Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

A Surprise Call

A Surprise Call

However, while going back to her car, she saw a familiar figure. It was Ying Yue who was going inside a cosmetics shop.     

Wu Lina ignored her and went to the parking area. While going back, she decided to take a detour and go to her mom's place.     

Wenqian was so happy to see her daughter. "Wu Lina, how are you?" Wenqian ran to her and embraced her. She hadn't been able to meet Wu Lina for some time now. She held her hand and seated her before going to the kitchen to make porridge for her pregnant daughter. Wu Lina followed her inside and said, "Mother, I want to share some news with you."     

Even though the Chairman and Yang Xinyu had asked her not to reveal her pregnancy information to anyone, she couldn't hide it from her mother.     

"What is it Wu Lina?" asked her mother while she stirred the porridge on the stove.     

"Mother, I am pregnant with triplets…" said Wu Lina softly.     

Wenqian dropped the spatula with which she was stirring on the floor. She was so surprised that her eyes were wide. "Wu Lina, oh my God! You mean you have three kids in there." Goose bumps lined her skin.     

"Yes mom…"     

Wenqian hugged her daughter tightly. She was ecstatic that she would see faces of three grandkids at once. No one in her family had given birth to triplets. But she pitied her daughter as to how would she manage three children inside her. "Wu Lina do you know you will have to be so careful. You have to eat nicely not only for yourself but for those three kids who are growing inside you. Can you imagine the gravity of the situation? My baby," said Wenqian with tears in her eyes.     

"You need care round the clock child." Wenqian closed her mouth and started crying softly. "I wish I was there for you all the time."     

"Mother, please don't cry. I have so many people around me. The Chairman and Yang Xinyu have employed a battery of servants. I don't even have to have a glass of water on my own. There are multiple layers of protection around me all the time." Said Wu Lina to assure her mother.     

"Why do you have so much protection around you?" asked Wenqian a little surprised.     

"Mother, they haven't revealed the news in the public. And they are afraid that someone might harm me…"     

Wenqian became all the more worried. "Wu Lina, why have you come here? Go to your home and just stay there dear. Please I beg you never to come out of the house until you have delivered the babies."     

Wenqian became paranoid.     

"Mother, don't worry. Just go out and look outside. You will find so many security men out there," said Wu Lina rolling her eyes.     

Wenqian couldn't believe, so she ran out only to see numerous security men in black positioned at various spots outside the house. The area looked like a bastion. She gaped and came inside with a satisfied expression. "I am so happy Wu Lina that the Chairman and Yang Xinyu are taking so much care."     

"Mother, actually care is an understatement. They are going overboard," said Wu Lina passively.     

Wenqian laughed heartily. The porridge was prepared by then and she gave it to Wu Lina. "Ah Lina, you must eat regularly, okay? Promise me that you will not hurt those babies inside by not eating."     

"Mother, I am eating like a pig these days. And yes I promise you," said Wu Lina with a smile.     

While she was eating porridge, Yang Xinyu called, "Wu Lina, why did you take a detour? Why didn't you tell me beforehand that you were going to your mother's place?" He sounded extremely worried.     

"Yang Xinyu, I have just come to my mother's place. Why are so worked up?" She wondered how did he come to know about it.     

"No! Don't you understand this is dangerous?" he retorted.     

Wu Lina sulked, "Okay I am going back in some time."     

Then she finished the porridge and left promising her mother to take care of herself.     

Wenqian was depressed when she heard Wu Lina's predicament but she also understood that it was important, as she was carrying Yang family's heirs.     

When Wenqian was clearing the kitchen she received a call from an unknown number. She picked the phone and it was Vladimir. It was a surprise because it was impossible for him to even place a call in the country.     

"Vladimir, how are you? Where were you all this while? Where are you calling from?" she asked out of curiosity.     

"Wenqian I am not fine. I am calling from Italy," he said quietly.     

"What happened Vladimir?"     

"I am suffering from a heart condition," he said with sadness in his voice. "How is Wu Lina?" he continued.     

"Oh! Do you know Wu Lina is married now? She married Yang Xinyu. Oh my God! I have so much to tell you about your daughter," said Wenqian in one breath. She was so excited.     

"Wenqian, I want to meet my daughter. I crave to be with her. There is so much I want to give her. I feel stifled for not being able to meet my only child. Please help me," said Vladimir almost on the verge of crying.     

Wenqian felt sad for him. "How can I help Vladimir? She asked.     

"I am planning to come to the country and you have to arrange a meeting with her," he told her. "But this has to be done discreetly, you know why.     

"Vladimir, it is impossible to meet Wu Lina now," said Wenqian remembering the security around her.     

"Why is that Wenqian?" asked Vladimir very surprised.     

Wenqian couldn't hold it from her father, "She is pregnant."     


"Yes, and with triplets!" Wenqian shouted with joy!     

Vladimir's hands started shaking. His blood ran to his head. Did he hear her correctly? Three children! That means three heirs for his business! "Wenqian, are you sure?" he asked her in a shaky voice.     

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