Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

Find a Solution

Find a Solution

Wu Lina was bereft. She didn't know what to talk to this stubborn girl. She had formed the opinions in her mind and was reluctant to talk about them to Yan Xiaojun. If this continued, she would definitely leave him in less than a week. Wu Lina became quiet and lowered her head. Rosa realized her mistake and said, "I am sorry Wu Lina, I didn't mean to shout… but I want to go back to my home… I have never stayed away from my parents…"     

"If that is only the case then you should visit your parents and come back, but I believe that your situation is more complicated," said Wu Lina.     

"I don't know…" said Rosa and started crying.     

Wu Lina came and sat beside her to calm her down, "Don't cry Rosa. I think you are missing your parents a lot. Were you studying back in Bulgaria?"     

Rosa looked blankly in front of her and replied gloomily, "No, I couldn't continue my studies because when I became pregnant with Ivan, my peer groups started making things difficult for me in the school. My boyfriend rejected me and I had become depressed. But I couldn't abort my first baby, so even though the society ostracized me, I gave birth to my baby. When I saw that he looked like the man with whom I had had a one-night stand, I was crestfallen. But it was too late by then. I had started looking after father's guesthouse after Ivan was born."     

"I am sorry Rosa," said Wu Lina keeping her hands in her lap.     

Rosa turned her face towards her and said, "Don't be sorry for me. I am in this situation because I chose to be… had I got Ivan aborted, my life would have been simpler…"     

"Don't speak like this. Ivan is a beautiful child. Does Yan Xiaojun know about this?" asked Wu Lina.     

"Yes, he does. He even offered me to go on a shopping spree few days back, but I don't like to shop. He took me after nagging me for a long time. He shopped so much for me and Ivan that I think we don't need clothes for one year now," replied Rosa and started laughing.     

Wu Lina deduced that Rosa needed to do some job. She wasn't the typical girl who would only enjoy shopping.     

They continued talking about other things. Wu Lina also asked about pregnancy and delivery and how she fed Ivan. The conversation became lighter and later Wu Lina left on a friendlier note.     

In the evening when Yang Xinyu came home, Wu Lina told him about Rosa's situation. She said, "The only way out of the problem is that she should start working. That will keep her busy. But Yan Xiaojun has to be comfortable with that."     

Yang Xinyu called Yan Xiaojun over to his bungalow so that they discuss about his predicament and also find a convenient solution.     

Over tea and snacks, Wu Lina told Yan Xiaojun to take Rosa out on dates and pamper her. He told him that she was a foreigner and was finding it difficult to adjust here. Unless she was kept busy, she would keep thinking of leaving the place.     

"I can't allow her to work Wu Lina. She is too young. Plus she has to look after Ivan as well. My parents would throw a fit if they will see her getting menial jobs. She has not even competed her school and you know how competitive it is in China. She doesn't have a chance at good jobs," said Yan Xiaojun.     

"I agree Yan Xiaojun but how will this situation improve?" asked Wu Lina.     

"I don't know…" he said sipping his tea.     

"Well, you need to find a solution as soon as possible. Maybe you can ask her to help with your business…" said Wu Lina.     

Yan Xiaojun nodded. They were silent for a long time, each absorbed in his or her thoughts, until they finished tea. After that Yan Xiaojun left.     

When he reached home, he searched for Rosa. She was playing her favorite symphony on the piano. He kept standing behind her watching her fingers deftly playing the keys. He was mesmerized for a moment. Rosa had learnt piano from a very young age and was very good at it. He loved when she played the music. It would fill his house with positive vibes.     

When she finished playing it, she got up from her seat and looked at him watching her intently. She lowered her head. Yan Xiaojun told her, "Get ready, we are going out for dinner."     

Even though Yan Xiaojun would take her out on dates, she was maintaining her distance. There was no way by which he could break the wall that she had built around her heart. He was becoming more nervous as the time went by.     

He was constantly looking for ways to assess what she wanted. One day while they were having dinner at home, he told her that he wanted to enter the resort business and was looking for someone to help him out.     

"Why don't you use your skills in helping me out to develop the resort? You have already helped your father in this line."     

Rosa looked up at him with surprise. When she looked, he knew he had found that window. He was ready to invest money to keep her busy even if the idea failed.     

"But I am too young Yan Xiaojun. I don't have those kinds of skills. What if this fails?" she asked enthusiastically, yet a little scared.     

"Investing into a resort means a lot of money," she continued.     

Yan Xiaojun smiled at her enthusiasm and patted himself inwards. "It doesn't matter. Unless you fail, how would you know whether it is right for you or not."     

She was so happy that she clasped her hands. "Really?"     

He nodded.     

"Thank you Yan Xiaojun! When can I start?"     

He laughed at her impatience and said, "As soon as I have found the place where you can build it."     

He already had a place in his mind.     

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