Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

Ivan As The Hero

Ivan As The Hero

The company couldn't find a capable candidate for the position of CEO, hence the responsibilities of that job was also given to Yang Xinyu. It was back to square one for Yang Xinyu. He was taking care of both the jobs when he was the CEO. It just meant that as the Chairman he would be busier than ever.     

Ever since he had taken over as the Chairman, he was hardly getting tie to spend with Wu Lina and his tiny dots. He was constantly traveling. Often he would ask the doctor if he could take Wu Lina along with him, but she always refused. She refused mainly because Wu Lina was carrying three kids.     

For Wu Lina, the month was hectic. She recruited people for the company after an office space was arranged for her in the Yang Corporation building. The process of recruiting people for the entertainment industry wasn't easy. She had to get skillful managers who would be able to handle stars. She would often borrow Zhao Hai xiang from Yang Xinyu to help her organize people.     

The most important part of the company was to sign stars from the movie industry. But she was struggling to get them, as all big names wanted to adhere to established companies.     

On the other hand Yang Fangxu was able to sign up some of the big names for her company. Not only that, she also invested money her home production in which she starred as the lead actress. She had roped in popular director for direction. As for the funds, she was having a large amount after she had sold her entire worth of shares. She considered herself lucky that the person who had bought from her offered her a higher price than the market value.     

Since Wu Lina wasn't getting even a single top movie star, she focused on small B grade stars that were popular amongst the media. Eventually, after a month of hard work, the company started functioning. The mayor had already pledged a lot of funds for the company, so that wasn't an issue. The main problem was that the competition was tough. Wu Lina had to stand in front of the stalwarts of the industry. All she had in hand were ten small stars and equally small staff. Wu Lina was tensed how would she even be able to create a niche in the industry. Her father-in-law had so must trust in her skills that she would become nervous.     

The stars of her company started getting small advertisements and second lead roles in the movies over a period of time.     

One of the days when she was in her office, she received a call from Rosa that she wanted to catch up with them. Wu Lina was pleasantly surprised. She invited them over for dinner.     

In the evening Rosa and Yan Xiaojun came over to meet them along with Ivan. When Wu Lina saw Ivan, she clasped her hands in excitement. He had become chubby and cuter. He giggled when Wu Lina played with him exposing his two dimples in his cheeks. Coupled with his green eyes, Ivan looked like a toddler hero of an English movie. Wu Lina got an idea of making a movie with Ivan as the hero on the lines of the English movie 'Baby's Day Out'.     

She suggested that to Yan Xiaojun and Rosa. "I would love to make a small production movie with Ivan as the hero, if that is okay with you. I think we already have a star material amongst ourselves. Why am I looking around for anyone?"     

Rosa was excited when she heard about it, but Yan Xiaojun had his reservations. He didn't want his son to get into unnecessary botheration. He said, "Okay, let me think about it."     

The conversation drifted off to Rosa's venture.     

"How is your resort coming up Rosa?" asked Wu Lina.     

"We have just started. As a matter of fact I had come here to discuss something with you," said Rosa.     

"Sure. Tell me," replied Wu Lina.     

"I was looking for some advertisement for our resort and I thought if you could help us," said Rosa looking expectantly at her.     

"Of course Rosa! When do you want the advertisement to go on air?"     

"As soon as possible because there are already many queries coming up. Even though I wanted to keep it exclusive for the members, I feel that it should be advertised properly," replied Rosa.     

Yang Xinyu chimed in, "Wu Lina, you cannot over-exert."     

Wu Lina waved her hand and continued talking to Rosa. In the end when Rosa and Yan Xiaojun were leaving, Wu Lina asked Rosa to convince Yan Xiaojun for Ivan. Rosa smiled and said, "Okay."     

On their way back Rosa asked Yan Xiaojun as to why was he reluctant for Ivan to star in a movie.     

Yan Xiaojun answered, "Rosa, you won't be able to manage the resort, Ivan and your hubby, if Ivan is starred in a movie."     

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