Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

Kidnapped (2)

Kidnapped (2)

The helicopter landed on a hilly terrain, the top of which was converted into a landing strip. It looked deserted, and there were just mountains and jungle around that area.     

As soon as the helicopter landed, the pilot switched off the engine and jumped out of his seat to open the door for the passengers. The passengers included Wu Lina, Vladimir, Zhao Hai xiang and Aleksander.     

Zhao Hai xiang had held his gun to Vladimir's temple all this time that they were in the air. He knew that this was the only way for him to stay close to Wu Lina. With his other hand, he had pressed a cloth on his neck to stop the blood from oozing out. Aleksander, on the other hand, was in a lot of pain. He was barely able to move.     

Vladimir was only concerned about Wu Lina. He kept a close watch on her. She hadn't closed her eyes, which was a good sign.     

The passengers exited the helicopter one by one and entered the aircraft that was standing a little further away. A doctor along with an assistant was standing outside, waiting for them. Wu Lina was carefully taken inside the aircraft and made to lie on a bed that was specially made for her. But by the time she lied on the bed, she fainted.     

Vladimir became nervous when seeing his daughter in that condition. Did his plan fail? He looked at the doctor furiously and said, "What happened? Why has she fainted? You said that the drug is mild enough to make her drowsy."     

The doctor cringed and replied, "Sir, she has fainted due to fatigue." He checked her pulse, which was stable. He gave a reassuring look to Vladimir and said, "She will wake up soon."     

Vladimir rubbed his forehead in frustration. He was hardly bothered that Zhao Hai xiang was holding a gun to him all this while.     

The aircraft took off.     

The doctor then attended Aleksander. He asked him to lie down, as he had lost a lot of blood. His shirt was stained red and stinking of that metallic smell. Aleksander looked at Zhao Hai xiang and mentally made a note of giving him the worst treatment he could imagine. The doctor gave him a morphine shot to ease his pain.     

Zhao Hai xiang didn't expect any mercy. His aim was to stay beside Wu Lina. Yang Xinyu had briefed him of this backup plan in case a situation like this occurred. Although Yang Xinyu had been unsure whether Vladimir would go to this extent, he had his plans in place.     

Wu Lina woke up an hour later. Her vision was blurry, and her head was hurting. She tried to get up. Vladimir rushed to her side and helped her to sit. Looking around, she found herself in unfamiliar surroundings. She saw Aleksander, who appeared to be sleeping, and Zhao Hai xiang, who had a gun pointing at someone. She turned and saw that Vladimir was holding her. Filled with disgust, she removed his hand. Still feeling heavy and groggy, she asked, "Where am I?"     

The doctor immediately came by her side to check her vitals. After examining her, he said in Bulgarian, "She is fine."     

Wu Lina repeated her question. "Where am I?"     

Vladimir remained quiet. She looked at Zhao Hai xiang for answers.     

Zhao Hai xiang said in Chinese, "Don't worry, Ms. Wu Lina. You are fine. We are in an aircraft. I think we are going to Bulgaria."     

Wu Lina looked at his bleeding neck. The words were not spoken, but she understood that Zhao Hai xiang plunged himself into this fight for her. Tears came out. She remembered how Yang Xinyu was always concerned about her safety, and how she mocked him. Her need for that parental love led her to this situation. She wondered what she had gotten herself into and whether she would ever be able to see Yang Xinyu again.     

Vladimir's heart wrenched when he saw her crying. "Lina, child, please don't cry. You are in my hands and trust me, you are very safe."     

"No, I can never trust you now…" said Wu Lina, wiping her tears away. She wouldn't let him see how vulnerable she was without Yang Xinyu.     

"Lina, I am sorry, but you have to know that you are my only child. I wanted to be with you ever since you were not even born. But fate took a twist. When I found you, I couldn't hold myself. Right now you will hate me, but later, when you will see where you are going to, you will forget all about your past. You are my princess, my heiress. And your babies will be my heirs too," said Vladimir proudly.     

Wu Lina was amused at her father's arrogance. She realized that he had become extremely selfish. "If you remember, I had told you that I wouldn't exist if I were not with Yang Xinyu."     

Vladimir gave her a cold stare and replied, "Lina, not only will you exist, we will make sure that my grandchildren are born safely. You don't know me!"     

"I want to speak with Yang Xinyu," demanded Wu Lina.     

Exasperated, Vladimir said, "You can talk to him once we land in Bulgaria."     

Wu Lina became quiet and lied down. She was exhausted to the point that she went off to sleep again. At least Zhao Hai xiang was with her.     

The doctor had kept a close watch on Wu Lina all this time.     

The aircraft landed a few hours later on a private airstrip. As soon as the passengers were out of it, they were hustled towards the cars that were waiting for them.     

Zhao Hai xiang had become a nuisance for Vladimir, but he tolerated him because of Wu Lina, as he didn't want her to get stressed anymore.     

Wu Lina stayed close to Zhao Hai xiang. She didn't give Vladimir a chance to think that he could harm Zhao Hai xiang. Zhao Hai xiang was her trusted man in this place. It was important that he stayed beside her. She was already forming plans to escape from there.     

Vladimir sat down with Wu Lina and Zhao Hai xiang while Aleksander was in a different car.     

The caravan of cars drove away to Vladimir's mansion. A team of doctors followed Vladimir's car.     

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