Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

Mending Gaps (6)

Mending Gaps (6)

Wu Lina breathed a sigh of relief when she saw them going out. She knew that Yang Xinyu would have actually ordered his guards to throw them in the sea for all he cared. But she was also dejected at the way Ying Yue changed her partners. There was no stopping her nonsense. Perhaps she was too insecure…     

Wu Lina shook her head and went to eating her lunch. She noticed that Yang Xinyu was indeed very uncomfortable. She asked, "What happened? Are you having a heart-burn?"     

As soon as Yang Xinyu opened his mouth, he burped again loudly this time. Wu Lina glared at him while he closed his mouth with his hands.     

"These are becoming involuntary," he whined again.     

"Let's show you to a doctor," she said.     

"Oh no! I just need to eat less," he replied instantly.     

"Look at you. You have become so thin. We will show to the doctor who will give you medication for your bloated stomach and then I can feed you properly," replied Wu Lina without even looking at his pitiable face.     

After lunch they went to buy clothes for Ivan from Gap. Wu Lina bought a variety of olive green clothes keeping his eye color in mind. She hadn't seen so many green eyed Chinese in her country, and she was honestly found him to be charming.     

After the shopping, on Wu Lina' insistence, they went to show to a doctor for treating his burp problem. The doctor gave him anti-acids and advised him to eat after meals if he still got the heartburn. But Wu Lina insisted that Yang Xinyu should be given an appetizer as he had lost a lot of weight. The doctor said that there was no need for it, so she asked if he could give him tablets for acid-reflux.     

"How do you know so much about medicines Wu Lina?" asked the doctor.     

"I was a nurse earlier, and this was given to the patients for acidity problems," she replied with a smile.     

The doctor was impressed but also smiled at her saying, "If Yang Xinyu reduces his food intake this problem would solve fast."     

"What? No! He is very thin. He cannot reduce his food intake. You have to give him a stronger anti-acid," she said with determination.     

The doctor understood Yang Xinyu's dilemma, who was sitting there in front of him like a goat to be butchered.     

"Okay, in that case you can increase the number of meals and reduce the quantity of each meal," the doctor replied with a 'I-understand-you' look on his face.     

Wu Lina was happy and left the chamber to buy medicines, which Wu Lina kept safely in her purse.     

On Sunday, Wu Lina and Yang Xinyu attended Rosa and Yan Xiaojun's wedding reception. The reception was held in the gardens of Yan Xiajun's family bungalow. The gardens were beautifully decorated. The entire layout was spread in three gardens. As soon as the guests entered, they were ushered to the spot where Rosa and Yan Xiaojun were standing with Ivan and accepting gifts. In the next one there was a variety of cuisine for the guests, which also showed the fact that Yan Xiaojun's chain of restaurants was perhaps the best in City H. In the third garden, a band was playing and there were numerous youngsters who were dancing to its tune.     

When Yan Xiaojun's parents saw Yang Xinyu as they were entering, both of them greeted him like their own son. They looked so happy that they hugged Yang Xinyu together.     

His mother was especially happy when she said, "I can't believe that I am getting so much happiness these days Yang Xinyu. Not only I got to see my beautiful grandchild, I get to meet my favorite child, Yang Xinyu!" She clasped her hands and continued, "Rosa is such a lovely girl. She is so beautiful. I couldn't have found a charming blond for my son and see, Rosa is right here. I couldn't ask for more."     

Yang Xinyu bowed his head and said, "Nice to see you after a long time uncle and aunty." He choked a little and then brought Wu Lina in front of them, "This is my wife, Wu Lina."     

Yan Xiaojun's mother was surprised. She kept her hands on her mouth and said, "Omo! You have such a lovely wife." Then she embraced Wu Lina. She nudged her husband to gift her. Her husband immediately took out five red packets from his suit and handed them to her. Wu Lina laughed and said, "Thank you."     

Mrs. Jiaojun was ecstatic. She couldn't help saying to Yang Xinyu, "But my daughter-in-law is more beautiful."     

Yang Xinyu and Wu Lina laughed and left them to meet Yan Xiaojun and Rosa.     

Rosa was looking beautiful in her long golden gown that was matching her waist-length golden hair. She had clipped them on the side. Yan Xiaojun was holding Ivan when Wu Lina and Yang Xinyu approached them. Congratulating them, Wu Lina presented her gift to them and hugged Rosa.     

Yan Xiaojun said, "I am so glad that you could come for the wedding. I want us to mend the gaps for our lives now. No more misunderstandings. I want to start fresh Yang Xinyu. You have to give me a chance to rectify the damages I did in the past."     

Yang Xinyu smiled, nodded and said, "Yan Xiaojun, they are all rectified. Lets not talk about them from now on." With that he embraced Yan Xiaojun as he used to, when they were in the high school.     

Wu Lina joined them in their laughter and old jokes for a while, but she also noticed that Rosa did not look interested in joining them. She was simply sitting on her chair with her hands clasped in her lap. She wasn't even paying attention to Ivan. And even though Yan Xiaojun continued to talk to them, he was clearly nervous. He would occasionally glance at Rosa and ask if she was okay. She would give monotonous replies. He was also holding Ivan who was now comfortable in his lap. However, Rosa seemed detached; she seemed unhappy…     

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