Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

The Rescue (1)

The Rescue (1)

Yang Xinyu cuddled Wu Lina and said, "In the next two days we will start with the plan. Eat well darling. I need you to be strong enough to face it. With Vladimir being so possessive about you, it will be difficult."     

She nodded.     

Then he asked, "How are my babies doing?" He slightly pressed her belly, "I hope you are not troubling your mother."     

Wu Lina laughed again and their moods lifted.     

Before they could say anything, they heard Yan Xiaojun coughing on the side. After gaining their attention, Yan Xiaojun said, "Aleksander is coming this way."     

Hurriedly, Wu Lina got down from Yang Xinyu's lap and sat beside him. They acted to be deep in conversation when Aleksander came, who instantly disliked their close proximity.     

He walked to them and the first thing that he blurted was, "Mr. Tanaka, I hope your wife is doing fine."     

Yang Xinyu nodded and said curtly, "Yes, she is doing fine."     

Aleksander then looked at Wu Lina. "I think you should rest now. You have been out almost for an hour now."     

Yan Xiaojun stood behind him with his arms crossed around his chest. He signaled them to leave so as not to rouse any suspicion.     

Wu Lina gave him a scornful look but she stood up along with Yang Xinyu and started walking back to the mansion. Yang Xinyu walked with her for sometime and while walking, he softly whispered, "Just two more days darling."     

Wu Lina smiled at him and continued walking gracefully. Feeling ignored, Aleksander stared at them so hard that Yan Xiaojun had to interrupt. He came beside Wu Lina and gestured Yang Xinyu to walk slowly along with Aleksander to alleviate his suspicions.     

That day Aleksander tried his best to get close to Wu Lina but she just shunned him away. His behavior was irritating her. When she could no longer take it, she complained to Vladimir.     

"I am not liking the ways of Aleksander. Either you constrain his behavior or I will do something untoward," she said menacingly to Vladimir.     

"Well he is trying to get close to you because he wants to marry you…" said Vladimir with a glint of approval in his eyes.     

"Then you must be insane! You know I am a married woman. So stop thinking of getting me married all over again. I am sure this is against the law of your country," she said even more furiously.     

"Do you think I abide by the laws?" harrumphed Vladimir.     

"Oh! I forgot! You don't. But you are okay with making your daughter a mistress of the man she hates," she spat the words out.     

"Lina Yankova! How dare you talk to me like that?" shouted Vladimir, losing all his patience with this little brat now!     

"Don't you 'Lina Yankova' me! The law will never recognize me as the wife of any man other than my husband, unless for you playing with my life is so easy," she was as feisty. "I refuse to be anybody's mistress because I will never divorce my husband!"     

Saying that she stomped out of the room leaving an angered Vladimir behind. Aleksander, who was walking past the room, listened to the conversation between Wu Lina and Vladimir. He saw her coming out of the room. Their eyes met and all he could see was hatred in them. She walked past him towards her room.     

He stared at her and thought, 'How dare she looks at me like that? Once I am married to her, I will teach her the lesson of her life!'     

Next day, Wu Lina purposely never came out of her room, as she was not interested in talking to Vladimir, and even more, she was not interested in seeing Aleksander. Zhao Hai xiang had come to her room along with Yan Xiaojun. They spent some time together and even ate their meals in her room.     

Zhao Hai xiang was waiting for an opportunity to pass them special watches that were given to them by Yang Xinyu's men to track their movements in the party. But there were so many maids and security men present at all the times that he was finding it difficult.     

That day when both of them had gone for a stroll in the garden, he handed them the watches. He had asked them to wear it always.     

In the next two, Wu Lina ate healthily to regain her good health. She hoped to see Yang Xinyu and asked Zhao Hai xiang to convey the message to him but he said that Yang Xinyu had declined to see her, as it was too risky now. Aleksander's suspicions were at an all time high for Mr. Tanaka.     

Two days later, Wu Lina announced that she would like to have breakfast with Vladimir. Vladimir was so overwhelmed that he immediately ordered the chefs to lay out the table for them. Yan Xiaojun and Zhao Hai xiang also joined them. They were having the breakfast quietly. For Vladimir, this small gesture was a huge leap. He had never expected her to talk with him and so he enjoyed having Zhao Hai xiang and Yan Xiaojun along with him on the table.     

Yan Xiaojun broke the silence and said, "Vladimir, I have thought about it. In order to marry Wu Lina, I will leave my country and come to stay with you."     

Vladimir was surprised at his sudden proposal. He looked at Wu Lina nervously waiting for the time bomb to blast any minute! And indeed she became furious, "I said I will not marry anyone!"     

Vladimir signaled Yan Xiaojun to stay quiet. He just didn't want him to spoil that morning. He said, "Thank you for considering Yan Xiaojun but we will talk about it later."     

"No! There will be no further talk on this subject!" shouted Wu Lina.     

"Okay, Wu Lina. Please calm down," said Yan Xiaojun. Once again silence fell on the table.     

Not even a minute had passed when they all heard a loud siren. Someone had breached the boundary wall of the south side of the property.     

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