Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

Нямате Cрам

Нямате Cрам

The week passed peacefully without any turmoil. Yan Xiaojun started coming early just in time to catch Rosa on her piano. It had become a ritual for him and he would often wind up his job at the office in hurry only to listen to her. He was becoming used to it.     

Ivan had started teething, so he had become crankier. Rosa had bought plastic teethers for him to bit but Yan Xiaojun had thrown them and instead bought the wooden ones. Ivan would end up biting everything that came in his mouth. Most of the time it was his father's fingers because the moment he would bite Rosa, she would hand him over to his father who would willingly offer all his fingers for him to bite. His fingers had numerous small bruises by the end of the week.     

The buying of resort was finalized next week when the owner had done all the necessary repair work. Rosa started working on her first ever, independent project. Before Yan Xiaojun gave her the responsibility, he said to her over dinner, "I am here for your support. Whatever you require, just let me know and don't struggle yourself."     

Rosa nodded and then remembered that she bought cologne for him. She got up from the table and rushed to the bedroom to get the cologne. Ying Yue's face flashed across her mind and she shuddered. That woman was trying to sabotage their marriage even before it started.     

She went back and presented her gift to Yan Xiaojun who was waiting for her with a surprised expression. He smiled when she gave him the gift and gently kept is aside. Rosa became sad.     

"Rosa, thank you. Why is that frown on your lovely face?"     

"You didn't open the gift…" she replied with her eyes on her lap.     

Yan Xiaojun laughed and said, "I am sorry. I wanted to open it with clean hands. This is the second gift my wife has given."     

"Second gift? But I don't remember the first gift I gave you."     

Yan Xiaojun smiled again and said, "Ivan is the first gift and the most precious one."     

Rosa beamed, as her face split in an ear-to-ear grin.     

Yan Xiaojun finished his dinner and opened the wrappings of the gift and sprayed it liberally on his skin. The scent was intoxicating for Rosa. On the pretext of removing something around his mouth, she came near him only to smell and savor the smell. "Did you like it?"     

"Yes, as long as my wife likes it," he said tapping her nose.     

They both slept early that day, as the next day Rosa had to start working on her project. She was looking forward to it.     

Rosa formed a recruited team of workers and became busy after taking over the project. She loved everyday challenges and would excitedly discuss them with Yan Xiaojun who would keep giving his ideas.     

She had decided to convert it into a resort with spa. Her idea was to create a separate section for spa, so that even the locals could use it without disturbing the guests. Often Yan Xiaojun would come from his office and spend his time with her. One day while she was talking to the labors, he noticed that she was talking in broken Chinese. He went and stood behind her quietly without disturbing the conversation. She was speaking Chinese with an accent. He found it so adorable that he wanted to laugh and correct her but he refrained.     

When Rosa turned after giving instructions, she found a bemused Yan Xiaojun staring at her. "What is so funny?" she asked. Her hair was sticking to her forehead due to sweat and so was her shirt to her body. She was tanned in just a few days. Her rosy complexion was now bronzed. Yan Xiaojun tucked her hair behind her ears and said, "Lets eat." He held her hands and dragged her to his car where he opened the food packets for her to eat. Rosa rewarded him by eating everything that he had got for her. Once she finished her food, she started talking about her project while he took out his kerchief and wiped the oil around her mouth.     

Yan Xiaojun realized that his wife was still just a teenager in growing phase and her diet had to be taken care of. He texted his dietician for the restaurant to chart out a healthy diet plan for his wife.     

When they came out of the car, she rushed to check whether the labors were working according to her instructions or not. Yan Xiaojun followed her and watched her intently as she conversed with the labor. He was standing so close behind her that when Rosa turned, she bumped into him. She looked up and saw him looking at her. Embarrassed, she blushed and circled him to leave in hurry. Yan Xiaojun's gaze followed her direction. He ran his fingers through his hair, smiled and went after her, leaving the laborers behind who laughed at the young couple.     

Yan Xiaojun offered to take her for a cup of coffee after they winded the work for the day.     

In the restaurant he ordered two cappuccinos for them and waited silently until it arrived. While Yan Xiaojun sipped it slowly, Rosa took the cup to her mouth to take large sips resulting in the foam to settle right above her upper lip.     

"Have you done that on purpose?" asked Yan Xaiojun.     

"What?" she asked naively.     

"Girls drink their coffee fast in order for the foam to settle on their lips for their boyfriends to get attracted."     

Rosa looked at him with daggers in her eyes and picked the napkin to wipe it, but Yan Xiaojun held her hand and leaning over the table towards her, he kissed her upper lip to wipe off the foam. When he left her, Rosa was red till her neck. She said, "Нямате срам" in Bulgarian. Since Yan Xiaojun couldn't understand a word, he just smiled and shrugged and continued to have his coffee while staring at her. Rosa finished her coffee quickly and ran out of the restaurant.     

Rosa was so angry at his behavior in the restaurant that she ran across the street and Yan Xiaojun ran after her in a hurry.     

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