Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

Kidnapped (1)

Kidnapped (1)

Zhao Hai xiang left the room to run the errand, and when he was back, he saw that the lunch was spread out. It was a French menu with exotic dishes. He was impressed by their quick services. The waiters were standing around to serve the dishes. When the dishes were served, they all started eating. Wu Lina was enjoying the dishes and thought that this was something she liked eating after a long time. She gazed at her father in admiration.     

Ten minutes later, she felt drowsy.     

Zhao Hai xiang was watching her and noticed that her eyelids had become heavier. Vladimir and Aleksander were busy eating. All of a sudden, they heard a thud and saw that Wu Lina had slumped in her chair. Vladimir instantly stood and went next to her. She was drowsy, but her eyes were open. Vladimir picked her up in his arms and shouted something to Aleksander.     

Wu Lina couldn't hear anything, and her vision became blurry. It was as if she was in a dream-like situation. Everything was hazy. She wanted to get out of it but couldn't even lift a finger. She sensed someone had picked her and was walking out of the door. She turned her gaze and looked at the person who had carried her. That was her father. He was hurrying her out of the dining room. Zhao Hai xiang was calling someone when his phone fell on the floor.     

When Vladimir picked Wu Lina, Zhao Hai xiang, sensing trouble, texted a message to Yang Xinyu. He was on high alert.     

Vladimir carried Wu Lina out of the door, shouting at Aleksander to ask the staff of the restaurant to arrange for the helicopter. As soon as they stepped out of the room, Zhao Hai xiang was aghast at the scene outside. Most of the men of the security team were being shot at. Some of them were bleeding, and some were lying unconscious on the floor.     

Turning towards Vladimir, Zhao Hai xiang took his gun out and pointed it at his temple. Vladimir had savage looks in his eyes. As soon as Zhao Hai xiang took his gun out, Aleksander also took out his gun and pointed it at Wu Lina.     

"Do you think I am mad?" said Vladimir to Zhao Hai xiang. "Look around you."     

Zhao Hai xiang scanned the area and found a hefty man coming towards them, loaded with a very sophisticated gun in one hand and a knife in another. "Raz, good job!" said Vladimir and looked at Zhao Hai xiang coldly. Zhao Hai xiang remembered that Raz was sitting in the lobby of the restaurant.     

Coming near them with a menacing look, Raz nodded. He was a one-man army and had taken down all those men one by one.     

Aleksander's gun was still pointed at Wu Lina. He said, "Put your gun down and slide it across the room."     

Zhao Hai xiang had to quickly think. He said, "I will do so if you also take the gun down at the same time."     

By that time, Raz had come near Zhao Hai xiang, and he had held his knife to his neck. But Zhao Hai xiang didn't flinch. He continued to maintain his stance and buy time so that Yang Xinyu could arrive in time.     

But Vladimir was in a hurry. He looked at Raz and said, "Take him down."     

Zhao Hai xiang could feel the knife digging in his neck. He had to remove Raz from his back in order to stop Vladimir. In a split second, Raz had pinned Zhao Hai xiang to the floor, and his gun slid. He straddled Zhao Hai xiang and, after bending forward, was about to pierce his knife in his neck, but Zhao Hai xiang defended himself with one hand while using the other to quickly attack the other's eyes as if he would gouge them out. It was extremely painful. Raz yelped and rolled over on the ground. Zhao Hai xiang speedily kicked him in his shin and ran after Vladimir.     

Vladimir had hurriedly gone out of the area, and he was running towards the helipad where a helicopter was just about to touch down.     

Zhao Hai xiang ran as fast as possible and reached them when the helicopter touched the ground. He was hoping to see Yang Xinyu come out of it, but it was empty. Only the pilot was inside.     

Zhao Hai xiang was losing blood from his neck, but he still ran after them, and as soon as he was about two meters away, he leaped into the air to kick Aleksander down to the ground. Aleksander's gun slid away in the bushes nearby. A hand-to-hand combat followed in which Aleksander was brutally injured.     

Vladimir looked at the two of them and, without wasting time, he sat inside the helicopter, whose door was opened by the pilot.     

"Quick, hurry up, Aleksander!" shouted Vladimir after he sat and secured Wu Lina's and his seat belts.     

Raz had come by that time; his left eye was bloody. He attacked Zhao Hai xiang from behind, but Zhao Hai xiang was too quick for his tactics. He dodged him and ran inside the helicopter. He took out his gun that was hidden in his belt and put it to Vladimir's temple.     

Somehow, Aleksander crawled in the helicopter. He was in immense pain, as his ribs were badly injured, and he was occasionally coughing blood.     

The pilot sat in the seat after closing the doors. The helicopter with its occupants flew away to an undisclosed location over the valleys and the mountains.     

Wu Lina had become too drowsy. She struggled to stay awake. Through her blurry vision, she saw that Vladimir was sitting next to her while Aleksander and Zhao Hai xiang were sitting on the opposite side.     

Yes, she was kidnapped. Yang Xinyu's fears had come alive. She was fooled by her father…     

But her shadow, Zhao Hai xiang, was with her…     

The helicopter was in the sky for about forty-five minutes before it touched the ground. An aircraft was standing nearby to take the occupants to a different location.     

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