Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

Three Tiny Dots

Three Tiny Dots

Yang Xinyu was hard pressed for words. He didn't know how to react. The moment he heard 'triplets' he felt blood rushing to his head. He didn't know that wishing for that many babies and actually having that many were two different things. He looked at Wu Lina, who was still under the shock. Slowly he got up from his place and faintly smiled. The faint smile slowly turned into a bigger one, then into a grin, and then he started laughing.     

"We are going to have three babies Wu Lina," he shouted, jumping with excitement. "Yay! Oh my god! Thank you doctor!" He thanked doctor as if she was responsible for making his babies.     

He went near Wu Lina and ignoring the fact that the doctor was present, he bent and kissed his wife passionately. Warmth was filling heart and he said, "Thank you Wu Lina."     

The doctor giggled.     

His excitement was not under control. He felt tingling throughout his body. He wanted to crush Wu Lina in his arms. He wanted to shout out to the world. Could he really be so lucky? He looked at the three tiny dots on the screen. "Doctor, can I have that photograph of my dots?"     

"Of course. I will give you the photo. Since Wu Lina is carrying triplets, she has to be taken care of very seriously. Chances of having triplets are pretty rare. She has to have proper nutrition and rest in order for them to grow well. We would want that each child's weight is at least three kg when they are born but that is highly unlikely, so we would be happy if they are two and half kg also. I will be writing you more medicines," said the doctor while handing tissue papers to Wu Lina to wipe off the gel from her tummy.     

Wu Lina was listening to all the conversation in a dazed state. She could never imagine that she would become a mommy to three children at the age of twenty-three. She was expecting only one child!     

The doctor took them to her chamber. When they were going back, Yang Xinyu circled Wu Lina's shoulders tightly and looked down at her. He noticed that she was stupefied. He lifted her chin and said, "Baby, we are going to become parents to three kids. Don't worry. I'll be there for you. Just relax. I love you so much!"     

Wu Lina nodded and smiled. His excitement was infectious and she grinned.     

The doctor prescribed more medicines. She advised them on all the precautions Wu Lina had to take to successfully give birth to her triplets. The most important was that she shouldn't be exposed to any kind of jerk. And all Yang Xinyu could think was to carry her in his arms wherever she wanted to go!     

They came out of the hospital. The day suddenly looked brighter to Yang Xinyu despite the fact that he had to attend the board meeting. In the car, he made Wu Lina sit on his lap and said, "Thank you darling," circling her waist. "This has been one of the best news I have ever received."     

Wu Lina stroked his hair to the point that they were messed. "Yang Xinyu, I love you. This is the best gift we could give each other for our love." She circled his neck and kissed his forehead, her eyes becoming teary. Yes, God had indeed been kind to them. Their past was filled with so many obstacles. But now the kids sealed all the unhappiness that had even entered their lives.     

Affectionately she looked in his brown eyes and said, "I hope all of our kids have your brown eyes, and be as handsome as you are."     

Yang Xinyu immediately said, "No. They all have to look like you. I want to look at more of Wu Lina in my house."     

Wu Lina crossed her arms ready to go against him and just like that they had a fight. The driver of the car looked at them through the rear view mirror and face palmed himself.     

Yang Xinyu wanted to drop Wu Lina to the house but the board meeting was going to take place in an hour and he had to prepare for that too.     

They drove to the office. Yang Xinyu asked Wu Lina to rest in the lounge. He accompanied her to the lounge and ensured that she was comfortable there. He didn't want to leave her. "Baby I don't want to leave you. But we have the board meeting in sometime. I will be back as soon as possible. Don't go out of the lounge and if you need to eat, call me without hesitation. If you don't feel good, come to the room where the meeting would take place. Okay?"     

Wu Lina nodded and he left.     

On way to the office he called the Chairman and informed him about the triplets. The Chairman was reading important documents about the board meeting. All the documents dropped from his hand. He got up from his chair and asked, "Where is Wu Lina?"     

"She is in the office lounge…"     

Before he could complete the sentence, the Chairman disconnected the call. He ran out of the office. The employees who were standing around him also ran after him. The Chairman walked all the way to the lounge from his office. By the time he reached there, he was breathless. He knocked the lounge's door. When Wu Lina opened it, he held her hand and said, "Child, what do you want from me?"     

Wu Lina immediately had guards up. "Father, I don't want anything…"     

"Child, the Yang family is going to have three grandchildren. Do you know what that means? I can give you the world," said the Chairman without blinking.     

Wu Lina lowered her guards and laughed.     

All of a sudden the Chairman called the craftsman and ordered two more watches that had to be gifted to the kids at the age of ten. He had to buy every toy, two times more. His secret toy room was already overflowing. He had to build another room soon. He called Lu Shiming and asked him to hire thirty bodyguards whose services had to be used in another eight months.     

Wu Lina sat down on her bed and ate an apple while watching the Chairman going berserk.     

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