Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

Jail or Hospital?

Jail or Hospital?

Every member of the board was stunned to hear the Chairman's proposal.     

When Wu Lina heard the Chairman, she was startled. This was sudden development and she wasn't even ready. She shook her head. 'No… how will I manage kids and this position?' She looked at Yang Xinyu for help but found that he was smiling at her as if this was a scheme the father and son had played together.     

Yang Chún qiàn who watching the scene unfold in front of her became dull. Her knees felt wobbly. She felt as if she was falling into an abyss. All that she was proud of in her life, all that she had earned in her life, and all that she was about to gain in her life, was spiraling down at the speed of a tornado. She could feel a string of tears falling on her cheeks. She looked at her husband and her son, as they were nominating Wu Lina for the position against her. Was this pre-planned? Were the son and father into it all along? Her body lost energy and felt as if she was about to faint. She slumped slightly on the chair only to be held back by the security again.     

"If you have any doubts, you can all cast your votes right now for the proposal I have just presented," said the Chairman in an ice cold voice. His tone was akin to 'do not mess with me'.     

The board members started talking amongst themselves and came to a conclusion. They all agreed to make Wu Lina as one of the members of the board in place of Yang Chún qiàn. Moreover another motion was passed that due to Yang Chún qiàn's ill health all her shares would be equally distributed amongst them.     

Wu Lina closed her mouth with her hands. She was so nervous that she didn't know how to react. Yang Xinyu walked towards her proudly, held her shoulders and made her stand. He whispered, "Acknowledge your position to them now."     

Wu Lina composed herself and bowed down. She said, "Thank you for choosing me please take care of me," and sat down again. She looked at Yang Chún qiàn feeling guilty that she was the reason for her oust. But Yang Xinyu held her chin and directed her gaze to him. He whispered again with a smile, "I love you, pookie."     

Wu Lina became a full fledged member of the board that day.     

The meeting was adjourned. When every member left the room and only the Chairman, Yang Xinyu, Wu Lina were left along with Yang Chún qiàn who was pinned by the security men, the Chairman congratulated Wu Lina.     

"Wu Lina, I am happy to have you on board. Do you know you are the youngest member of the board?" he asked with a chuckle.     

Wu Lina smiled back, a blush rising on her face. "Thank you father."     

"You wench! You have taken everything from my – my power, my position and my money. How are you feeling you vile woman?" came a dreadful voice from behind.     

Wu Lina looked at her in pity, and said, "You should have respected your son and your husband."     

"Shut up you witch!" retorted Yang Chún qiàn. "I will kill you."     

Yang Xinyu, who was quiet, signaled the security people to go out of the room. When they were left alone he said, "Don't say a word to Wu Lina. She had been a pillar of support to me. She had been there with me through the worst times of my life. But you ensured that both of us separate by one or the other means. Mrs. Yang, I am sorry but from today you are not my mother anymore. This was the last straw.     

"So if you plan on going against Wu Lina in any way and I feel that even as small as her hair is harmed, you will be declaring a war with me. So beware," growled Yang Xinyu.     

The Chairman looked at his son and then his wife and said, "Yang Chún qiàn since I am your guardian, I have instructed to send you to the hospital. That is where you will spend rest of your life. I will make sure that you are confined there only."     

Yang Chún qiàn spat at him and said, "You think I will go there. You cannot take me there without my permission."     

"In that case you will have to go to jail for breaching the contract," informed Yang Xinyu.     

"What contract? You have already proved that you were not in the hospital," said Yang Chún qiàn mocking at him.     

"Yes it is proven that I wasn't in the hospital. But the contract papers were legal," answered Yang Xinyu with a shrug.     

"You have breached the contract by telling about my so-called illness to the public."     

Yang Chún qiàn didn't know what to do. She was trapped from all sides. If she wouldn't go to the hospital, she would have to go to the jail. She smiled at her son and her husband. "You've played very well."     

"Of course mother," replied Yang Xinyu. "We had monitored your movements from a long time now. We waited for you to make your move and you walked right into our trap."     

"We knew that you had contacted your sister for removing me as the company's CEO. I had informed father of your activities long time back. Even though I wavered a little because after all you are my mother, but I was shocked when you distributed those hospital documents to each member in the room over here. Even a stepmom wouldn't do that kind of a thing. You are worse than an enemy," said Yang Xinyu with disdain towards her. "I am ashamed to call you my mother."     

The Chairman was listening to Yang Xinyu and felt pity for him. But he was glad that Yang Xinyu had his wife right beside him. He asked, "So where is it you want to go Yang Chún qiàn – to the jail or to the hospital?"     

Her ego shattered like thousands of glass pieces, and she looked like a wounded animal.     

The Chairman waited for her answer and then said, "Since I am your guardian, I will make that decision for you. You will be sent to the Goldmine Hospital."     

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