Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

He was Desperate

He was Desperate

Then he looked at the stranger who had made quite an impact on Wu Lina. He recognized him and taunted, "How is Mrs. Tanaka doing?"     

"She is doing good. Thank you for asking. If you will excuse me…" said Yang Xinyu and went away from there.     

Wu Lina hated Aleksander for breaking her pleasure. She ignored him and looked at the direction Yang Xinyu went.     

Yang Xinyu had gone to the bar to pick whiskey, when she noticed that Lu Shiming had stepped by his side. Within a span of five minutes, Yang Xinyu was surrounded by five men, who looked as if they were guarding him, even though they appeared casual.     

Wu Lina looked at Zhao Hai Xiang. She had so many questions to ask to him. But Zhao Hai Xiang was busy having a staring match with Aleksander. It was as if both of them were fighting a virtual war.     

Vladimir came next to them and said in a low menacing voice, "Quit it!"     

The reverie was broken and Aleksander walked away.     

Five minutes later Wu Lina excused herself to go to the bathroom. As soon as she got up, security men surrounded her as she walked out of the hall. She went inside the ladies' bathroom and locked herself up while the security men stationed themselves out. Once she locked herself inside, she went in front of the mirror and washed her face with cold water. She took the clean towels that were kept in a basket over there to pat her face dry when she felt her hand being stopped.     

Scared she looked in the direction only to find Yang Xinyu. He held her waist with one hand and with the other he nudged her chin up. Her lips parted as she took in a deep breath. He saw the rise and fall of her chest, the soft pale blush that rose on her cheeks and the skittish looks in her eyes. They were transferred back to the time when she had kissed him for the first time. Her look sent warm ripples through his veins. His blood heated and he could not resist his bride anymore. He held her to reassure her. Moments later feeling powerless, he closed his eyes as his lips crashed onto hers. He drew her closer, twining his fingers in her hair, desperate to melt in her. She gave way to his ministrations and allowed him to entwine their tongues until they were both breathless. He pressed her hard into him making her aware of the swollen bulge in his pants. He took her hand that was running in his hair and placed it on his bulge. He was desperate.     

He lifted her and made her sit on the counter. She unbuckled his pants and freed his member. While he kissed her, she stroked his erection until the white fluid spilled in her hands. Yang Xinyu breathed in air as he rested his forehead on hers. Using the napkins in the basket, he wiped her hands and embraced her again. He kissed the crown of her head and murmured sweet nothings. His legs were jelly.     

While they were in the blissful world, they heard someone thumping the door loudly. "Ms. Lina, what happened? Are you okay?"     

Wu Lina looked at him nervously. Softly he asked her to answer them back.     

"Yes, I am fine. Please wait outside," she replied.     

"Xinyu, how will you run? I am scared," she said holding him tighter. If they were discovered together, Vladimir would kill Yang Xinyu. Thinking that she became even more nervous.     

The thumping stopped. Yang Xinyu asked her to open the door and take the security away from there.     

"I want you to go out confidently and walk them to the hall with you. Can you do that?" he asked.     

She nodded, "Yes, I can."     

He tucked a stray hair behind her ear and said, "That's my baby! When you reach the hall, go with the flow. Just behave the way you are behaving generally over here. We don't want to raise suspicions, okay?"     

She nodded again and said, "But Xinyu, I have questions. I want to be with you."     

"Yes darling, I know. But we have to take steps very carefully. I don't want our babies to be stressed because of their parents," he kissed her as he said that.     

"Okay…" she bobbed her head again.     

It was too risky. Even though his men were hanging around the place, he didn't want any scene at this point. It would simply be too tough to take her out then.     

Wu Lina opened the door. Yang Xinyu had stepped behind the door to hide himself. As she walked out she closed the door behind her and started walking back to the event hall. All, except one exited, the security followed them. He opened the knob of the door and went inside to check the place.     

As soon as he went inside, two hotel staff followed him inside and started creating an uproar that he had entered the ladies bathroom. Scared of being tainted as a pervert, he quickly ran away from there and joined the group that was following Wu Lina.     

The hotel staff opened the door for Yang Xinyu to come out of his hiding place. All of them walked back to the event hall. Yang Xinyu had a foolish grin on his face, which the other two men smirked at. Their boss had just been with his wife, what would you expect?     

Wu Lina came back to her chair and sat down with a beaming face. Vladimir noticed his daughter and for once he was happy to see her. He wanted to go and ask her the reason for that cheerful look but refrained, as he knew that she would again retreat into her world if he interrupted.     

Moments later he held a mic in his hands and announced the world, "Dear all, thank you for visiting us from across the world. Today is a special day. I have been reunited with my long-lost daughter Lina."     

All the lights focused on Wu Lina. She got up from her chair and bowed to keep up with the act.     

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