Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

The Tattletale

The Tattletale

Wu Lina shuddered when she heard that men like that existed in the world. Yang Xinyu didn't want his wife to hear all that negative talk, so he hurried their pace back to the car.     

At home Yang Xinyu gave Mrs. Jiao Wu Lina's latest diet chart that the doctor had prescribed for her. With absolutely no elderly help from anyone including Wu Lina's mother, Yang Xinyu heavily relied upon doctor's suggestions. He even hired a personal dietician for her. Wenqian couldn't come as much as Wu Lina would have wanted because her son was preparing for his university entrance exams. She called Wu Lina one of the days to ask about her health. Wu Lina wanted to tell her all about the sufferings she had undergone in the last month but refrained. She thought that she would personally tell her mother about it when they sat face to face.     

Wu Lina became busy with her research at home. She was almost finalizing the project. She had approached many personalities in the movie industry to sign up with her firm but she wasn't getting as good a response as she had expected. She was looking for more names in the industry, and the search was bugging her.     

Yang Xinyu, on the other hand was becoming impatient by the minute. He wanted her attention but all she was doing was looking at her laptop and jotting down notes upon notes. Even during dinner Wu Lina was looking at her phone. She was in fact looking at the profiles of all the not-so-popular actors and actresses who would be willing to sign up with her company. She was browsing through their Weibo profiles and making mental notes.     

Yang Xinyu was annoyed by her busy disposition. He was all the more annoyed at his father for putting Wu Lina to work. He vented all his frustration by not talking to her at all, but he so wanted to snatch that cellphone from her and throw it in the dustbin. After dinner when they went back to the bedroom, Wu Lina resumed her research. Yang Xinyu flared up and said, "Wu Lina, you have been working on that stupid project of yours from so long. It is enough, don't stress yourself and my babies. You better take some rest or I will throw that phone and laptop in the river outside."     

Wu Lina looked at him with pursed lips because she hadn't heard a word. She said, "What did you just say?"     

Yang Xinyu cowered thinking that she would start a useless fight with him. So he kept quiet and went to the bed leaving Wu Lina wondering about what he just said. He tried to sleep however, all his energy was focused on what she was doing. Wu Lina winded up her work soon and came to sleep next to him. She saw that he was fidgeting a lot so she hugged him from behind. Although he was angry with her, the moment she hugged him, he became still. He didn't acknowledge her hug even though he relaxed under her touch and slept within five minutes.     

Early next morning, Yang Xinyu left for the work early, determined to talk to his father about the project he had handed to Wu Lina.     

Instead of going to his office, he turned his car towards his father's office. He had to wait outside his office as the Chairman, now the mayor of the city, was in an important meeting with other political members of the municipal corporation. His secretary ushered him into a private room and asked him to wait for a while. Yang Xinyu was awestruck by his father's new office and position. He hadn't realized until then how important his father was now that he had become the mayor of the city. He wondered whether his father would even return back as the Chairman of the office.     

The meeting got over thirty minutes later and the members started coming out of the room one by one. Yang Xinyu bowed to each one of them respectfully. When all of them had left, the secretary informed him that he could meet the mayor.     

"Yang Xinyu, how are you? It has been a long time since I have heard anything from the two of you. Have you forgotten your father?" scolded the mayor as soon as he saw Yang Xinyu entering the room. Yang Xinyu hadn't even sat down on the chair when he was bombarded with that barrage of questions.     

"Father, it is me who has been wronged and I am being scolded. This is not justified," lamented Yang Xinyu.     

"Wronged? In what way are you wronged? Tell me about the culprit and I will wring his neck!"     

"The culprit is Wu Lina," said Yang Xinyu looking directly at his father.     

The mayor looked at him blankly and replied quietly, "I am sorry Yang Xinyu but I cannot do anything to Wu Lina. After all she will be giving birth to my grandchildren and I would like you to follow whatever she asks you to do." The mayor remembered all the gifts he had bought for his grand kids and wanted to use them as soon as possible, and his stupid son was talking against them. This was not allowed. So he just pursed his lips and looked elsewhere.     

"Father, I am here to talk to you about the project you have given her to start the entertainment company," said Yang Xinyu shaking his head.     

"What about that? Has she finalized her project details? I would love to see them."     

Yang Xinyu was exasperated. He shouted, "Father, she is going crazy about it. She is not paying attention to her health and-," he stopped mid-sentence.     


Yang Xinyu shook his head again and said, "That's not important. The fact is that she is working crazily and not taking care of her health."     

The mayor became desperate, "What should I do Yang Xinyu?"     

"Well, talk to her, and convince her to stop working on it for a few days. But when you talk to her, please don't mention that I came here to tell you about her," he replied with a shrug.     

The mayor narrowed his eyes at the tattletale sitting in front of him but he decided not to say anything to him. In front of him, he placed a call to Wu Lina.     

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