Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

Rescue (6)

Rescue (6)

Amidst the chaos, he ran around to ask the maids and the security men as to where had Wu Lina gone. One of them said that he had seen them running outside. Vladimir was furious. He rushed out of the main entrance of the mansion only to find that they had left. He called Aleksander to trace them but was pleasantly surprised when Aleksander informed him that the trio was with him.     

Vladimir laughed and said, "Keep Wu Lina safe. I don't care about the rest of them. Make sure that she is not harmed in any way and she reaches the airstrip without any harm to her pregnancy."     

Aleksander sneered and replied, "Okay."     

Meanwhile Vladimir asked one of his men to drive to his private airstrip. But it was impossible to get out of the mansion with continuous attacks. Every time he tried to get out, there would be a barrage of bullets that would get fired. His men were falling down dead one by one. The maids were running helter-skelter and that was creating more of a hassle. Finally after about thirty minutes when the firing from the opposite side stopped, he could come out.     

He was perplexed as to how his mansion that was completely barricaded and secured could be intruded. Pushing those thoughts away from his mind, Vladimir focused on reaching the airport.     

He took five of his men along with him. While they were speeding to the airport, he informed his pilot to be on alert for Aleksander and Wu Lina. He had faith in Aleksander. Right from the time he had taken Aleksander under his wings, he knew that this boy would always be his trusted and for that reason he cherished him. It was clear to him that when they would leave the country for good, he would give his daughter's hands in his and would make him a part of their family forever.     

He had a lot of wealth amassed over the years and had invested in many other countries, but Italy was his favorite. He would keep Wu Lina there with him, safe from the world.     

As he was thinking, his phone started ringing and his dream was broken. One of his men called informing that Yang Xinyu had killed Aleksander and now they were on an aircraft back to China.     

Vladimir panicked. He felt his chest tightening and he was winded. He breathed heavily with his face covered in sweat. The driver stopped the car fearing that Vladimir was getting a heart attack. He asked whether he wanted to go to the hospital instead, but Vladimir slapped his face and said, "No! We will go to the airport! Drive as fast as you can!"     

The driver was so afraid that he started the car and sped without speaking a word. When they reached the airport, Vladimir asked him to rush inside to the aircraft. He saw Aleksander's body thrown on the ground with a bullet in his head. He sat down near him and felt like crying. His baby had died… his knees felt wobbly… he wanted to see his other child… where was she… was she safe… he didn't realize but tears were running out of his eyes to wet his cheeks. He closed Aleksander's eyes…     

Collecting whatever courage he was left with, he got up from there and turned to look at the aircraft that was speeding in their direction. Then, thinking something at that moment of time, he ran to his aircraft. He commanded the pilot to start the engines. He asked him to take a turn towards the hangers after the aircraft had gone a little far on the runway. The pilot followed his commands meekly thinking that the boss was really generous and sensible. He was allowing his daughter to leave the country without creating any more fuss. As a matter of fact he was relieved that the entire chaotic situation was ending. His aircraft was one bloody mess after Aleksander was killed and his body had to be pulled out and thrown.     

However, Vladimir's next command was ridiculous. He asked the pilot to speed the aircraft out of the runway, into the rough fields, towards the speeding aircraft in front.     

"Sir, it is dangerous! If we do that, the planes will collide and everyone will die!" said the scared pilot.     

Vladimir brought the gun to his head and said very slowly, "If you won't do as I say, I will kill you now and then take your family down in the next hour."     

The pilot had no choice and he turned the plane towards the aircraft that was speeding. He was deliberately going slower than he could because he wanted to avert the forthcoming disaster.     

"Why are you not picking up speed?" asked Vladimir, angrily.     

"The plane can go this fast only initially as the engines are still warming up. If I go any faster, it may develop a snag and engines may catch fire," replied the pilot through his teeth.     

"Ridiculous! Speed up!" shouted Vladimir, holding the gun to his temple.     

The pilot increased the speed slightly and the aircraft ride became bumpy.     

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