Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

Who Was This Man?

Who Was This Man?

He took her hands in his and squeezed them softly before placing them on his lips. Kissing her hands softly he signaled his secretary to give her a bouquet of ninety-nine red roses. Wu Lina was flabbergasted at his behavior. Even though her body behaved against her wish, her mind berated her for the irrational thinking and she quickly retrieved her hands from him.     

She took the bouquet of roses and kept holding it as she stared captivated, at the man in front of her. His eyes were boring into hers and her entire body was rebelling against her judgment.     

She fluttered her eyelids and said, "Thank you." She bit her lower lips and then lowered her eyes. What was happening to her? Who was this man? With the dress he was wearing and the aura he had surrounding him, he looked like a wealthy businessman. His features were slightly rough, with an aquiline nose, a pair deep black eyes and thin lips.     

While her mind became mushy and all her emotions were tossed into a vortex, Zhao Hai Xiang emerged. She was so relieved to see him that she almost scolded him, "Where have you been all this while?"     

"Sorry Wu Lina. I was dying to go to the bathroom," he chuckled and looked at the man who had presented her the bouquet. When their eyes met, he gave him a slight nod.     

Vladimir was coming towards the small gathering that had formed around Wu Lina. Zhao Hai Xiang said, "Oh! Your father is coming. Do you want to keep that bouquet in your hands or would you want me to keep it on the gifts table for you?"     

Wu Lina bit her lips again and reluctantly gave the bouquet to him. When she looked up again, the gentleman had gone and instead Vladimir was standing in his place. He told her, "That gentleman who just presented you the flowers is my associate from Japan, Mr. Tanaka. He has come a long way just to be with us on our happy occasion. Please be good to him."     

Wu Lina glared at Vladimir and said, "Don't expect me to entertain your guests."     

Vladimir narrowed his eyes and left her again.     

Meanwhile, Zhao Hai Xiang had gone to keep the bouquet on the table where he was met with yet another Japanese gentleman who asked him to follow him outside.     

Wu Lina followed Zhao Hai Xiang going outside and she was angered again. What was wrong with Zhao Hai Xiang?     

Moments later the Japanese gentleman whom her father had mentioned came again. Wu Lina averted her gaze, when all of a sudden she listened to him speaking in Chinese, "How are my triplets doing, Pookie?"     

Wu Lina's jaws dropped. She looked at him stunned, and said, "Xini…" But as soon she said that she closed her mouth with her hands. He was disguised impeccably!     

She looked nervously around to see if anyone had seen him. She noticed that Aleksander was watching her from the far end of the room.     

Yang Xinyu brought a finger to his lips to signal her to stay calm and quiet. He had come to take his wife home.     

Wu Lina had to really try hard to keep her excitement down. Once she calmed herself, she replied, "They are fine… waiting for their dad…"     

Yang Xinyu smiled with glee. He was dying to touch and feel her again. He wanted to scoop her from her chair and kiss her senseless. He wanted to take her to his room upstairs and make love with her till dawn. All his desires had to surface as soon as he faced her after a week's separation. Control was difficult. He fisted his hands as he heard her saying, "Waiting for their dad…"     

"What about their mom?" he asked, looking down at her passionately.     

Wu Lina wanted to run into his arms. She wanted to pull his head down and run her hands through his hair. She wanted to snuggle in his chest and lie in his arms till eternity. It was as if the magnet of her soul was in front of her and she had to use all her might to stay away from him.     

"She is waiting for her love anxiously," replied Wu Lina without fluttering her eyelids. She was scared that he would vanish if she closed her eye even for a second. She could not let this opportunity go. "Can you take her to meet him?" she asked, her eyes turning misty.     

"Soon…" he said wanting to cup her beautiful cheeks that were now flushed. He wanted to trace her blush as it formed around her cheeks and ears. The only person who he had loved more than life was sitting in front of him and he couldn't even hold her. Everyone who parted them had to pay for their misdeeds. Now hell would break loose on them.     

As he was thinking it, she looked at him and smiled realizing that he was under a disguise. He looked far from her handsome husband. She marveled at his efforts to look different and chortled.     

"What happened?" he asked.     

"What have you done to my husband?" she asked laughing softly.     

"He has been drugged and is lying somewhere in an underground cellar," replied Yang Xinyu referring to the original Japanese businessman whose identity he had stolen.     

She broke into a soft laughter. "Did you miss me?" Her eyes bored into his soul.     

"Is that even a question? But I can safely say that I missed my tiny dots more than anything else," he replied still looking at her intently.     

She tried to feel bad but couldn't. Instead, she laughed again and gazed him fondly. Her hopes kindled and she felt reassured.     

Aleksander, who was watching them from far noticed the change in her mood. He became curious and slowly started walking in their direction. After he was admitted to the hospital, it took him five days to even sit and eat food. He couldn't come to the party, but the doctor had allowed him just an hour and that too with assistance. He couldn't walk properly, so he had to take a cane to support his gait.     

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