Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

He Had an Important Update

He Had an Important Update

Over the next few days Wu Lina's demands are met with instantaneously. Vladimir leaves no stone unturned to pamper her. The doctors were standing round the clock to examine her. The cooks would prepare exotic dishes for her so that she could eat something of her liking. However, whatever she ate, she couldn't retain it nicely in her stomach. Apart from a few fruits, she was not able to digest things. She was becoming weaker by the day. Vladimir became worried and he would often spend his days and nights right outside her bedroom. She had quit talking to her father because she found him to be extremely selfish. It didn't matter to her where he was or what he was doing.     

Zhao Hai xiang recovered well in the next few days. However all his movements were monitored. None of the staff could misbehave with him because they knew that young miss of the house wouldn't like it, and Vladimir wouldn't like if Lina got angry. Nobody wanted to invite Vladimir's wrath.     

Zhao Hai xiang was looking for ways to communicate with Yang Xinyu or Lu Shiming.     

A week later Vladimir received a letter from the municipal office informing him that his daughter had had been registered as his family and is now Lina Yankova. He had gone at lengths to get her registered as his daughter. She was no longer Wu Lina. She was his legal heir. Vladimir was extremely happy and he went to inform about the new to her.     

Wu Lina was in one of the gardens strolling around with the maids as usual. She was sitting under a vine tree while all the maids were standing beside her. Vladimir went to her and noticed that she had become very weak. His heart tugged for her. He reached out his hand said held hers. But she removed her hand immediately. Vladimir lowered his head sadly. He deserved her anger and he was ready to face it but he wasn't ready to leave her. Slowly he lifted his head and said, "Lina, I have these papers in my hand, which have made you my legal heir. Now whatever is mine is all yours. I have officially adopted you."     

He handed the papers to her, and then added, "You are now Lina Yankova."     

Shocked at his words, Lina took the papers in her hands and read them. "But I hadn't given consent to this. I am an adult and no one can do this to me." She threw the papers on the ground. She didn't want to be associated with him. Her hatred for him was growing everyday.     

"Well, this little thing was a breeze Lina. So I didn't need your permission for it," replied Vladimir passively.     

Wu Lina ignored his comment and looked ahead in the vast green blankly. The wind started blowing making the air chilly. She shivered a little. Vladimir noticed it and signaled a maid to cover her with a light shawl. He said, "Lina, I understand that you are not at good terms with me, but here is another set of papers that I would like you to read. It has a list of all my properties worldwide."     

He handed her another set of papers.     

Then he continued, "Now whether you like it or not, you are Lina Yankova."     

Wu Lina looked at him with contempt and said, "I would prefer to be Yang Wu Lina," and again turned her head away.     

Infuriated by her words, Vladimir face contorted. He contained his anger and changed the topic, "Why aren't you eating well? Don't punish those little kids in you."     

Wu Lina started laughing. Without looking at him she shook her head and replied, "Don't show your sympathy for me or for my kids."     

Once again Vladimir was infuriated. It had been over a week and she had not talked properly to him. His patience was wearing off. He was having sleepless nights because of her. He wanted her to open up to him, demand things from him, talk to him. But he also realized that she never had that relationship with him and it was difficult to develop that in such circumstances. His only solace was that she was with him. So he ignored her arrogance. After all only she could afford to be arrogant with him. All others wouldn't even dare to look into his eyes.     

"I will call you Lina Yankova from today. That man Wu Yi-Zheng didn't deserve to be your father. He threw you out of the house and so his title is unthinkable for my daughter. Since I have officially adopted you, all your papers will be changed accordingly. You will now receive Bulgarian passport," informed Vladimir.     

"Another thing, I am hosting a party in two days to declare that you are my legal heir. I will be calling people from across the world. You have to be present there," said Vladimir and left her. He signaled the maids to bring her inside as soon as possible so that she didn't catch cold.     

Wu Lina left for her bedroom after some time, as she was feeling sleepy. She noticed that her energy would deplete very fast and she slept a lot. Zhao Hai xiang would come and visit her everyday to watch her. He would persuade her to keep eating.     

When she was in the bedroom Zhao Hai xiang was already there. She appeared shaky and Zhao Hai xiang immediately rushed to her. He asked the maids to bring lemonade for her. Then he went to fetch the spread of cheese and breads that were laid on the table.     

"Miss Wu Lina, you must eat these. They are healthy," he offered her.     

Wu Lina took a bite and said, "Zhao Hai xiang in two days from now father will be hosting a party for me."     

Zhao Hai xiang was all ears. He asked, "What is the reason?"     

"He wants to introduce me as his daughter," she replied munching on the snacks.     

Zhao Hai xiang pursed his lips and offered her more. When she had eaten nicely, he said, "Okay, I'll take your leave now."     

Wu Lina nodded and went off to sleep.     

Zhao Hai xiang went to his room. He had an important update.     

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