Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

You Are So Bossy Rosa!

You Are So Bossy Rosa!

After Yan Xiaojun kissed her in the restaurant, Rosa ran across the street and Yan Xiaojun ran after her. She crossed the road and in order to stop her, Yan Xiaojun crossed the road too. But as he was crossing, a motorcycle hit him.     

Rosa had run away from him and was at some distance when the accident occurred. She turned around when she heard commotion behind her. She saw that Yan Xiaojun was lying unconscious on the road. She screamed and ran back to him. Picking him up in her lap, she slapped his cheeks, "Yan Xiaojun, get up! Yan Xiaojun, Yan Xiaojun." But he didn't wake up.     

Yan Xiaojun opened his eyes in the hospital. It was midnight. The lights were dim. The first thing he noticed was the number of tubes running out of his body. He turned his head and saw Rosa sleeping with her head on her hands on his bed. He smiled and ran a finger through her blond hair. Brushing her cheeks, he wiped the tear that had slowly come out of her eye. She stirred and woke up sending movement on her face. She was so happy to see him awake.     

"You are awake! Thank God! Yan Xiaojun, how are you feeling? I am so sorry for being such an idiot. I shouldn't have run away. After all you are my husband," she kept blabbering until Yan Xiaojun placed his finger on her lips. Rosa blushed a pale pink and turned to call the doctor on duty.     

The doctor came back along with her and examined Yan Xiaojun's vital statistics. He said, "You have minor injuries but we were scared that you had fainted. This lady here was crying all the while when we shifted you the in the VIP ward. We were afraid that she would get a panic attack."     

The doctor looked at Rosa and smiled. He continued, "Your wife looks much better now Mr. Yan. Although you have got minor injuries in your hand and legs, which I think will become okay within a week's time, we would like to keep you in ward for a day just to observe you. How are you feeling? Is there any dizziness or heaviness?"     

Yan Xiaojun said, "No, I am fine. I would like to go back home."     

"It would be better if you stay for a day…"     

Yan Xiaojun refused.     

Rosa wasn't ready to take him back home until he recovered completely. She had even asked the nanny to bring Ivan time and again just to feed him. But she never left the hospital.     

"No, you are not going anywhere until the doctor gives you a green signal!" commanded Rosa.     

"But I am fine," complained Yan Xiaojun.     

"Nothing doing!" She said and turned to the doctor. The doctor nodded and left them.     

"You are so bossy Rosa," Yan Xiaojun complained again.     

"I am. Deal with it!"     

Yan Xiaojun puffed his cheeks in anger and turned his face away.     

She went near him and kept her hand on his forehead. "Please Yan Xiaojun, I was so scared when you had fainted. Lets not take chances."     

Yan Xiaojun melted the moment she kept her hand on his forehead. He turned to look at her and held her hand, "Whatever you say…"     

Yan Xiaojun was discharged a day later. His arms and legs were hurting but when Ivan cried to come to his father, he couldn't resist. He picked him in his lap despite all the pain he experienced. He kissed his son, and tickled him, who rewarded him with his giggle and two dimples.     

Since Yan Xiaojun was at home, Rosa also suspended all her work and stayed back with him. For the entire week she wouldn't leave Yan Xiaojun even for a minute. She realized that even Ivan was very much neglected by her and had become cranky being with nanny all the time. Rosa couldn't leave both her son and her husband on the servants. She felt she was capable of taking better care of them. Yan Xiaojun kept insisting that she should let the servants do the menial jobs but Rosa wouldn't listen. She was trying to make up for all the time she had neglected them.     

Ivan was five months and had started sitting with a little bit of support. Yan Xiaojun would play with him the whole day. The father and son duo were inseparable. One day Rosa noticed that Ivan had curled up and slept near his father after dinner. Since he was sleeping on her side of the bed, she went and sat on the other side.     

She looked at Yan Xiaojun who was sleeping. He was looking so peaceful that she started stroking his forehead lightly. Slowly she bent down and kissed him there. At that instant Yan Xiaojun opened his eyes. Rosa was caught in the act. She tried to get up and run away but Yan Xiaojun held her hand and pulled her back. She fell right beside him. Yan Xiaojun pulled her near him and holding her neck firmly, he kissed on her lips. Rosa didn't struggle. He opened her lips with his tongue and slowly explored her mouth. Rosa could feel all her blood going down between her thighs.     

Just as it was getting intense, Ivan woke up and started crying when he saw his mother and father doing something that might hurt them. Rosa left Yan Xiaojun, blushing heavily. She picked Ivan and went to his nursery with a smile to feed him and put him to sleep. By the time she came back Yan Xiaojun was asleep.     

Next day Yan Xiaojun left for work early. When Rosa woke up, she saw the empty bed and became sad. She had become so used to his presence in the last few days.     

She had called the labors at the site and so she also went for work. But she was distracted the entire day, as she wanted to speak with Yan Xiaojun. Finally she called him at the office only to be informed by the secretary that he was in a meeting. That day she couldn't concentrate and came back home early. She was surprised to see that even Yan Xiaojun had come home early. Her mood lifted. That day she played her favorite symphony on the piano as Yan Xiaojun watched her.     

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