Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

The New Chairman

The New Chairman

Just as she turned, Yang Xinyu went behind her and scooped her. He placed her on bed carefully, tucked her hair behind her ears and asked, "Why have you been ignoring me Wu Lina?"     

He stared at her glowing face. She looked even more beautiful in her pregnancy. He bent over her and kissed her forehead, "Don't ignore me. I don't like the feeling." Saying that he lied down beside her with his face hovering over hers.     

Wu Lina gently stroked his hair and said, "I am not ignoring you darling." Then she took her fingers to the back of his neck. She stroked him there for a while looking into his eyes all the time. She brought her fingers to his lips and said, "My Xini… I am right here with you… Why do you miss me so much?"     

Yang Xinyu lost his control and lifting her chin with his hand, he kissed her passionately. He opened her lips and tasted the tongue. He did not even look at her face after that, his tongue was so instantaneous and urgent. He plunged into her mouth and overpowered all his senses as he sought to reach further down. Her eyes clenched shut, as in in the trance of his tongue.     

When he had tasted her to his satisfaction, he removed her dress and turned her to her side with his chest against her back. He kissed her back from top to bottom and then went on to remove his clothes. Gently, he positioned himself behind her and thrust into her making her moan. He was inside her after three months and it was impossible for him to control. He reached his climax almost immediately.     

After he had climaxed, he stayed inside her in the spooning position until they fell off to sleep. Sometime later they had round two. He was careful that there was no pressure on her belly. Once they had made love, Yang Xinyu cooled down and again drifted off to sleep. They woke up late in the evening when the mayor arrived. The butler announced that the mayor wanted to meet Wu Lina. Yang Xinyu rolled his eyes but he had to let her go. Before she left him, he said, "Come back soon."     

Wu Lina shook her head, "Xini, you are no less than Ivan!"     

She went downstairs to meet the mayor. Over the cup of tea they again discussed the project. The mayor asked her to take it slow and that he would want her to start it a month later. There were too many things going in the company that had to be taken care of. The most important was that Yang Xinyu had to be selected as the Chairman of the company since it wasn't appropriate for him to continue in his office after he had become the mayor.     

Wu Lina was happy that she had got more time to prepare.     

Yang Xinyu attended the office as usual and came back to the Yang Mansion early. The mayor asked him to call the board meeting and also announce the agenda for the meeting. He knew that there would be some protests but he was ready for it.     

The board meeting was called on the Friday.     

Meanwhile, Wu Lina and Yang Xinyu went back to the Sapphire bungalow. Wu Lina called Zhou Zhili and they shared their pregnancy experiences. It was always fun catching up with Zhou Zhili. She knew so many gossips that Wu Lina kept laughing at them.     

On Friday, in the board meeting all the members were present. As per the agenda, Yang Min-Chang presented the name of Yang Xinyu to be the next Chairman. However, this was met with protests. One of the senior member of the board said, "Yang Min-Chang, this is incorrect. When we have so many experienced and older individuals present in the board, why should you make Yang Xinyu the Chairman?"     

"Yes, you cannot favor your son every time."     

"Last time you threw your wife out of the board member panel and introduced your daughter-in-law, but now you want your son to take the position at the helm of the company. We will not accept your orders anymore."     

"Yes, you cannot have only your family people in the committee."     

The mayor listened to them and then spoke calmly, "Both me and my son hold majority of shares of the company. I will only allow my son to become the chairman of the company. If anyone of you doesn't like it, you can take legal action against it. As the major shareholders, Yang Xinyu has the right to hold the position of the Chairman."     

Rest of the committee knew that what he was saying was well within the rules. After a little bit of argument, the motion was passed and Yang Xinyu became the Chairman of the company. A notice was sent to all the employees via mails about the changes. The position of CEO was now vacant.     

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