Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

Zhao Hai Xiang

Zhao Hai Xiang

"Bo Xiali and I are getting married next Sunday!"     

"Yay!" Wu Lina jumped out of her chair forgetting that she was pregnant.     

"Oh what a great news! Jie, I love you!" Wu Lina was almost breathless.     

"One more thing! I am six weeks pregnant!" said Zhou Zhili getting choked with emotions.     

Wu Lina couldn't believe it. Her jaw dropped. "When did this happen? I mean you guys were in relationship for just two months."     

Zhou Zhili smiled and said, "Yes," very shyly.     

Wu Lina had a second dose of laughter that day. She also wanted to announce her pregnancy but refrained, as the Chairman had been extremely secretive about it. They would be releasing an official statement about her later.     

"I will come along with Yang Xinyu for the wedding Zhou Zhili. I am so happy about all this!"     

The two friends talked about various other things for an hour. When Pān Shīshī's topic came, Zhou Zhili said, "I heard about Pān Shīshī. I was shocked to hear about her audacity to behave to cheaply."     

"But why did you choose her? Wasn't there any information about her previous problems at workplaces?"" asked Wu Lina.     

"No Wu Lina, she had perfect recommendations. As a matter of fact they were so perfect that now I believe it was all forged," said Zhou Zhili spilling her doubts.     

"Who recommended her?" asked Wu Lina.     

"She had numerous recommendations from various offices," replied Zhou Zhili. "Wu Lina, let's not think about her. She was an eyesore. Let us be happy."     

"Yes, Jie," said Wu Lina. She couldn't agree more.     

In the end Wu Lina said, "Jie, I want to host a party for both of you after your wedding. Is that okay?"     

"Sure Wu Lina, I would be honored," said Zhou Zhili feeling grateful.     

In the Yang Corporation Office…     

Yang Xinyu called Lu Shiming to hold a meeting with his people. They took the elevator to the underground, five levels below the ground floor. The elevator opened into a huge room where a large table that could seat ten people was placed. There were five men working on the computers. As soon as they saw Yang Xinyu, they stood up and greeted him. They all recognized Lu Shiming immediately. Lu Shiming was the head of the private army. Ruthless as ever, he was a man no one would like to mess with.     

Yang Xinyu nodded and sat down on the master chair of the table. Lu Shiming kept standing behind him. One of the people over there pressed a button on his table on Lu Shiming's cue. A panel opened on the wall ahead of them revealing fifty large TV screens. The screens came to life and one could see faces of all the men over there.     

Yang Xinyu was video conferencing with his entire private army for the first time.     

Each of them stated their name and greeted their new boss. While all of them could see Yang Xinyu, none of them could see each other. Other than Yang Xinyu, Lu Shiming and the five people in the room, they didn't know each other's identity.     

In the meeting that extended for two hours, reports from across the world poured in. The infiltrator who had entered the Sapphire Bungalow was not from China but an internationally wanted mafia leader from Czech Republic. It was hard to trace out the purpose of his action.     

When the meeting ended, Yang Xinyu went to his office. He had instructed to get a new secretary to Bo Xilai.     

There were too many candidates for the post since in the office circles being CEO Yang's secretary meant a huge thing. It was an extremely prestigious position. But this time Bo Xilai was very cautious in choosing a candidate. It was a Wednesday and Bo Xilai not only had to prepare for his wedding but also interview the candidates.     

Poor Zhou Zhili was managing the wedding preparations on her own. She would often chide Bo Xilai for not taking leave from his job for the wedding. But he would listen to her quietly. She was pregnant with his child, and on top of that she was also managing the event all by herself.     

Out of the candidates that were there, Bo Xilai liked only one. He was a fresh engineer just out of school and was looking for a job. His academic records were outstanding and he could have easily been recruited for a better position. But he chose to apply for this position. Bo Xilai grilled him for over an hour in the interview to know the real reason behind his intentions for joining the job as a secretary. But all he got out from him was that he wanted to change the concept of secretarial job.     

Tall and lean with an athletic figure, Zhao Hai xiang was in his school's football team. He had lost his father at an early age, and his mother had worked hard as a maid in many houses to support his education. Zhao Hai xiang had been a stellar student. Based on his academic record he managed to get a scholarship from the engineering college he joined. He opted for electrical telecommunication. He wanted his mother to rest once he graduated.     

He was looking for a suitable job when Lu Shiming approached him for the job. His mother had also worked as a maid at Lu Shiming's house, who had seen the child growing up ever since he was fifteen. When he was eighteen, Lu Shiming took him under his wings. Loyal, cold and intelligent, those were the perfect traits Lu Shiming had been looking for. He trained him in various combat arts including Kung Fu and shooting, while he was also studying.     

Lu Shiming made him join the Yang's private army at the age of twenty. He looked upon Zhao Hai xiang as his successor.     

Finally, Bo Xilai picked the twenty-three year old Zhao Hai xiang as the new secretary of Yang Xinyu. When Zhao Hai xiang came out of the room after the interview, he gave a nod to Lu Shiming who was present amongst the candidates discretely. They both left the building as quietly as possibly.     

Zhao Hai xiang was supposed to join the office from next day itself.     

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