Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

My Token of Appreciation for You

My Token of Appreciation for You

Zhao Hai Xiang had already informed Wu Lina that Yang Xinyu would be coming in disguise to meet her. So when the maid came with Vladimir's message, Wu Lina slowly got up from the bed. The doctors were terrified. They stopped her from going anywhere but she just walked slowly out of the room.     

Vladimir was happy to see her. He invited her to sit with them. Wu Lina sat on a chair near Yang Xinyu.     

Yang Xinyu's gaze had followed her ever since she had entered the living room. She looked so pale that Yang Xinyu wanted to scold her for not keeping healthy. When she sat on the chair, Yang Xinyu turned towards her and commented with a chuckle, "You look very pale Ms. Wu Lina. I hope your father is feeding you well."     

Vladimir was irked and his face darkened at his sentence but he stayed quiet. Yang Xinyu noticed it and corrected himself, "Please don't mind me. My wife has a low blood pressure problem. Eating properly has helped her a lot. I don't mind her becoming fat. But she should stay healthy."     

Vladimir nodded in agreement while Wu Lina smiled at her husband's efforts to cheer her. She loved his acting.     

"Ms. Wu Lina, yesterday I was unable to present you with a gift. Please accept my token of appreciation for you." Yang Xinyu kept the jewelry box in her hands as he brushed past them softly.     

"Thank you Mr. Tanaka," said Wu Lina with a bow.     

Yang Xinyu smiled and then turned to Vladimir. He said, "Since Ms. Wu Lina has came from China, you should give her more Chinese dishes. I am sure she would like them."     

Vladimir was surprised as to how come this small thing never occurred to him. Immediately he called his chef and ordered him to make Chinese dishes Wu Lina liked. It was Wu Lina's turn to smile.     

Vladimir was pleasantly surprised when he saw Wu Lina smiling so beautifully as she talked with Mr. Tanaka. They kept talking amongst themselves in Chinese. Vladimir couldn't understand the language and the translators working specially for this purpose didn't spy on their conversation as the boss was sitting right there.     

But Wu Lina kept the conversation general, as she wasn't aware of it. She looked at Yang Xinyu and suggested if he would accompany her outside to take a stroll in the gardens. But Yang Xinyu asked her to rest. "I will come tomorrow to visit you Ms. Wu Lina. Today you should rest. You don't look healthy."     

An hour went by and they kept talking to each other much to Vladimir's amazement. Secretly, he liked the positive effect Mr. Tanaka had on his daughter.     

Wu Lina became very tired after an hour of sitting and talking continuously. Even though she didn't want to leave him, Yang Xinyu decided to leave just so she goes back to resting.     

When Yang Xinyu had left, Wu Lina went to her room and lied on her bed. Zhao Hai xiang came to her and said, "You have to take care of yourself if you want to go out."     

Wu Lina understood the meaning behind his words. She said, "Yes, I want to take a stroll out in the garden. When do you think I should?"     

"Well, you should rest for at least two more days," he replied. It meant that in the next two days they would be attempting to escape.     

Wu Lina closed her eyes and smiled at the thought of escaping from there. It was already 5pm, so she had an early dinner and retired for the day.     

Next day, at the breakfast, Vladimir came to Wu Lina's room and asked, "How are you feeling today Wu Lina?"     

She didn't answer and turned her gaze away. Vladimir sighed and asked the doctor who was examining her, "How is she today?"     

"She is much better than yesterday, sir," he replied.     

Satisfied by his answer, Vladimir started going out when Wu Lina said from behind, "I would like to meet Mr. Tanaka again."     

Vladimir turned back to see her, his eyes wide. He asked, "What for?"     

"I liked his company," she said with a shrug.     

"You should know that he is a married man."     

"I know but I like talking to him."     

That was the only lengthy conversation Vladimir had had with Wu Lina ever since they had come back to Bulgaria. He had to somehow now contact Mr. Tanaka to come and visit his daughter – but on what pretext?     

He said, "Okay, I will see," and left her room. Outside, he gave orders to his people to find Mr. Tanaka and invite him back to visit Wu Lina as soon as possible. Vladimir was hoping that he hadn't left for the countryside.     

Once he had given the orders, he went to the portico to talk to his men. While he was talking he saw Yan Xiaojun approaching towards them.     

Yan Xiaojun smiled and said, "Vladimir, I have a very important thing to talk with you. Can we please speak in private?"     

"Sure, what is it Yan Xiaojun?" As he said that, he guided Yan Xiaojun to a different room. In the room Aleksander was already present reading a document. He looked up at them and continued reading it.     

Vladimir turned his face to Yan Xiaojun and said, "Tell me what is it that is so important?"     

Yan Xiaojun gulped nervously but managed to say, "I have come to Bulgaria for Wu Lina. I mean I really love her… and I want to marry her… you are her father and now she is Lina Yankova. Would you be kind enough to give your daughter's hand in my hand?"     

Aleksander was shocked at what he just heard. His hand automatically went to the holster on his waist. Vladimir narrowed his eyes and said, "Do you think it is so easy to ask for my daughter's hand in marriage? Are you insane?" He was furious.     

Aleksander had taken out his gun by that time and pointed it at Yan Xiaojun.     

"Yan Xiaojun, only that person can marry my daughter who will stay with me forever over here. Do you agree to stay here and leave all your family and business back in China?" asked Vladimir.     

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