Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

Username ‘Delete’

Username ‘Delete’

Wu Lina stopped all the preparations that were taking place in her company regarding the movie. Producing a movie wasn't an easy task. She had been doing it skillfully and was so dedicated.     

When she saw the announcement on Yang Fanxu's Weibo, it made her extremely anxious and panicky. She felt like vomiting. She sent everybody out of the office and cried for the first time after her company had started functioning.     

There was not a single top rated movie star who wanted to work with her company. So she signed her own company's artists for the movie. Everybody was excited because they were getting some exposure. Since most of the cast and crew consisted of new members, they were all very enthusiastic about it. All of them helped her even before she would ask for it.     

Wu Lina was shocked when Che Mingliang gave her the news. At one time Wu Lina thought of replacing Ivan with another child star, but where would she get someone else in such short time? Not only that she had chosen Ivan to work because of his unique looks, the whole idea of making a movie occurred with him in mind. Wu Lina could sense disaster. She couldn't take the tension anymore and called Yang Xinyu, who was in France that time. Yang Xinyu picked the phone right away.     

"Yang Xinyu, I am feeling terrible," said Wu Lina as soon as he picked the phone.     

Yang Xinyu could hear her sobbing and immediately felt uneasy. His tiny dots…     

"Wu Lina, tell me what happened? Are you okay?"     

"Yang Fangxu has signed up Ivan for her movie. I think Rosa has signed the contract with her," said Wu Lina.     

Yang Xinyu was so angry on the other side that he clenched the phone tightly until his knuckles became white. "Wu Lina, how do you know?"     

"Yang Fangxu has announced it on her Weibo."     

"Did you talk to Rosa?"     

"No, I haven't. But if this is true, I am worried. I have already invested so much money in the production. I have used father's money and now how will I face him? He had put so much faith in me," she said not able to stop her tears.     

"Baby, first I want you to stop crying. This is a very small thing and the money is peanuts to me, so as far as money is concerned, it is none of your prerogative. Don't worry," Yang Xinyu consoled her.     

"But there are so many people that have pinned their hopes for this movie. I cannot betray their hopes," said Wu Lina wiping her tears.     

"Baby, just dissolve the company and stay at home. We will compensate all of them handsomely. I hate to see you cry over such a small matter. I am worried about you and my tiny dots when I see you in such a situation. Please darling, don't worry. It is just nothing, okay?"     

Wu Lina nodded and said, "I think I will dissolve the company if this doesn't work out. I don't want to be stressed."     

"Great! Now just wipe those tears and wait for me. I will be there tomorrow."     

"Really? But I thought you were coming two days later…"     

"Not after my baby has called me with so much anxiety," he said affectionately.     

Wu Lina laughed.     

"Ah! Your laughter rings like bells. Keep laughing darling."     

Wu Lina felt much better after talking to Yang Xinyu.     

She decided to call Rosa and ask for clarification.     

But Rosa wasn't available. She wasn't picking her call. Wu Lina smiled and shook her head. Her stars were aligned wrong. Why was it that every time she wanted some happiness, there was an obstacle?     

As she was brooding over it, Che Mingliang entered her room.     

"Ma'am, we have been invited to an awards function by the Lotus Industries."     

"What is this about?" Wu Lina asked.     

"Ma'am actually Lotus Industries in into manufacturing of beauty products. They are sponsoring this function for the first time to give publicity to their products. With so many stars under one roof and everybody talking about their products, they will get plenty of publicity."     

"I don't want to go," replied Wu Lina thinking that she would be dissolving the company soon…     

"But ma'am it is a good way of advertising ourselves also. All the big stars and important people from the industry have been invited."     

Wu Lina just wasn't interested. She shrugged her shoulders and said, "I don't want to go Che Mingliang. I don't even know if our movie will commence. This entire fiasco will cost us heavily."     

"Ma'am, please don't be disheartened. If we don't face this issue head-on, we won't gain any experience. We must attend this function since this is the first ever invite we have received. We shouldn't let this opportunity go out of hand."     

Wu Lina sighed and agreed reluctantly, "When is it?"     

"Ma'am, I think they have included us in the last minute. It is day after tomorrow."     

Wu Lina laughed and said, "Okay. Let's go. Who all are invited from our company?"     

'Every star including you and me."     

"Okay…" said Wu Lina and dismissed Che Mingliang.     

When Che Mingliang turned to go back, Wu Lina had an idea. She said, "Che Mingliang, keep a tab on Yang Fangxu's Weibo. I want to know whether she has signed the contract with Rosa or not. If possible try to find that out. I would suggest that you create a separate account on Weibo and ask her directly about the contract."     

"Yes ma'am," replied Che Mingliang. She was quite adept at this kind of stuff.     

Since most of the things had come to a standstill due to the ambiguity that surrounded production, Wu Lina asked everybody in her company to take a break the next day. There was already a gossip in the office about Yang Fangxu's announcement but no one had the guts to ask about it.     

Che Mingliang sent a notice via email to all the stars to attend the awards function. She stayed back in the office after the office hours and started reading comments on Yang Fangxu's Weibo. She made her notes. While digging deeper, she came across some very nasty comments about Wu Lina. She found it strange that there was a user 'Delete' who was posting these consistently. She texted about that user to Wu Lina.     

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