Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

Epic Entertainment

Epic Entertainment

Rosa looked at him and said reproachfully, "What do you mean? Don't you trust my capabilities? I can easily manage all of you."     

"It's not that Rosa. Ivan is too young. He barely knows how to sit properly. I don't want him to exert himself so much," explained Yan Xiaojun.     

"Wu Lina was telling me that the movie production wouldn't begin soon. I am sure there will be so many formalities. By then Ivan will be able to hold himself while sitting," said Rosa, as determined as a rock.     

"I am not comfortable Rosa…" said Yan Xiaojun looking at his son, who was chewing on his father's fingers. He smiled at Ivan and stroked his hair gently. Then he took out his phone to click his picture. He tickled Ivan, and Ivan started laughing uncontrollably. The picture was clicked and set as his wallpaper on the phone.     

"Daddy won't let you work hard, buttercup," said Yan Xiaojun totally mesmerized by Ivan. Yan Xiaojun didn't know whether he loved Rosa more or Ivan. Whenever he tried to analyze his emotions for them, it was Ivan who won. Yan Xiaojun would look at Rosa and sigh not daring to tell her his analysis.     

Yan Xiaojun shook his head and said, "Rosa, I will not let my child suffer."     

"I guarantee that he will not suffer. Please Yan Xiaojun, who gets such a fantastic chance? Just because Wu Lina is interested in making a movie with Ivan is a chance of a lifetime," said Rosa trying to convince him harder. She was throwing every logic her teenage brain could think of.     

Yan Xiaojun looked at her and realized that she was so driven while he was calm. The age difference clearly showed between them. She was too energetic. She was taking care of the resort and spa along with Ivan adroitly. He couldn't ask for more. He was happy that Rosa had become so busy in her job that there was not a single moment when she would even think about her family back at Bulgaria. She had gotten so close to him over the past month that all her trepidations and anxieties about staying in a different country with different cultures had been alleviated. She was a different woman now and Yan Xiaojun appreciated that.     

He stroked her hair and said, "Rosa, you have so much to do already. Will you be able to manage this responsibility too? After all your resort is still at a nascent stage."     

"Of course Yan Xiaojun! I can do it!"     

"Okay, then I will allow my son only when he starts sitting properly," said Yan Xiaojun sadly.     

Rosa caught his hand and squeezed, "You worry so much Yan Xiaojun. Haven't I proven that I can be a proficient woman?"     

"I don't doubt that," he said and was rewarded by a kiss on his hands.     

Rosa beamed and said, "Thank you darling."     

Yan Xiaojun melted. He was waiting for the car ride to get over and reach his bedroom.     


When Yang Fangxu heard that Wu Lina had started her own production house, she became jealous. There were some comments on Weibo as to how a new entertainment company, "Epic Entertainment" has mushroomed under the Yang Corporation.     

"The Yang Corporation has started a new entertainment company. From software to media? Ha-ha. It's better they stick to what they are efficient at."     

"The Yang family has given their daughter-in-law an entertainment company as a gift."     

"Does she even know the 'e' of entertainment?"     

When Yang Fangxu read those comments, she sneered. She made a secret account in the name of 'Delete' and posted nasty comment against Wu Lina.     

"The typical rags to riches story of Cinderella. Wu Lina hardly knows anything about entertainment and yet just because she married a mogul in the software industry, she is getting that privilege to start an entertainment company. It seems entertainment world in for more shocks!"     

The Weibo chat instantly became active. There were hundreds of comments on Wu Lina's newness. While most of them snickered at her, some were gentler.     

"So what if she is new in the world. She should be given a chance to prove her worth."     

Yang Fangxu immediately replied as 'Delete', "Do you even know that she was unable to sign up good stars. Only B grade stars have signed up with her."     

Promptly came the reply, "Don't be so sure about her failure 'Delete'."     

"When you sign only B grade stars and not a single big star wants to be attached with you, it is obvious that, that company has failed even before it has started!"     

Her comments gathered more replies.     

"Hehe. Wu Lina is a lost case. She was just a computer programmer in her company when she married Yang Xinyu and now she is eyeing the media world. Is she a nut-case?"     

"Yes, it seems she has become insane after seeing all that money."     

"Everybody who is rich wants to try a hand at movies. Hehe."     

Yang Fangxu was happy that she was able to defame her so easily. She secretly hired a blogger to only keep a watch on the comments related to the "Epic Entertainment" and slander them at every possibility.     

Wu Lina was oblivious of all the Internet buzz going about her company. Her secretary informed her about it.     

Wu Lina was engrossed researching about the next star she had thought of signing up with when her secretary Che Mingliang told her, "Ma'am, there is a lot of slander going on Weibo chat about our company. What should we do?"     

Wu Lina was shocked. She asked her to show her the comments. Her secretary opened her Weibo chat account and said, "Ma'am, there are hundreds of such comments. But most of them are negative. They all are saying that ours is a very small company with only B grade stars, and it will disappear soon."     

Che Mingliang showed those comments to her. Wu Lina read them and keeping her pen down, she pressed in between her eyebrows.     

Since there was not much work with her at the moment, she asked Che Mingliang to tackle social media.     

Che Mingliang had been highly recommended by Zhou Hai xiang.     

Wu Lina gasped and looked thoughtful as she noticed something really strange.     

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