Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

CEO Yang, Your Dinner Will Get Cold

CEO Yang, Your Dinner Will Get Cold

Her spirits were dampened yet again. She got ready slowly. The maid had filled her Jacuzzi with lavender gel and she spent more time than usual for her bath. She looked at her body in the mirror and wondered whether she was getting fat? Was this the reason Yang Xinyu was losing interest in her? The thought pierced through her heart so badly that she felt fresh tears in her eyes. She pressed the bell and a maid entered the bathroom with a towel. She wrapped herself in the towel and went outside to change into something lose.     

Her mother couldn't come, as she had to go to her brother's school to collect his report card. The silence of the house was bothering her. She wanted to talk to Yang Xinyu but the call wouldn't connect. In the afternoon, the Chairman came to visit her for the first time after he had heard about her pregnancy. She was so happy and grateful that she kowtowed him.     

"That is not needed every time I come child. Also you are pregnant now, don't bend like this again," he said chiding her lovingly.     

Wu Lina took him to the living room and seated him in the most comfortable chair. Then she went to order lunch for the Chairman and herself. She was happy that she wouldn't be alone for lunch that day.     

When she came back to sit with him, she saw that the Chairman had a huge list in his hands.     

He looked at her when she sat down and said, "See Wu Lina I have made a long list of what all you should do now."     

Wu Lina chuckled. ''Even the father loves to write lists!''     

"Child, you must eat healthy food." He looked at the list in concentration and read out the all the foods that she was supposed to eat during her pregnancy as if reading them out of a catalogue, telling the benefits of every food also.     

"Child, you must think good. You should listen to good music always." Saying that he signaled the servant who was standing there to pick a huge bag of CDs that contained classical music next to him. Wu Lina couldn't say a word and accepted the bag.     

"Child, read good books." Saying that the Chairman again signaled the servant to produce yet another large bag full of books. It contained historical work. Wu Lina accepted that again with a very disinterested look.     

"Wu Lina, you should stay happy, no matter what! Don't worry about trivial things in life," said the Chairman after giving so many things to her.     

They chatted for a while and then headed for lunch. During lunch, the Chairman told her, "Wu Lina, I have also informed your mother-in-law about your pregnancy. Although I don't think she would do anything, just be cautious. I hope her heart melts. I am dying to see my grandchild Wu Lina. So please take care of yourself and my grandchild. Don't feel bad about anything. Nothing bad stays forever."     

"Yes father," said Wu Lina feeling assured by his elderly presence.     

After lunch they strolled in the herb garden where the Chairman reminisced about his childhood days making Wu Lina laugh. They spent two hours together and Wu Lina felt so much better. She forgot completely about Yang Xinyu and his secretary. She felt so good that she actually started looking forward to have her baby as soon as possible.     

"When will you get the ultrasound scan?" asked the Chairman, as he was too eager to see his grandchild as soon as possible.     

Secretly, he had started buying toys. But since he didn't know the gender he would end up buying all kinds of toys - for baby girl as well as baby boy. He was rest assured that the gender of the baby would be revealed in the ultrasound scan and then he would be able to buy appropriate toys. All of a sudden he remembered that he had ordered for a limited edition watch for his grandchild, which he would present on his or hers tenth birthday. He had to call the craftsman and ask when would it be ready. It had already been a week!     

After the Chairman left, Wu Lina had so much to check out. She felt as if she was back in the high school and the teacher had given her homework. With a smile she took out one of the CDs and played it while reading one of the books the Chairman had given.     

She read for the next two hours. The music wasn't as bad as she had anticipated, rather it was soothing.     

The day passed on a lighter note with Wu Lina feeling nice.     

Next day Wenqian came over and the house became as disorderly as it could. She was again presented with so many dishes. She felt like a chef from those TV shows who would taste every dish and tell who is the winner.     

After lunch when Wu Lina had settled, Wenqian came to her and said, "Wu Lina I am so happy that you have such a beautiful bungalow to live in and that your husband is taking such a good care of you. I could never accept anyone lesser for you in your life. I know I had not been a good mother to you. Please accept my apologies." Wenqian's voice choked as tears started falling from her eyes. Wu Lina hugged her mother tight and never told her what all she had gone through. It was better untold.     

In the evening when Wenqian left, Wu Lina went back to listening the music and reading the book.     

When she was settling to sleep, Yang Xinyu called her.     

"Baby, what are you doing? I am missing you so much. We had decided that you would accompany me for each business trip. Do you remember?" he said longing to be with her.     

Wu Lina nodded and said, "Yes." There was a huge smile on her lips. "I am about to sleep. Father came yesterday. He presented me with a lot of CDs and books to read," chuckled Wu Lina. She had completely forgotten about the misery she was going through when all of a sudden she heard a female voice saying seductively in the background, "CEO Yang, your dinner will get cold."     

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