Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

Getting Ready to Sleep

Getting Ready to Sleep

Yang Chún qiàn didn't know what to do. She was trapped so badly, stripped not only of her membership but also all her assets. She lowered her head in indignation. She was insulted beyond any redemption. Now she was left to choose her fate. If the Chairman wanted, he could have sent her to jail easily, but again, he proved that his company's image was more important and, so, he had decided to send her to the hospital instead.     

Yang Chún qiàn started laughing. She looked blankly into space, and her laughter increased. The ward boys from the hospital were waiting outside the boardroom. They came and assisted her to get up before taking her to the hospital van that was waiting outside the office building.     

She started resisting them violently, so the men made her lie on the stretcher and strapped her. Then they used the private elevator to bring her to the hospital van, which soon drove away speedily.     

Yang Chún qiàn was gone from his life forever. For Chairman, a chapter of his life was over. Along with Yang Xinyu and Wu Lina, he left the boardroom. He was in no mood to talk to anyone, so he simply took an early leave of absence and went to the Yang Mansion.     

The mansion looked desolate without its lady. He spent his day in his room. He looked at all the photographs of Yang Chún qiàn, stroking her face in them. He felt guilty of stripping her of all that she ever had. He had known of her intentions for a long time and hence confined her to her room so that she never grew awry. But her crooked head led her to her imminent downfall. He couldn't tolerate her anymore. With Wu Lina pregnant with his grandchildren, all he could think of was their safety.     

When the night settled, he came out of the room, and the butler served the dinner. The Chairman had dinner in silence. Once he had finished, the old butler slowly asked him, "Chairman, where is madam?"     

The Chairman looked up at him and said, "Your madam will never return to this mansion. I would like you to pack your bags and leave this place. Thank you for all your services." Saying that, he left the room, leaving the old butler gaping.     

That was the last vicious connection the Chairman dealt with. He dusted off his nightgown and went to smoke a cigar on the terrace garden.     

Meanwhile, in the Sapphire bungalow, Yang Xinyu was lying down on his bed, feeling very sad about what happened in the boardroom. Wu Lina came and sat next to him. She said, "Yang Xinyu, I know it hurts. She was your mother…"     

Yang Xinyu looked up at her. Bringing his hands to her cheeks, he said, "Both our moms had left us so early in our lives… Why do parents give birth if they just end up leaving us? Wu Lina, I promise, I will never leave my kids and would never let you leave them ever." He was in need of that assurance.     

"Yes, darling. I would never leave our kids alone, and I would never leave you." She bent down and kissed him after assuring him. "Please don't feel sad. It makes me feel worse…"     

Yang Xinyu smiled at her and changed the topic. "So how is my baby doing? Let me congratulate you on becoming a board member."     

"Haha, thank you. But what do I have to do as a board member?"     

"Mostly, you just have to sit and come for board meetings. I don't want you to work at all. My kids are very important, and I don't want to give them any tension," replied Yang Xinyu with a huge grin.     

"However, later you can start your own company, if you like."     


"Of course!"     

Wu Lina jumped in excitement. Yang Xinyu immediately chided her. "A pregnant woman shouldn't be giving jerks to her body, and you are pregnant with three of my kids. You better take care." He started caressing her belly.     

Wu Lina laughed. She got up to take a shower, leaving Yang Xinyu with his phone to check office emails.     

It was a day of mixed emotions—ecstasy and sadness. In the morning, the news of triplets had started the day with a bang, but the exit of his mother brought gloom. Yang Xinyu tried to divert his mind and went to check his emails from his laptop on the table.     

When Wu Lina came out, she chose to wear a blue net lingerie with blue silk panties. The lingerie's hem was lined with delicate white fur. It was barely below her hips. Wu Lina felt very comfortable in that lingerie because she would sweat a lot. The fabric of the lingerie was hanging from her shoulders, falling on the contours of her breasts and gathering around her waist.     

As she came out of the walk-in closet, Yang Xinyu's gaze fell on her. His mouth opened like that of fish, and he gawked at her. His gaze followed her. Wu Lina went to sit on the side of the bed to apply body lotion to her arms and legs. Then she climbed the bed and crawled up to her pillow. The lingerie's exquisite fabric fell to the bed while barely covering her back as she jiggled her buttocks to prep them up. She placed them against the headboard of the bed in order to rest in a half sitting position.     

Yang Xinyu squirmed in his chair. He was getting uncomfortable by the second. He saw her sprawled like a cat on the bed. Her breasts were showing from underneath the net fabric, and her flawless skin looked alluring, reflecting a tint of blue. He got up from his chair, circled the bed and came to stand by her side. With his hands on his waist, he said, "What are you doing?" His member bulged out visibly from his pajamas.     

Wu Lina looked up at him with surprise and said, "Getting ready to sleep."     

Yang Xinyu couldn't resist her anymore. He jumped to her side and caught her. "The little Yang Xinyu is getting wilder."     

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