Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

What a Beautiful Trap

What a Beautiful Trap

Yan Xiaojun held his son closer to his heart. He bent down to kiss his cheeks. Ivan gurgled and hid his face in his father's neck. Yan Xiaojun closed his eyes, and a tear rolled out. He looked at Rosa and said, "Thank you."     

With one hand he held his son while with the other he circled Rosa's shoulders and pulled her to his chest. He felt satiated. His lifetime of worries and anxieties melted in that second.     

"How old is Ivan?"     

"He is four months old."     

Yan Xiaojun rested his head on hers and asked, "Rosa, will you marry me? Will you give me one more chance? Will you make me the happiest man in the world?"     

The owner had come by then. When he saw his daughter along with Yan Xiaojun and their son, a smile formed on his face. His daughter had found home…     

He left them without interrupting.     

Rosa's eyes swelled as tears came unbridled. She had never in her life thought that she would be so lucky that Ivan's father would ever come back to Bulgaria, let alone that guesthouse. She had resigned to her fate. Her maturity level had increased in that one year.     

Shaking her head, she said, "I never expected that you would ever come back. But I am happy with Ivan…"     

Yan Xiaojun handed her back the little bundle of joy and said, "I would be happier if you would be my wife and accompany me back to China."     

Rosa smiled through her tears and said jokingly, "I don't even know what you do…"     

Yan Xiaojun laughed with her. Together, they went back to his room. There was a lot to talk about. He had came to seek help from the owner, but now he was trapped for eternity, and what a beautiful trap. He couldn't thank his lucky stars more than now.     

In the room, Yan Xiaojun sat on the bed along with his son. It was impossible for him to leave his little bun. The child would tug at his hair, nibble at his nose, pull his shirt's buttons to eat them, but Yan Xiaojun enjoyed every act of his baby. When the little bun got tired, he cried for his mother. Yan Xiaojun couldn't understand and tried to quiet him. Rosa laughed at him and took Ivan in her lap. It was time to breastfeed him. Ivan slept in her lap.     

"I have a chain of restaurants back in China," said Yan Xiaojun.     

Rosa smiled again. Her pink rosy cheeks became all the puffier. She asked him, "How old are you?"     

"I am thirty…" He knew that they had a twelve year age difference, but he really wanted her to accept him. He just wanted an anchor in his life at this juncture after being duped by Ying Yue, and this was his only chance – a window that God had shown. He wouldn't let the opening go to waste. He had to take his chance.     

"Do you have someone here?" he asked anxiously.     

She shook her head and said, "No… I have only been ridiculed in the society here. Father and mother are taking care of me…"     

Yan Xiaojun took his hands to stroke her blond hair fondly. She looked at him with her big green eyes. Yan Xiaojun felt as if he would spiral down in the depth of her eyes. They were so beautiful. He said, "Come with me then."     

And once again, Rosa found herself captivated by his charm like she did when he had first touched her. He came closer to her and lightly kissed on her lips. A shudder ran through her body. The kiss deepened as Yan Xiaojun took his hand to hold her head firmly. He couldn't let her go.     

Before he could do anything else, his son, who had fallen asleep on his mother's chest, had stirred awake. He threw his legs on Yan Xiaojun's stomach and made his cute presence felt.     

Yan Xiaojun left Rosa, only to pick his son again. He was one happy soul. He didn't want anything else in the world, as he had found his anchor. He didn't want to go anywhere.     

Wu Lina was forgotten that night as he played with his son. Four months old Ivan kept him awake for a long time in the night while Rosa slept soundly for the first time after having her baby. In the morning, when Rosa woke up, she saw Ivan sprawled over his father's body. Both of them were sleeping. She smiled and left the room.     

The father startled awake when he heard his son's wail. It was time for Ivan to be fed again.     

In the morning, when the owner came to the guesthouse, Yan Xiaojun asked for his permission to take Rosa with him to China. The owner kept a condition. "You have to marry my daughter here in a church."     

Yan Xiaojun agreed. "I will marry her here as you like it. But I have a very urgent task first. And I need your help."     

The owner shook his head at Yan Xiaojun's plan but agreed to it, eventually. He asked him out of curiosity, "Why do you want to save Wu Lina?"     

"I want to absolve myself of all the sins I have committed against that couple," he said firmly. His guilt was eating away at his soul. "God has been kind to me by giving me a chance to see my son. It is only right that I give back something to him to show my gratitude."     

Yan Xiaojun later came to his room to find Rosa there. He told her his plan and said not to worry. He added, "I will come back to marry you. I promise."     

That day, he left for Sofia and informed Vladimir of his arrival.     

In the party, when Vladimir announced his arrival, he looked at Wu Lina. She glared back at him. He knew she hated him, but he simply smiled at her and raised his glass to toast. His eyes scanned the room to find Yang Xinyu. He wasn't there. But Yan Xiaojun couldn't believe it. He knew that Yang Xinyu must be lurking around somewhere.     

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