Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

Be Brave

Be Brave

"Xinyu, I am so sorry. It all happened because of me. Please forgive me," her voice cracked.     

"Wu Lina, don't cry and take care of my babies. You have to be strong for all of us. I am happy that Zhao Hai xiang is with you. Do not leave his side even for a moment."     

"Xinyu, I was fooled by my own father…" she said in between her sobs.     

"Lina, baby, please don't think about all those things. Just imagine that you are on an extended vacation. Things will be fine, okay?"     

"I should have listened to you. I want to come back to you. I have created such a mess. Your mother was right, I have brought misfortune…" she started self deprecating.     

"Lina, no! You will not say that. Be brave and we will be together soon," he reassured her.     


"Of course! Do you think I am going to leave my wife?" He laughed, and then added, "Whosoever is listening to this conversation, I am coming. Beware!"     

Wu Lina laughed along with him and her mood lifted again.     

In the Sapphire bungalow…     

When the conversation ended Yang Xinyu sank in the sofa nearby. He threw his head back and kept his hands on his eyes. The Chairman was sitting there. He was agonized by Yang Xinyu's condition. He knew that Yang Xinyu was in a lot of pain but the fact that he would see Wu Lina again kept his hopes alive. The Chairman couldn't see his son in that situation and left.     

Yang Xinyu's tears silently rolled out of his eyes. Ever since Wu Lina was abducted, he was gripped with anxiety. He was broken inside. The house seemed ghostly. He had cursed his security team for this loophole. He cursed them for being so incompetent in front just one man. Lu Shiming had taken the responsibility for this tragedy.     

He had rushed to the restaurant in his helicopter to be with her. He wanted to travel back in time to cancel his meeting with the overseas clients. If he hadn't met with them, he would have been with his wife much earlier and the tragedy would have been averted.     

Zhao Hai xiang had managed to take down Raz. Hence Yang Xinyu's people captured Raz immediately. They had taken him to an undisclosed location. Yang Xinyu had visited him and lashed out his anger on him. By the time Yang Xinyu finished, Raz had a broken knee and burnt marks on skin. He was left to rot in that place. Raz shouted for help but it was too late. The room where he was locked had been locked forever.     

Yang Xinyu had come back to the bungalow and along with Lu Shiming, he chartered a plan. The Chairman was also present there. That night Lu Shiming had gathered the most dangerous people on the earth to accompany him according to the plan. He was now waiting for Yang Xinyu to give him the green signal. He wasn't this agitated in his entire life. His hands were itching to take down Vladimir.     

The Chairman was suspicious as to how could Vladimir stay in the city for two days without the police doing anything about it. He got private investigations done, in which it was revealed that the mayor had received a large amount of money for his project. The money received was so much that he did not need any other investments from the business community. For the Chairman, it was easy to take care of the mayor. But at present, he had to deal with Vladimir.     

Yang Xinyu called a meeting with his private army. There were two brilliant computer analysts in the team who were asked to keep a 24x7 watch on any communication that went in and out of Sofia. He summoned rest of them to a location that wasn't listed in the geography of the country.     

When he came back to the bungalow, he couldn't enter his bedroom. It reminded him of Wu Lina, who was usually found sprawled on bed these days. So he took a walk around the gardens. He had a long day tomorrow. There was no going back. Vladimir had announced war.     

That night in the presence of Lu Shiming, Yang Xinyu placed a call to Vladimir on his private number. He came straight to the point and said, "You sure had guts to kidnap my wife. Even though I know you will not harm her, I will make sure to bring you down personally. And I am coming to take my wife and kids back home."     

Vladimir faked a laugh and replied, "Yang Xinyu, Lina will never leave Bulgaria now. I will be making her my daughter officially tomorrow and she will be now be known as Lina Yankova. She is my child, and no one on the earth can snatch her from me! She will give birth to my grandchildren in Bulgaria. You can take her back over my dead body!"     

"In that case, so be it," said Yang Xinyu in an extremely cold voice.     

Vladimir disconnected the line and ordered all his men to be on a watch for every Chinese man who enters the city.     

That night Vladimir went to meet Aleksander, who had been admitted to the hospital. He was sleeping as the doctor had given him pain killers.     

Vladimir went by his side and stroked his hair. He whispered, "Thank you Aleksander. I will revenge you." Then he kissed his forehead and left him.     

That night Wu Lina was so exhausted that she curled up on the bed and without taking a shower, she dozed off. Her dreams were filled with Yang Xinyu. In her sleep she would smile often.     

Next day in the morning Wu Lina woke up to see that the curtains of the bed were drawn on all the sides. She had a slight headache and wanted to vomit. She removed the curtain aside and saw that there were five maids standing right over there to assist her.     

As soon as the maids saw that she was awake, one of them brought a slipper for her to wear. Wu Lina wore it and asked for the bathroom. Another maid guided her inside the bathroom.     

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