Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

Gifts for My Daughter

Gifts for My Daughter

Two days passed and there was no news of Vladimir. Wu Lina though that he had abandoned his plans. The hope that was building within her slowly diminished.     

But Yang Xinyu never dropped his guard for a minute. All the phone lines in the house were tapped for potential call from Vladimir. The only thing that was off was that the city's police was hardly into action. Lu Shiming had already reported to the police department about Vladimir's arrival but there was little to no action. Perhaps they had already laid a trap. With that self-assurance, Yang Xinyu stayed calm.     

It was on the third day that Wenqian called Wu Lina in the afternoon.     

"Wu Lina, your father has come here and he is requesting to meet you," she said.     

Wu Lina's hope rekindled. She became excited and said, "Sure mother. Even I would love to meet him. It would be a great if he could have lunch with me."     

"Well, talk to your father then," said Wenqian with a smile and handed the phone to Vladimir.     

Vladimir had entered the city along with his troop of fifty men apart from Aleksander and the mercenary who he had appointed for Wu Lina and himself. A group of another hundred loyal men became active when he arrived in the town.     

"How are you my child?" said Vladimir, dying to listen to his daughter.     

"I am doing good, father…" Wu Lina was getting used to that word.     

"It is so nice to hear you. I heard that you are expecting. Child, can I come to see you?" pleaded Vladimir.     

"Of course father! Please have lunch with me," she said touched by his heart-warming plea.     

Vladimir accepted and said, "Thank you child. I will be there in an hour."     

Vladimir refused to call her Wu Lina. He wanted to officially adopt her as soon as possible and call her Lina Yankova. That's what she was – a Yankova. He had already ordered Wu Yi-Zheng to remove Wu Lina from his family registry, which Wu Yi-Zheng was happy to do.     

Wu Lina called Yang Xinyu and informed him that Vladimir was coming to have lunch with them.     

"Okay baby, I am coming as soon as possible." Yang Xinyu was riled up. He had to be near Wu Lina as soon as possible. And the only way was…     

Within fifteen minutes Wu Lina saw that the company's helicopter landed on the helipad of the bungalow and Yang Xinyu stepped out of it. Wu Lina ogled at him when he came out. He was looking extremely handsome in his shades and the white suit that he wore in the morning. But she was surprised as to how come he was there within fifteen minutes. This was clear abuse of company's resources!     

He was all smiles when he came inside. Wu Lina laughed at him and circled her hands around his arm. Together they went inside.     

Mrs. Jiao had prepared a large number of dishes for the guest. According to Wu Lina, he was her biological father and Mrs. Jiao had to impress him with best dishes.     

Vladimir came to the Sapphire bungalow in another one hour. Aleksander accompanied him. His car was followed by another car. All of them were stopped at three various places before reaching the barricaded bridge. There again a thorough security check was done for both the cars. Lu Shiming personally checked the cars while scanners were also run to see if they were hiding any ammunition. Once he was satisfied, he let the cars go in the main bungalow. He gave cold looks to Aleksander all the while. Aleksander sat quietly without getting provoked.     

When Vladimir reached the bungalow, Wu Lina was already waiting for him. She greeted her father excitedly. He was so happy to see her that he stepped out of the car and went to give her a bear hug, when he saw Yang Xinyu emerging from the main door of the house. His face darkened. Their glares met and silently fireworks started. Yang Xinyu clearly conveyed that this was his territory and his people.     

Yang Xinyu stepped forward to shake hands with Vladimir. It was a short handshake with each other quickly withdrawing their hands – an act in front of Wu Lina. Yang Xinyu didn't even bother to shake hands with Aleksander, who had extended his hand. Aleksander swallowed his pride and stayed calm.     

It was Vladimir who spoke first, "Lina, you look so pale. Isn't your husband taking care of you? Are you not eating good food?"     

Wu Lina blushed, "I am eating a lot these days father."     

He laughed, "That is good then." After a moment's pause he added, "This second car here contains gifts for my daughter."     

Wu Lina turned her gaze to the white car and it was a second gaping moment for her. A servant was called to assist the driver with the gifts. The gifts were nothing but large jewelry boxes. There were over forty sets and five servants had to help carrying them inside.     

"Father, what are these?..." asked Wu Lina totally astounded.     

"They are just a few jewelry sets for my child," said Vladimir and closed her gaping mouth. "This is nothing dear. So don't look at it like that. You haven't seen anything," he added proudly. His wealth was uncountable.     

Wu Lina shook her head. Vladimir circled his arms around her shoulders and the conversation between the father and the daughter carried till they were seated inside. The servants started serving them with drinks.     

Yang Xinyu and Aleksander talked very less while the conversation between father and the daughter was non-stop. They were exploring each other's hobbies and talking about hardships of the life they faced. Vladimir eyes again became misty when he heard how Wu Yi-Zheng treated his daughter. If it had been for him, he would have wrung that man's neck long time back but didn't do so had it not been for Wenqian.     

It was already past 4pm, however, Vladimir had no inclination to leave. Aleksander had to take a final call.     

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