Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

The Blackmail (4)

The Blackmail (4)

"Oh no! Please don't talk to my husband. You talk to me lady," said Rosa menacingly.     

"You don't know what kind of beast your husband was. Do you want to see what he did?" asked Ying Yue trying to provoke Yan Xiaojun.     

Yan Xiaojun clenched his fists and yelled at Ying Yue, "I said, stop it Ying Yue! She doesn't have to be dragged in this mess."     

Ying Yue was getting impatient by the minute. She had to milk the current situation of confusion. She picked her purse and dug out an envelop from there. She was about to give it to Rosa, when Yan Xiaojun snatched it from her and said, "Enough! Get out before I do something untoward. You will not involve Rosa into anything."     

"Well then, hand me over the money." The fact that Yan Xiaojun didn't want his wife to see his pictures meant that he would give into her blackmail.     

Rosa shouted, "You will get no money, scumbag. Leave this office now, else I will call the security and get you thrown out."     

Seeing Rosa's disposition, Ying Yue's hope to extort money from Yan Xiaojun was dwindling. In a last attempt to sabotage his relationship with Rosa, she took out more pictures from her bag and threw a bunch of them in front of Rosa saying, "Your husband had had too many girlfriends in the past. See it for yourself!"     

Before Yan Xiaojun could pick those pictures, Rosa had picked them and she started seeing them one by one. Her face became pale. She looked at Yan Xiaojun with a lot of questions in her eyes. Her gaze turned to Ying Yue, who was standing with her hands on her hips and smiling at her.     

Rosa circled the table to stand in front of Ying Yue and flung the pictures on her face. "Get out now!"     

Ying Yue didn't move from her place and said, "You choose to stay with a person as despicable as Yan Xiaojun. He played with you that night, and you have become so serious about it? Are you insane? You should leave-"     

Before she could utter another word, Rosa slapped her tight across the face. "It is none of your business what I choose to do in my life. If Yan Xiaojun had been remotely interested in you, he would have already married you. I don't care about his girlfriends from the past, I am interested in his present, which is me! So, get out and don't even think of coming back."     

Ying Yue held her face in her hands. She shouted at them, "You wait and see, you scoundrels. I will publish these photos on Internet now. See how your image will come down overnight, Yan Xiaojun."     

It was then that the secretary stepped in, "Madam, the photographs you have showed us were photo shopped. All the faces belonged to different girls, but the body of the female in the photo was that of one girl. It was apparent that the man present in the photos had been added separately, which in this case is Yan Xiaojun. Basically all these photos are fake. We have got an expert report on these. So if you try to publish these anywhere, we will file a case against you for blackmailing us and causing us mental distress. Let us know how you would like to proceed Miss Yue."     

Ying Yue was shocked at the way things were going. She could never imagine that Yan Xiaojun would get an expert to assess the photographs. Her plan had failed and instead of getting money, she was now being threatened a liable class action suit against her. She knew it was time to leave the place or else who knows they would call the police. She was afraid how Mr. Wan take it. He was known for his temper and it was possible that he would use it on her.     

Instead of going to him or her home, she bought a ticket to an unknown destination and left the city.     

Rosa was so emotionally drained after dealing with Ying Yue that she leaned against the table and held her head in hands. Yan Xiaojun signaled his secretary to leave the room. He supported Rosa and made her sit on his chair.     

Rosa started crying. He took out his kerchief and wiped her tears.     

"I am sorry Rosa…" he said softly.     

She smiled through her tears and replied, "It's not your fault. She was trying to extract money on such flimsy background. Everybody is entitled to do mistakes in life. Even I did, but fortunately my story turned out differently."     

"You are not mad at me?" asked Yan Xiaojun.     

"Of course not!" she said laughing through her tears.     

"Do you remember you promise?"     

Rosa nodded. He smiled and bent down to kiss the crown of her head. "Let's go home."     

Along with Ivan, Rosa and Yan Xiaojun left her for their home. It was a long day and Yan Xiaojun looked forward to creating better future for all of them.     


Meanwhile at the Sapphire bungalow, Yang Xinyu had called Wu Lina that he had managed to get her adoption papers from Bulgaria. In a matter of few days, they would change her name from Lina Yankova to Yang Lina.     

Wu Lina was excited to hear it. She clasped her hands and decided to give a grand dinner to all her friends when the formalities would complete.     

She remembered that she hadn't called Rosa and Yan Xiaojun for a long time now. Since it was already late at night, she decided to call them the next day. She hoped that they were progressing in their relationship.     


At night, Yan Xiaojun informed Rosa that he had initiated the process to buy the resort. Even though Rosa was tired from the day's events, she showed her eagerness. "Thank you Yan Xiaojun for having faith in me."     

Yan Xiaojun stroked her hair and said, "No, you cannot thank me. I just did what a husband would do for his wife." He kept looking at her lovely golden soft hair and circled a tress around his finger. Rosa lowered her head, as he gazed at her. That night Ivan slept in his room. Yan Xiaojun spooned her as they slept together. He felt secured.     

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