Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

What is Your Problem?

What is Your Problem?

The mayor was at a loss of words while Yang Xinyu slowly got up from and left his father to fend for himself. Yang Min-Chang was so angry with that brat that he clenched his fists tightly. He had cancelled all his meetings just so he could be with Wu Lina, and his son was adamant on making him leave the place. It would be so awkward to go back to the office. Moreover, now Wu Lina had asked a question he wasn't prepared for, and Yang Xinyu left him alone to face her. He felt like getting a thick leather whip and whip his son to teach him a lesson.     

While he was seething inside at his son, he maintained a polite demeanor and said, "Wu Lina they will arrive according to their convenience."     

"Okay father," she replied.     

The mayor stood from his sofa and made his way out of the main entrance of the house. He found Yang Xinyu standing there as if waiting for him to leave. He came near him and to Yang Xinyu's surprise slapped him hard on his arms, saying, "You brat, where do I go now? Why am I the one who has to cater to your whims?"     

"Father, who else will do that then?" replied Yang Xinyu shamelessly. He called the driver to take the mayor back to his office. When the car left, Yang Xinyu dusted his hands off invisible dust and gladly entered the living room.     

The mayor couldn't obviously go to the office, so he decided to go to his third mistress and meet his youngest son. He had to give him a lot of advice based on what Yang Xinyu did. Young Yang Láichén had a lot to hear that day. Even though he could hear his mother giggle unnecessarily, he was irritated by his father's nag. When he could no longer bear, he said, "Father, I am fifteen. Brother is thirty years old. I will not marry until I am thirty! So please can you save this conversation until then?"     

The mayor became furious. He got up from the chair, and threw the remote control of the x-Box his son was flashing in the air while talking to him.     

Meanwhile, Yang Xinyu smiled at his victory as he was entering the living room. But to his surprise he saw that Wu Lina wasn't there. He asked the butler who was instructing a maid to clean the tables about her, to which he replied that the missus had gone to her bedroom.     

Yang Xinyu ran upstairs, taking two steps at a time, at this golden opportunity. When he entered the room, his face fell to the ground. Wu Lina was sleeping. perhaps she was tired from all that packing and unpacking.     

But Yang Xinyu became irritated. He went downstairs to watch TV. On way he met a smiling Mrs. Jiao, who was scolded upon for making pathetic food. In the living room, the maid who was cleaning the bric-a-brac was sent away in tears. The butler seemed to have understood the temper of the young master. He just vanished from there.     

Wu Lina heard commotion downstairs and came out of the bedroom. As she was crossing the kitchen, she saw a teary Mrs. Jiao.     

"Young miss, the master had said that I was preparing bad food. Will he fire me? Please help me. I don't want to leave," said Mrs. Jiao in between her sobs.     

Wu Lina was baffled at Yang Xinyu's sudden burst of temper. She calmed Mrs. Jiao and said, "Don't worry Mrs. Jiao. I won't let you go. Please go inside the kitchen and wipe your tears."     

After sending Mrs. Jiao back to the kitchen, Wu Lina went to find Yang Xinyu who was changing TV channels without even noticing what was there. She went near him and sat quietly. "Why are you behaving so absurdly? What is your problem?"     

Yang Xinyu switched off the TV and rose from the chair to go up to the bedroom with Wu Lina following him. He stomped into the bedroom and without speaking a word he sat down on the bed with his arms crossed across his chest. Wu Lina went and stood by his side. With her hands on her lips, she asked again, "What happened Yang Xinyu? Why are you so upset?"     

Instead of replying to her, Yang Xinyu pouted his lips. Wu Lina couldn't help laughing at him. She pinched his lips and gave him a peck.     

Yang Xinyu harrumphed and turned his face away. She poked him on his shoulders and said, "You look like a cute monkey. You should pout more. Or better still – stay like that forever. Get plastic surgery done!" She started laughing at her own joke peeving him further.     

Yang Xinyu couldn't take it any further. He stood up from there and went to sit on his side of the bed. He switched on the music. Wu Lina again started teasing him.     

"Go away Wu Lina," he shouted.     

Wu Lina was shocked at his tone. Exasperated, she lifted her hands in the air and turned to go.     

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