Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

I Don’t Think I Love Yan Xiaojun

I Don’t Think I Love Yan Xiaojun

Wu Lina found it odd. On close observation she noticed that Rosa was actually giving cold shoulders to Yan Xiaojun. At first she thought that perhaps it was just a lovers quarrel, but then she realized that Rosa was indeed not happy. She was not looking in his direction. A few times Ivan cried to go to her but she didn't even want to be with him.     

In front of the guests Yan Xiaojun was keeping his jovial nature up, but on the inside he was too worried and this couldn't escape Wu Lina's eyes. Wu Lina decided to talk to her after the function was over because she knew that Rosa was in a vulnerable state and it might become a huge issue in front of the guests if she became emotional. So she took Yang Xinyu off the stage, where the couple was sitting, and on way to the dining area she stated her observation.     

Yang Xinyu's eyes darted in Rosa's direction. He had just now congratulated his old friend and they talked about mending gaps, how could things become sour so soon? Yang Xinyu became sad and said, "Lina, I think you must talk to Rosa. After all, she is very close to us only. Everybody is so happy about this union. I hope it doesn't break because Yan Xiaojun actually wants to give his life a fresh start. He would slump back to his drunken days if Rosa returns back to her country."     

Wu Lina said, "Okay, but I can only talk once the function is over otherwise there may be an unwanted scene."     

Yang Xinyu nodded and proceeded to have dinner along with Wu Lina.     

The function got over past midnight. But Wu Lina was extremely tired by then, so she decided to visit the couple the next day.     

At home Yang Xinyu slept with Wu Lina with his hands tightly clasped around her.     

In the morning Yang Xinyu left for the office early after instructing his security guards to be around Wu Lina, when she left for Yan Xiaojun's house.     

Wu Lina woke up late at 10am. She called Yang Xinyu and wondered if going over to Yan Xiaojun's house and talking to Rosa would be okay. She was apprehensive because it could be possible that her observation about them was wrong. She asked Yang Xinyu to first call Yan Xiaojun and know about the situation. Yang Xinyu agreed and called Yan Xiaojun.     

Yan Xiaojun was pleasantly surprised to receive his call. As both of them were hesitant, they limited talking about the casual stuff. But not even five minutes had passed and both of them started talking jovially, picking the threads from where they had left. They talked about their high school days and the conversation warmed up.     

Yang Xinyu took the opportunity and mentioned about Rosa. He had a long talk with Yan Xiaojun. Yan Xiaojun became sad when Rosa was mentioned.     

"I want a chance with Rosa. I know that our age gap of twelve years is too huge but I am willing to pamper her and go her way, if she is also ready to accept me. I don't love her… but I want the marriage to work because of Ivan. I am constantly scared that she will leave me and also take away Ivan from me. She is too young, and already a mother. I don't know how to deal with that…" said Yan Xiaojun feeling wretched about the situation. He felt as if things were slipping through his hands like sand and he could just stand and watch it.     

When their conversation was over Yang Xinyu called Wu Lina and asked her to visit Rosa. He said it was urgent.     

Wu Lina left to visit Rosa after lunch. Rosa was expecting her, as Yan Xiaojun had already informed about her. Ivan was with a nanny. He was being so cranky that he was looking at his mother to cradle him, but she didn't pick him. The nanny took him to his room shaking her head and saying something in Chinese about young girls.     

Wu Lina started the conversation about her relationship with Yan Xiaojun directly, cutting the chase.     

"Rosa, I am here to discuss things between you and Yan Xiaojun. Yesterday I felt that the two of you were not happy with each other. What is it Rosa? You can tell me because I know that Yan Xiaojun would never let his parents know about his problems," said Wu Lina with concern.     

Rosa darted a look at her and asked, "How do you know so much about Yan Xiaojun?"     

Wu Lina became uncomfortable. She hadn't expected that question from Rosa and couldn't even tell about Yan Xiaojun's past about when Yang Xinyu had saved him from his parents during high school days by getting a girl aborted who was carrying his child. "I know this from Yang Xinyu," she answered tactfully.     

Although Rosa was an eighteen-year young teenager, she was smart not to be fooled. She had to be handled carefully.     

Rosa just pursed her lips and said, "I am homesick… I don't think I love Yan Xiaojun."     

Wu Lina was stunned by her words, "But you came all the way with him even by risking your life."     

"I think it was just momentary. It was all so sudden that I didn't get chance to think about it," replied Rosa with her face looking down in her lap. "I feel he is too old for me…"     

"Rosa, there are many couples with older age difference. You have to give him a chance to make this marriage work. He loves his son a lot."     

"Yes I know that he dotes upon Ivan. If he wants he can keep Ivan, but I want to go home…"     

"Keep Ivan? Do you mean to say that Ivan should be brought up without his mother's care? He is too young to be punished like that Rosa just because you don't love Yan Xiaojun," said Wu Lina annoyed at her.     

"Well, I am just not in love with him. I can't seem to like this culture. It is so different from mine. I can't adjust. His mother keeps asking me to meet his relatives all the time. Even though I go to meet them, I don't want to meet anyone. I feel I am stranded and don't have anything to do," replied Rosa equally annoyed.     

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