Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

The Awards Function (2)

The Awards Function (2)

Yang Fangxu's plans were falling in place. She had planned to lure Rosa and sign up Ivan for the movie. Once the contract was signed, she had no intentions of making the movie. The contract would ensure that Ivan wouldn't be able to work anywhere else for sometime and her movie would be released by then. With Ivan signed up for her, Wu Lina's career would take a nosedive even before it saw the lights of the day. She smiled at her plan and looked at Rosa who was watching her intently. Rosa smiled back at her.     

The awards function began. It was a gala night. There were so many performances by the leading actors and actresses. Many singers presented their talent. All the guests were mesmerized by the sheer lavishness of the event. The owners hadn't left any stone unturned to make it superb and memorable.     

Yang Fangxu had asked one of the Master of the Ceremony to call her on stage when the function was about to get over. She had to really coax him a lot for that chance.     

The MC called her upon the stage to give a small award towards the end. Yang Fangxu stood and walked up the stage to present the award. She looked at Wu Lina proudly.     

After the award was given, Yang Fangxu took the opportunity and taking the mic from the MC shamelessly said, "So you all know that I have signed up a cute little baby for my next movie?"     

There were murmurs around the hall and everybody laughed and clapped at her idea of publicity. Everybody loved cute babies.     

"His mother is here and I would like to introduce her to you all," she said pointing at Rosa to come on the stage.     

Rosa got up from her place and graciously walked to the stage without looking in Wu Lina's direction. Wu Lina was ready for this. She stayed calm remembering Yang Xinyu's words.     

The MC of the function was eating dust when he saw that Yang Fangxu was taking advantage of his generosity towards her. He decided never to be this lenient. There were other big directors and producers who would have loved to take the opportunity to announce their own movies on this platform but they did not break the protocol. He smiled nervously and looked at the Chairman who was gazing at Yang Fangxu with darkened expression. The function had come to a halt for a moment because of Yang Fangxu's audacity. The Chairman was sitting in the first row just a few seats away from Wu Lina.     

Rosa walked up on the stage and stood beside Yang Fangxu. "Ladies and gentleman, I wish you could all see Ivan also. He is such a sweet and adorable baby of this young lady here and she has consented to allow him to star in my next movie."     

Yang Fangxu just wanted to publicly humiliate Wu Lina by showing her how easy it was for her to manipulate people. Wu Lina, on the other hand, was watching it from the audience side. She felt wretched and lowered her head. She couldn't understand as to why would Rosa go to Yang Fangxu. After all it was her idea to star Ivan in a movie and Yang Fangxu had stolen it. Rosa was really immature, but what about Yan Xiaojun? How did he approve Rosa to ditch her? She choked but had to maintain her pride, so she gulped her tears, took in a deep breath and looked up. Her downfall was about to begin. It was unfolding in front of her eyes.     

Rosa looked at Yang Fangxu and asked if she could speak on the mic. "Of course," said Yang Fangxu and handed it to her with a smile.     

"Thank you Yang Fangxu for your generous offer," said Rosa. Yang Fangxu smiled, as her chest swelled with false pride.     

"But I am sorry to ask that I don't know when did I ever convey to you that Ivan would work in your movie?" continued Rosa.     

Yang Fangxu looked like a deflated balloon, as she looked at Rosa with wide eyes, "What are you saying Rosa? We had a talk about it a few days back."     

"Yes, we did talk about it but I never ever signed the contract. You just assumed that Ivan would work in your movie and announced it on your Weibo mindlessly," said Rosa with contempt.     

The MC wanted to hide his face at the things that were happening on the stage. All the reporters had focused the camera on Rosa and Yang Fangxu. Some of the TV channels were streaming it live. Yang Fangxu was aware of it. She became edgy. "Rosa let us talk about it later."     

"No, I want to talk to you about it now since you were the one who called me up on the stage. Also, you were the one who announced it to the world without even asking me."     

"Rosa, this is not a place," said Yang Fangxu almost pleading her to stop. Yang Fangxu turned towards the Master of Ceremony and said, "Thank you sir," and started to leave the stage. She was getting angry. However, she contained it inside and showed how gracious she was on the outside.     

But Rosa stopped her and continued, "Yang Fangxu, hold on. Ivan cannot work in your movie."     

Yang Fangxu exploded in front of the audience, "Rosa how can you be so unprofessional?"     

"On no, no! I am not unprofessional but you are definitely a poacher," said Rosa without any fear.     

"Whom did I poach?" Yang Fangxu stepped forward to threaten Rosa.     

"You tried to poach Ivan. It was Wu Lina's idea to make that movie with a child actor and you stole that idea. I don't know who told you about it but I am sorry that my son Ivan will only work for his aunt, Wu Lina's movie," said Rosa with such determination that Yang Fangxu Stepped in front of her and raised her hand to slap her, but Rosa caught her hand in air and jerked it away.     

"I am not as sophisticated as Wu Lina, so don't you even think of bullying me!" said Rosa with a contemptuous look in her eyes.     

"Miss Wu Lina could you please come on the stage?" asked the MC in order to make the event interesting and divert the attention of audience. He knew that this incident would increase his TRP ratings since all the TV channels were streaming it live.     

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