in his lap and cradled her. "Shush darling… You are the only woman I have ever truly loved…"     

Wu Lina stopped crying and smiled at her tears. "Then you have to promise me something."     

"What it is darling? I will promise anything you say," he assured her.     

"Don't get in a bad mood when we meet Ying Yue. She is not worth it. More than you it is me who suffers when I see you in that state of mind. What will happen to me if you become unwell again?" Wu Lina shuddered when she remembered those hospital days.     

"I promise," said Yang Xinyu resolutely. "Now don't cry."     

Wu Lina again smiled and said, "Okay, but what about your punishment?"     

Yang Xinyu pursed his lips, shook his head, cradled her back to the bed and started doing push-ups.     

Mrs. Jiao entered the bedroom with tea. Upon seeing the young master exercising so much, her hands started shaking. She gave a bad look at Wu Lina who was giggling. 'Poor master must have been punished by her.'     

Wu Lina looked up to see Mrs. Jiao and her laughter only became louder.     

Mrs. Jiao placed the tea on the coffee table and left shaking her head in disgust.     

Yang Xinyu finished doing push-ups within fifteen minutes, and by the time he finished them, he was so tired he simply slumped down beside her on the bed, all sweaty and panting. He said between catching his breath, "It's better if I have sex with you and be so sweaty instead of doing those push-ups. I promise never ever to feel grouchy after meeting that wench!"     

Wu Lina slapped his chest, "How shameless are you?"     

He laughed and together they moved to the sofa in the corner of the room to have tea.     

By the time they finished, it was evening and the sun was about to set. Yang Xinyu said, "Wu Lina let's go for a short walk around the west side of the house. There is a beautiful garden you haven't seen as yet and it will be good for your health."     

Wu Lina agreed and together they went to take a stroll outside in the garden. When she reached the garden, she was enchanted by the view. The open garden gently sloped down to the sky-blue river that flowed around the island. On one side a grove of willow trees flanked it; they were swishing in the gentle breeze. There were orange trees in the center of the garden that cast a cow-like shadows on the grass below. The flowerbeds were in full bloom with lipstick peonies, orchids, and azaleas. A small pond in the corner lay filled with white lotuses. It was a breathtaking vista.     

As Wu Lina scanned the garden, she couldn't help notice that the evening had started turning into night and the sun was setting behind the mountains of the valley. She held Yang Xinyu's hand, thanking him for showing her such a beautiful world. One she didn't know even existed.     

By the time they reached the back of the house, Mrs. Jiao had prepared dinner and the hungry Wu Lina devoured it all. All the servants who were standing there to attend to them were shocked to see her eating like that but they didn't utter a single word.     

Yang Xinyu had finished his dinner and waited for his wife to finish hers. Later in the room, Wu Lina threw up to her heart's content, much to Yang Xinyu's concerns. Yang Xinyu gave her the folic acid and the vitamins, which the doctor had prescribed.     

Wu Lina was so tired of throwing up that she felt dizzy. Yang Xinyu scooped her up in his arms and carefully placed her on top of the bed. He stroked her luscious hair and said, "Lina, do you want to go to the hospital?"     


"When do you want to do the pregnancy test?" asked Yang Xinyu.     

"I want to wait until for at least four weeks, Xinyu. Is that okay with you?"     

"Yes, dear. Whatever you say…" Yang Xinyu still sat beside her, stroking her hair in a relaxed manner.     

Over the next few days even gulping down water easily without throwing up became a distant dream for Wu Lina. Mrs. Jiao noticed this and immediately came for Wu Lina's help at all times. "Missus, you shouldn't have tea." "Missus, you must not sleep like that." "Missus you should wear loose clothes." "Missus, you have fish-head. It is good for the child's health."     

Wu Lina became the victim of Mrs. Jiao's constant nagging. However, she never protested because there was no other elder who would guide her. She wanted to call her mother but thought of waiting until the pregnancy test was confirmed.     

When the fourth week ended, Yang Xinyu gave Wu Lina the pregnancy kit he had bought a few days back.     

She went to the bathroom to test herself. Out of the ten strips she used, nine showed a positive sign and only one was negative. She was soooo pregnant! She came out to give those strips to Yang Xinyu.     

Yang Xinyu jumped in the air and squealed like a child, "I am going to become a father! Wu Lina, thank you so much!" He was imagining potty training the kids, cleaning sessions, children's schools, universities, profession, their marriage when Wu Lina snapped a finger in front of him.     

"Where are you?" she asked with a smile.     

"Linaaaaa," he exclaimed and picked her and twirled her around. Mrs. Jiao had just entered the room with a plate of dry-fruits and was aghast at what he was doing to the young missus. She ran to him and scolded, "Young master, please put the missus down. She is pregnant and you cannot do that to her!"     

Yang Xinyu shot her a glance and reluctantly set Wu Lina down.     

"How do you know that Wu Lina is pregnant?" asked Yang Xinyu bewildered at her statement.     

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