Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

Rescue (3)

Rescue (3)

Yang Xinyu had to be careful enough to reach the first car. He had to start taking down the cars behind it first. In the meanwhile, he ordered his men who were still present in the mansion to evacuate that place as soon as possible and meet him at the designated place according to the plan. Until now, everything was happening according to their expectations.     

As soon as they started following the caravan of cars in front of them, Yang Xinyu commanded his men to take down the last car, which was now only a few hundred meters away. They could have shot the tires but it was too risky, as the car's speed after the accident could have affected the cars in front. So they went near it as the driver started driving it parallel to the last car.     

At first, the occupants of that car thought that the van behind them wanted to overtake. But they had to follow their leader's orders, and so they did not allow the van to overtake. However, the van's driver was skillful, and he managed to budge the car and drive beside it. The occupants of the car became angry. They started rolling down the glasses and pointing guns at the driver as they signaled him to fall back. One of them shouted that he would shoot the driver if he accelerated any further.     

But they didn't know what sinister plans the van driver had. All of a sudden, a bullet came and hit the driver of the car out of nowhere. The driver left the steering wheel as the car skidded to the side of the road. Before any one of them could even react, a powerful hand launcher was used to explode the car. The first car with its occupants was taken down.     

There were four more to go. The explosion was so loud that all the other men got alerted. Aleksander ordered them to pick up the speed. But Yang Xinyu's men were smarter. Within a few minutes, they could hear motorcycles following them. Yang Xinyu's men from the mansion had joined them.     

Windows of the fourth car rolled down as more bullets started flying. Two men on the motorcycles were injured heavily. A gun battle followed, in which, in a matter of a few minutes, Yang Xinyu's men sabotaged one more car. Now only three cars were left.     

Aleksander changed his strategy. He ordered the men following his car to drive ahead of them so that his car, which had Wu Lina, was now in the middle of them. Their movement was instantly tracked by Yang Xinyu's men, and he asked them to stop firing.     

In the car, Wu Lina was getting anxious. She wanted to puke, but she was holding herself together. Yan Xiaojun noticed her, and he tried to calm her down by holding her hand. She was drawing deep breaths. She looked at Aleksander and said, "Aleksander, why go through all this ordeal? Please let us go. How much money do you want? I am sure Yang Xinyu can give you all that."     

Aleksander shouted at her, "You bitch! Shut up! Everything is happening because of you. Had you never appeared on the scene, life would have carried on as usual. Vladimir became greedy as soon as he heard about you. He sent me to look for you even though it was risky. Even if you are dead, you are worth billions. Oh! By the way, do you think we will let you go so easily? Vladimir will be reaching our private airstrip in some time. From there, we will take you to an unknown location, and you will disappear from the face of the earth's place forever." Aleksander started laughing eerily.     

Wu Lina got scared and inwardly prayed that Yang Xinyu would rescue her soon.     

Other than Aleksander, Wu Lina, and Yan Xiaojun, the only other occupants of the car were the driver and Zhao Hai xiang. Although Zhao Hai xiang could take down Aleksander, it was dangerous because his gun was always pointing at Wu Lina. Even if he pressed the trigger by mistake, it would be disastrous.     

Meanwhile, Yang Xinyu had to soon devise a way to destroy the car in front of them. There was not much time left, as they knew where it was heading.     

He had informed all his men to be careful with that car, as Wu Lina was right in the middle. As they were chasing them, one of his motorcyclists performed a stunt and rammed his motorcycle into the third car, which in turn disturbed its motion to the extent that it steered off the road slightly. Yang Xinyu ordered his driver to go parallel to that car, and the snipers took over from there. The car was riddled with bullets in a matter of time, making it and the men inside defunct.     

But the cars ahead had now entered the airstrip where one could see two aircrafts parked and ready for takeoff. Aleksander's men drove to one of the aircrafts as Yang Xinyu's van followed them.     

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