Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

Rescue (7)

Rescue (7)

From the cockpit, the pilot of Yang Xinyu's aircraft could see them approaching near them. When the other aircraft started coming towards them dangerously, Yang Xinyu looked outside and got the scare of his life. He indicated Yan Xiaojun to look outside. They could do nothing to avoid the situation. It was all in the hands of the pilot as to how he would handle the danger coming their way. All they could do was pray to God.     

Yang Xinyu circled his arms around Wu Lina and pressed her head in his chest while he kept looking outside. Even if something happened to them, they would be together in it.     

All of a sudden their aircraft sped further. The pilot had pushed the speed to the maximum and at the same time he pulled the stick to the back for the aircraft to take off.     

The plane that was coming in their direction was dangerously close now. They both were speeding at such high speeds that even if they touched each other as much as a hair's breadth, it would result in an accident.     

Just as Vladimir's plane was a hundred meters away, Yang Xinyu's aircraft left the ground. In the matter of a few seconds,the aircraft was in the sky on its way to its destination. The pilot had successfully taken off from the runway.     

Vladimir's plane was at such a high speed that it didn't stop and went further in the airfield on the rough grass. The pilot took a lot of time in stopping it but the plane got entangled in several trees and wires ahead. Skillfully, the pilot stopped it with only some damage to the wings. He looked at Vladimir, exhausted after the narrow escape and thanked the pilot of the other plane for being so good at avoiding the crash. Vladimir had dark expressions on his face. He took out the gun and shot the pilot. This was perhaps Vladimir's biggest defeat of his life. Somehow he managed to get out of the aircraft and walked back to the airport. There was a lot he had to deal with.     

His daughter, his heiress, Lina Yankova was snatched from him from his den. His emotions were in a mess. She stayed in his house for a small time, but he was assured that someone was there who would be his successor and that emotion gave him peace. Now again he felt at a loss, he felt ground slipping beneath him. They had robbed his world. He had so much money but he couldn't bear the current loss. They even killed Aleksander so brutally.     

He went to his dilapidated mansion and sat down on the sofa in Wu Lina's room. The room was as she had left it. There was no damage to it because it was located right in the center of the mansion, just like the heart in his body. Just before he had got her over there, he had asked the architect to make a room for her right in the center of the mansion. The aquarium was specially made for her to gaze and be serene whenever she was flustered. It was extremely expensive and all the fish were imported. He looked at the fish that were still swimming just the way his daughter had left them.     

He sat there for a long time without moving. He didn't realize that it was night until a maid came and said that it was time for dinner. Deep in his thoughts, he just nodded, and she left knowing well that her master won't budge from his daughter's room. She shook her head on his pitiable state while leaving. All of a sudden she heard a loud thud from inside the room. She ran inside to find Vladimir slumped on the floor. His face was covered in sweat and his hand was holding his chest. She called for the doctors immediately. Vladimir was admitted to the hospital with a heart attack.     


In the aircraft when the pilot had taken off successfully, Yang Xinyu lifted Wu Lina's head and kissed her passionately. She was back with him. He looked at her misty eyes and couldn't help kissing her all over again. When the aircraft was at a safe height and they were informed by the pilot that they could open their seatbelts, Yang Xinyu just opened Wu Lina's and pulled her on his lap. In that confined space, both of them melted into each other. They had been away from each other for so long. He kissed her so passionately as if he wanted to wash away his anxieties and fears in that moment.     

Yan Xiaojun looked at them and smiled. He looked at Rosa and Ivan and was surprised to find the four-month-old Ivan watching the kissing couple intently. He covered his eyes and said, "Too soon child! Grow up first!" Rosa giggled. Yan Xiaojun looked at her warmly, he had so many things to explore with her. He knew he would take it slowly but first he had to marry her and send the pictures of the marriage certificate to her father.     

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