Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

Had So Many Questions

Had So Many Questions

As they saw him going up the staircase, Yang Xinyu stopped all of them.     

Yang Xinyu started going after him. As he neared him, he saw Yan Xiaojun had stopped midway. A very young girl with a baby in her hands was looking at him with a smile and admiration in her eyes. Yan Xiaojun gave a beatific smile to the baby. He took the baby in his lap and cuddled him. Holding the baby in his arms and circling the shoulders of that young girl, together they went up. They appeared as a family. Yang Xinyu was stunned. Immediately he stopped his men from going any nearer. Only he followed them to their room.     

Yang Xinyu couldn't comprehend what happened in front of him. He thought that Yan Xiaojun was with Ying Yue. As a matter of fact, Ying Yue had met them in the hospital and told that she was carrying Yan Xiaojun's baby. He remembered how the nurse had then announced to Ying Yue that her pregnancy was a false alarm. He assumed that both of them were together otherwise why would anyone even claim about pregnancy. Then who was this girl? And more importantly who was this child?     

Yang Xinyu had so many questions in his mind that he thought his head would blow up. He followed him to his room as discreetly as possible. Some hotel staff were present in the corridor where his room was situated. They were tidying up the rooms one by one. Yang Xinyu hid himself in a corner. When the hotel crew went inside the room, he came out, walked towards Yan Xiaojun's room and knocked on his door.     

The door opened slightly, and Rosa peeped from inside. She looked at him with wide eyes. "Yes?"     

Yang Xinyu stuttered, "I… I am looking for Yan Xiaojun…"     

Rosa was surprised as to who was this man to ask about Yan Xiaojun. She had that questioning look in her eyes when Yan Xiaojun came and stood beside her behind the door. He circled his hands around her waist and said, "Who is it, Rosa?"     

Rosa shrugged her shoulders and said, "I don't know. He is asking for you…"     

She opened the door, and Yang Xinyu saw the two of them together. They looked like husband and wife. They looked so adorable together that Yang Xinyu wondered if they were married. Everyone was silent for a while.     

Yan Xiaojun broke the silence, and as if expecting Yang Xinyu, he said, "Come in." He was glad that he brought Rosa with him. That ways most of the doubts would get cleared.     

Yang Xinyu entered the room and saw the child whom Yan Xiaojun had held earlier. He was playing on the carpet with his teether. Yan Xiaojun picked him up in his lap and said, "Meet my son, Ivan."     

Ivan gave a grumpy look to his father and started crying loudly for his teether.     

Yan Xiaojun became nervous and immediately gave him his favorite toy. Ivan took it in his mouth and became quiet. Yan Xiaojun lovingly wiped his tears and kissed him on his cheeks. Then he looked at Yang Xinyu, who seemed to have forgotten how to breathe!     

"But you were with Ying Yue," said Yang Xinyu, still shocked.     

Yan Xiaojun didn't reply. His body became stiff as his expressions darkened.     

"Is this another con of yours? Have you trapped this young girl here?" asked Yang Xinyu again.     

Before Yan Xiaojun could answer, Rosa came in front of them, and with her hands on her hips, she glared at him and asked, "What is this, Yan Xiaojun? Are you cheating on me? Who is Ying Yue? Is she your girlfriend? Then why did you propose to me?" Rosa looked helplessly at him as her tears started rolling out. "I think I made a big mistake by trusting you and coming over here with you." She looked up at him, biting her lips, as he towered above her height.     

Yan Xiaojun placed Ivan on the carpet carefully. He got up, wiped her tears and embraced her. He pulled her close to his chest and pressed her there. "No Rosa, Ying Yue is nothing to me. Don't ever think of leaving me. I beg of you. I am tired of this game and want to settle down. I want to be with you and Ivan more than anything else in my life. The two of you are my world. Please… please don't leave me…" He was getting anxious by the minute.     

He had come to Bulgaria with the sole purpose of saving Wu Lina but when he met Ivan, his world took a 180 degree turn. Ivan - his cute little bundle of joy with two dimples and crescent shaped green eyes. There was no other child as beautiful and adorable as his son. He was exploring a new, wonderful world with him...     

Rosa smiled through her tears and embraced him back. She looked at him lovingly and placed a light kiss on his lips. Yan Xiaojun kissed her dimples. He left her and picked up Ivan, who was now getting cranky. He stroked his hair, kissed his cheeks and cuddled him, but Ivan got crankier. Rosa took him inside to feed him and put him to sleep.     

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