Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

Hacking The Systems

Hacking The Systems

The maids still stayed in the room. Wu Lina had become an expert in managing them in a way that all of them had to stay out of the room most of the time. She would ask each one of them to prepare a dish with a lengthy preparation times, for her personally. Then she would taste those dishes and spit them out. The poor maids would again go back and try to make it better.     

When Zhao Hai Xiang entered the room, she applied the same trick. She had researched on her phone about the food and ordered them to prepare the dishes for her.     

Once they were alone, Zhao Hai Xiang told her about the latest developments.     

Both of them had devised a code language based on a computer program. They would communicate using that and also laugh at the errors they would make while talking about it. Zhao Hai Xiang was impressed by Wu Lina's intelligence. It would have been difficult for him if he had to save a plain Jane. But Wu Lina was no plain Jane – she was a brilliant woman. Zhao Hai Xiang started liking her a lot. They were like siblings stealing stuff from their parents. Every day both of them looked forward to the mischief they could create in the mansion.     

At one point of time, Zhao Hai Xiang had managed to infiltrate the security system software of the eastern side of the mansion by setting the alarm off. He had used Wu Lina's phone to do that. Half of the security had rushed to the eastern periphery to check for the attack. When they didn't find anything after two hours of searching that area, they came back only to be told that it was Vladimir's daughter who had played this prank. Vladimir was informed about it but he laughed because he was happy to know that his daughter was able to play with his systems so easily. Vladimir ordered them to update their systems and waited for his daughter to have more fun.     

Zhao Hai Xiang and Wu Lina proceed to have more fun! Even though Vladimir was enjoying their pranks, the security people were having a tough time. They would curse Wu Lina inside but didn't dare to speak a word against her. Together the duo would keep breaking one or the other security systems and laugh their hearts out. Zhao Hai Xiang was happy to see that Wu Lina was cheered by at least something in this place.     

On the day of the party, when Zhao Hai Xiang communicated her the latest developments, her mood darkened. She longed for Yang Xinyu but she wasn't getting any news about his whereabouts.     

Zhao Hai xiang noticed her sad expression and immediately offered her to play a little more with the security systems. Wu Lin'a eyes brightened. They downloaded software by which they could manipulate the camera settings. In half an hour, all the screens present in the security rooms were showing maids in the kitchen playing with dough. The head of the security shook his head and called the software expert to fix the error. Laughter could be heard from Wu Lina's room.     

Zhao Hai xiang had become her friend, her confidant and her protector. Both of them were same age. Whatever mischievousness Zhao Hai xiang had missed in his high school and college life, he was doing all that with Wu Lina. He had been all the time studying to achieve his goals and also learning various martial arts. It had kept him very busy. As for Wu Lina, after her school, even she worked hard to get her computer degree. The pranks that they played together was simply too exciting.     

Wu Lina really enjoyed them. Zhao Hai xiang was concerned about Wu Lina, and so he limited his information accordingly. There was a lot that was going on in his mind.     

He left her room when she was totally exhausted. She went off to sleep much to his relief.     

In the evening Vladimir came over to Wu Lina's room and sat down on the sofa. Wu Lina was sipping tea. She noticed him entering the room but she didn't even bat an eye. She continued to play a game on her cellphone.     

Vladimir sulked a little but he was getting used to her ignoring him. He coughed and said, "Lina, today in the evening there will be a lot of people. You have to behave yourself. I will introduce you to the most powerful people on this planet. Remember, you cannot insult me in front of them or else I won't take it nicely."     

Wu Lina looked at him and said, "I would like to see how badly you will take it then."     

Vladimir looked at the dark expression in her eyes. He could see that she was as stubborn as he was. His lips curved as he admired her. All his genes were pretty dominant in her. She was beautiful and arrogant, just like him.     

"Do you think that you can do whatever you like to tarnish my reputation?" he asked.     

"I am not here to look after your reputation as I don't care about you. I want to leave you as soon as possible. The image that I had of a father is shattered. God gave me two fathers and both are terrible human beings. The only person who ever really loved me is Yang Xinyu. I want to go back to him. I am alive because I want to give birth to his babies…" Wu Lina choked as she said that. "Leave…"     

Vladimir got up from there, his mood had sunk to the extent that he wanted to kill Yang Xinyu at that point of time.     

Wu Lina could hear gunshots outside the room. She didn't even bother to get up to see what had happened.     

Zhao Hai xiang ran to Wu Lina's room to make sure that she was all right. When he was crossing the corridor, he saw Vladimir who looked up at him. He had a gun in his hand. All of a sudden Vladimir pointed the gun at Zhao Hai xiang.     

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