Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

The Blackmail (2)

The Blackmail (2)

When Yan Xiaojun left for home in the evening, he didn't know that he was in for a surprise. Rosa had made a beautiful presentation for him. Even before he could settle and have tea, she pulled him to his study, made him sit in the chair and booted the computer. While the computer was starting, she asked the maid to bring tea for him to the study.     

Yan Xiaojun looked at her beaming face and felt like holding her tight. He hadn't realized how in a few days Rosa had got so close to him. He remembered how Ying Yue had blackmailed him and immediately felt as if he was about to lose Rosa. He looked at her, an uneasiness gripping his chest. She was uncomfortable by the way he stared but she could sense that he was tense. After standing still for a moment, she asked him, "Is something wrong Yan Xiaojun?"     

Yan Xiaojun shook his head and said, "No, show me what all have you done," and reclined back in the chair.     

Rosa started her presentation on the power point. Each and every point was placed in different pages, as she explained why that change was needed and how it would be beneficial to what she had in mind. It lasted for almost an hour and Yan Xiaojun became so immersed in it that he forgot everything about Ying Yue. He was impressed by her work and decided to invest in her project. The way she had presented, it was better than most of his skilled employees. Even if she was there with him for a short time, it was worth it. With the way Ying Yue was going, it won't be long before she would contact Rosa and things would take turn for the bad.     

He clapped when the presentation was over and said, "I am very impressed Rosa and I would like to go ahead. But you have to promise me one thing."     

"What is it Yan Xiaojun?" she asked expecting him to say something about the project.     

"If things would go wrong between us, you will give me one chance to explain myself," asked Yan Xiaojun earnestly.     

Rosa frowned and said, "I didn't get you Yan Xiaojun… I thought you would ask me something about the project…"     

Yan Xiaojun shook his head, "It is perfect. But do you promise me just this small thing?"     

"Of course yes," she said as if there was even a need for something like this.     

Next day, Yan Xiaojun called the owner of the resort to his office and gave him the terms and conditions of the deal according to what Rosa had suggested. The owner started complaining that it was absolutely ridiculous to expect him to repair some part of the resort. He just wanted his money, and leave the country for good. But Yan Xiaojun was firm in his offer. Eventually, after throwing tantrums, the owner came to terms with the offer. He had to yield to his demands. He signed the document in the presence of Yan Xiaojun's lawyer and left. He asked for a week's time before all the documented repairs would be completed.     

Yan Xiaojun called Rosa and said that the deal was finalized. Rosa was ecstatic, "Really? Thank you Yan Xiaojun!"     

He heard her laughing cheerfully at the other end and said, "As a husband it is my duty to keep you happy."     

In the afternoon, Ying Yue called and said that she was coming to collect her money.     

Yan Xiaojun didn't say a word and disconnected the call.     

When Ying Yue came, Yan Xiaojun noticed that she had changed her appearance. She had cut her hair short. She was wearing skimpier clothes. She had done a lot of makeup, to the extent that she looked artificial. Her red lipstick was glaring and overall she looked liked a woman who was all out to seduce men. She was carrying a folder in her hands.     

Yan Xiaojun's secretary was present in the office when she came there. She looked at him, smiled and said, "I want you to leave the office as I want to speak with Yan Xiaojun privately."     

Yan Xiaojun said, "No, he is my secretary. He will be here while we talk."     

Ying Yue shrugged and said, "Okay. In that case please give me the money I had asked for."     

The secretary replied this time, "Miss Yue you should know that blackmailing is an offense and if caught you can be put behind bars for a long time."     

Ying Yue gave him a disdainful look, "Just give me my money and I will leave. If you won't I will go to Rosa and show her these pictures." She tossed the folder in her hand towards Yan Xiaojun.     

Yan Xiaojun was horrified when he saw the pictures. They were pictures of his girlfriends along with him and several compromising positions. He felt embarrassed. But at the same time he wondered from where did she acquire those.     

The secretary picked the photos. He said, "Miss Yue, since you have asked us to pay you two million Yuan for those pictures, you will have to give us some time. It is a large amount. We can give them to you by tomorrow. But how do you guarantee that you will destroy those pictures once you have the money?"     

"I don't guarantee," replied Ying Yue with a shrug. "Yan Xiaojun, this is just the beginning," she added shamelessly.     

Yan Xiaojun felt like slapping her. "Ying Yue, you…!" He was about to get up from his chair, when the secretary pressed his hand on his shoulder signaling him to stay quiet and not lose his temper.     

Yan Xiaojun sat down with pursed lips while the secretary said, "Okay, Miss Yue, give us until tomorrow then."     

"No, I want the money by this evening 6pm," she demanded. "If you fail to give me the money by then, you can say goodbye to Rosa and Ivan forever." She was trying to provoke Yan Xiaojun. However, her attempts failed and all she got was cold looks from him.     

The secretary nodded and she left.     

Yan Xiaojun suspected as to how Ying Yue was able to gather these pictures. The pictures were sent to a photo lab to verify their nature.     

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