Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO



The lady doctor who was sitting in her room was a woman in her mid-fifties. She was an extremely experienced doctor and the top hospitals of the country kept luring her every now and then to come and practice with them. However, she continued to stay in City H because her husband never left the family business.     

She knew all about Yang Xinyu and had seen their wedding covered in the media. It was one of the most memorable weddings of the year she had ever seen and she was glad that such an influential couple was there with her. She looked at Wu Lina kindly and smiled at her. Her first question was, "How old are you dear?"     

"I am twenty-two doctor," replied Wu Lina with a lovely smile. "I will turn twenty-three in another month," she added.     

"So what is wrong with our lovely lady today," asked the doctor.     

Wu Lina narrated her problems one by one in detail. Although Yang Xinyu knew about all the problems she was facing, he didn't know that down there between her thighs she was experiencing tenderness. It would burn often. He frowned. No wonder she wasn't interested in having intercourse with him. Why didn't Wu Lina tell him that problem?     

After listening to her, the doctor simply said, "It seems that you have conceived." But what she didn't realize was that her statement was about to have a dynamite effect on someone.     

Wu Lina's face reddened and she asked with a stupefied expression, "Pregnant?" All of a sudden the gravity of the doctor's statement weighed on Wu Lina. "I am pregnant!" she declared with flushed cheeks.     

She looked at Yang Xinyu who was already beaming with excitement. He became so attentive that his body had become stiff on the chair he was sitting on. All of a sudden she saw that four fingers out of his right hand had projected out and two fingers were crossed in his left. What did that mean? She had never seen him so excited! He was euphoric.     

Wu Lina smiled beatifically at him, as she knew that it was a dream come true for Yang Xinyu. He wanted an army of kids around him.     

However, she couldn't believe that she was pregnant. "But it's just been three weeks since I have stopped taking pills," she said turning to her doctor.     

"Have you done a pregnancy test?" asked the doctor calmly.     

Wu Lina shook her head and said, "I didn't even know that I was pregnant…"     

"I suggest that you do the pregnancy test. It is possible that you may receive false results because proper results will show only after four weeks of pregnancy. For now I am prescribing you with folic acid tablets and vitamins," said the doctor kindly with a sweet smile. This was a normal reaction of most of the couples.     

The doctor again looked at her history chart and said, "You are only twenty-two," making Yang Xinyu wonder if she would lecture Wu Lina for conceiving so early in life. But what she said next made Yang Xinyu breathe a sigh of relief, "Do you know this is the right age to conceive?"     

"Your husband needs to take care of you now. Since you are experiencing morning sickness, you should take rest for a few days," she added.     

Yang Xinyu, who was listening to all this became concerned. He stood up from his chair as goose bumps lined his skin as the two women looked at him with a shocked expression. He was going to become a father. Was it too early to anticipate? His emotions were in turmoil.     

"Are you a working woman? Are you working actively?" Asked the doctor just as a routine question expecting that Wu Lina wouldn't be working being a tycoon's wife.     

"Yes doctor, I will start on a new project in a few days," replied Wu Lina much to the doctor's surprise and to Yang Xinyu's chagrin.     

"Oh! In that case I would advice you not to work for a few days till your morning sickness settles in. If you can delay the project it would better for you," advised the doctor.     

Yang Xinyu smiled. Before Wu Lina could speak further he barged in the conversation, "Yes of course doctor, whatever you say." He was nodding heavily.     

Wu Lina cursed him inside and remained quiet.     

The doctor wrote the prescription and passed it to Yang Xinyu. "Please come to visit me after a week after you have done pregnancy tests. I would like to examine you physically."     

The couple thanked the doctor and exited the chamber happily. Wu Lina couldn't believe that she was pregnant. On the other hand Yang Xinyu started fantasizing about holding his four babies in his arms. He wanted to share the news with the Chairman but the pregnancy test had to be confirmed.     

Outside, Yang Xinyu seated her on a comfortable chair and went to get the medication. Just as he had paid the bills and was coming out, he saw Ying Yue coming out from a doctor's chamber. He looked up and realized that she had visited a gynecologist. Without giving her a second glance, he went to look for his wife.     

Ying Yue had seen him and she followed him. She saw that the couple was together in the hospital. She went near them and said, "So what is the Yang couple doing in the hospital?"     

Wu Lina rolled her eyes and didn't bother to reply. Yang Xinyu also started to leave. But Ying Yue shamelessly stopped them. "I am expecting. Do you know I am here to test my pregnancy?" She gave a scornful smile to Wu Lina speaking loudly so that everyone in the vicinity could hear clearly.     

"Very good," said Yang Xinyu as he held Wu Lina's hand and took a step forward to go.     

A woman standing nearby was appalled by the way Yang Xinyu behaved and said, "The rich people have shed all their manners."     

Yet another one barged in, "I remember this lady. She is Ying Yue. I saw her interview on the TV after Yang Xinyu dumped her for that programmer Wu Lina. Poor one, she had cried so much."     

"Yes, see how tables have turned. Now Ying Yue is pregnant," said another one looking at Wu Lina's flat tummy.     

Ying Yue was enjoying the conversation so she didn't stop there.     

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