Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

Known Glances

Known Glances

"Xinyu, I need an outing. I am bored in the house," said Wu Lina. It was getting on her nerves.     

Yang Xinyu understood her exasperation and nodded. "Okay, I have to go to the office, but Zhao Hai xiang would stay with you wherever you go. Keep him with you like your shadow."     

Wu Lina said, "Okay." She didn't want to argue with him for attaching another security around her.     

"Also, when your first trimester is over, you can come to work," he added. Wu Lina looked at him with surprise and excitedly jumped to sit on his lap. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pecked him on his lips. Yang Xinyu chided, "Careful baby. You cannot make sudden movements." She knew she was getting spoilt as hell and she was enjoying it.     

Even her father was splurging on her. She relished his attention like a small child starved of parental affection after being abandoned in a desert.     

All men – the Chairman, her father and her husband, they doted on her. She felt she couldn't be luckier.     

Next day Vladimir came early at 11am. This time he didn't carry any gifts with him. Aleksander was there as usual but he appeared a little nervous. Yang Xinyu had left for the office after asking Lu Shiming to be on his guard since Wu Lina wanted to go for shopping. Zhao Hai xiang was already there.     

Bo Xilai and Zhou Zhili had returned from their honeymoon and had resumed their work at the office. Hence it was easier for Yang Xinyu to leave Zhao Hai xiang at home. Yang Xinyu knew that he was a very strong opponent and Aleksander wouldn't dare take his chances with him.     

Vladimir didn't want to have lunch at home so he asked Wu Lina to have lunch with him in an exclusive restaurant of the city. "Lina, child, I will be leaving in the evening today. I was wondering if both of us can have lunch outside. I have already booked table for all of us in the 'House of Trees' restaurant. I believe it is an exclusive and a quiet place."     

'House of Trees' was one of the top class restaurants where only the elite of the society could dine – not because they had money – but because the restaurant had given very selective memberships. Getting a reservation there was not easy, and the fact that Vladimir arranged a reservation over there was all the more mysterious. The Yang's were also one of the esteemed members.     

When Wu Lina informed about this to Yang Xinyu, he said, "Wu Lina, we are a member of that place, so please carry my card and pay for the lunch with compliments from my side."     

"Yang Xinyu…"     

"Also ensure that Zhao Hai xiang is with you. Okay?" he said before Wu Lina could utter another word.     

Yang Xinyu meant business and he was not taking chances because Wu Lina was going out with Vladimir. He had an important meeting with overseas clients, which was until 12:30pm. He decided to cancel rest of his engagements and join Wu Lina for lunch.     

He was getting suspicious about the fact that even though Vladimir was there for almost two days, there was no police activity. He alerted his private army.     

Back in the sapphire bungalow, Wu Lina was chirpy. She showed her father the beautiful gardens around the bungalow. While walking she said, "Father, I am so happy that you have come to see me. We will definitely go and have lunch at the 'House of Trees'. But you have to promise me one thing."     

"What is it Lina?" asked Vladimir.     

"I love Yang Xinyu a lot and I feel that there is some animosity between the two of you. You have to promise me that you would never harm Xinyu and be friendlier. Without him, I won't be able to exist…" she said with misty eyes.     

Vladimir looked at her and just said, "I promise…"     

Then to make the atmosphere lighter, he added, "Now princess can we go to have lunch?"     

Wu Lina chuckled and went inside to get dressed. Ah… those dresses were becoming tighter. She chose to wear a loose green chiffon shirt with a black trouser.     

When she came out, she told Vladimir that she had to do some shopping also. "Child, you can do that once I am gone," said Vladimir.     

Wu Lina smiled and nodded.     

They reached the restaurant in another thirty minutes. Wu Lina's security had surrounded the entire area and they were looking like black ants spread everywhere. Vladimir and Aleksander noticed it.     

'House of Trees' was a high-class property sprawled in an acre. There were bamboo trees that lined most of its dining areas. The best part about it was that the food it served was international cuisine. And more importantly, it had a helipad.     

When Vladimir went inside along with Wu Lina, Zhao Hai xiang and Aleksander, he noticed a man sitting over there. Known glances were exchanged.     

The manager led them to a private dining area. It was a large room, which could easily fit more than a dozen people. Wu Lina's close circle of security that had ten men also followed them and stationed themselves outside the room.     

"Father, this room is so large. We could have managed in a smaller place," Wu Lina chuckled.     

Vladimir just smiled at her and said, "Child, this was the only room available." A waiter entered the room and presented them with a menu once they were seated. Wu Lina was highly impressed by the vista outside the beautiful glass windows of the room that opened into vast lush green gardens. She could easily see the helipad in some distance.     

Wu Lina ordered fresh limewater for herself and the men ordered wine apart from the regular starters. The lunch was also ordered. The father and the daughter engaged themselves in their ongoing conversation while the other two men kept to themselves.     

After a while Aleksander excused himself and went outside the room. He came back ten minutes later arousing Zhao Hai xiang's suspicion.     

Zhao Hai xiang received a call from Yang Xinyu that he would be there for lunch within half an hour as soon as the meeting got over. He asked Zhao Hai xiang to inform the employees of the 'House of Trees' that he would be coming in company's helicopter and that the helipad should remain free.     

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