Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

Her Mother Decides to go to The Press

Her Mother Decides to go to The Press

She picked the phone and said, "Yang Xinyu, I had to meet Yang Fangxu."     

"Why?" asked Yang Xinyu very quietly as if trying to control his temper.     

"Because I am extremely sure that she had tried to sabotage my movie sets!"     

"Do you have any evidence?"     

"No, I don't, but-"     

"Then why did you visit her?"     

"I had to deal with her! She had been really becoming nasty."     

"What else has she done?"     

"Yang Xinyu, your sister had been flooding the Internet with negative comments about my company. I traced the IP address that she had used to write those comments. If you think I am going to stay quiet, then you are wrong. I have had enough of her nonsense," spat Wu Lina on the phone.     

But Yang Xinyu was angry over the fact that she went to meet Yang Fangxu without even giving him a slight warning.     

"So you do accept that she had been horrible with you?"     

"Of course, I have the evidence. You better deal with her or else I am going to give her the worst taste of her life!"     

"Do you know what all she could have done? If she had stooped that level, do you not think even once that she would have caused you bodily harm?"     

Wu Lina harrumphed. "With all those security guards around me, she couldn't have harmed even a hair of my body."     

Yang Xinyu shouted, "What would you have done, had she pushed you harshly on the ground? Are you capable of getting those jerks? Do you even think about the babies?"     

Wu Lina thought of the possibility and quieted immediately. Her mind froze at the thought that Yang Fangxu could even do such a thing. But given her record, she could have.     

"My children are very precious to me Wu Lina. I went and fought the worst battle I could even think of in my life just to get them back to me. If something happens to them, I will not spare anyone who is responsible for it. Always remember that," warned Yang Xinyu.     

Wu Lina kept listening wondering if she had actually done wrong.     

"But Xinyu-"     

"Nothing! You don't get to speak a word now. This is my last warning to you. If, after this episode, you even think of breaking the protocols I have made for you, I will just not allow you to step out of the house. Do you get that?"     

"Yang Xinyu, you cannot do that. Instead of punishing your sister, you are blaming me!" shouted Wu Lina on the phone.     

"Lina, enough!" Yang Xinyu barked on the phone.     

Wu Lina became scared at his seething anger and became quiet immediately. She had never heard him so angry ever before.     

"Do you get that?" he asked again.     

Wu Lina nodded and said, "Yes…"     

He ended the call and she went back to the house with a pathetic mood.     

Meanwhile Yang Xinyu called the chief of the police and asked him to investigate the matter relating to metal disturbance caused by Yang Fangxu because of instigating negative comments.     

That night Yang Fangxu was brought to the police station and grilled the whole night for damaging Wu Lina's image for no reason. Although she was not arrested and kept behind bars that visit to the police station gave her jitters for the next ten days. She knew that Yang Xinyu had definitely stepped in to protect his wife.     


The set were rebuilt and the filming of the movie started. Almost everyone would go crazy when Ivan used to come for filming. Everyone would want to hold him, but he would never leave Rosa. The fact that there were so many people around him scared him a lot. Often the director had to take more than fifty shots for one perfect scene.     

Ivan, in fact had garnered so many fans across the country that whenever he would come for filming, reporters were already present there to take his pictures.     

Couple of time Yan Xiaojun accompanied Ivan to the sets when Rosa was too busy with her resort. At theta time the female fans would go crazy when they would see the young father with his beautiful baby. It had become impossible for the parents of Ivan to go anywhere other than their homes, offices and film sets. The fans immediately surrounded them. As for Ivan, he didn't even know what was happening around him. All he wanted was his father's fingers and his mother's shoulders.     


It was later proved that Yang Fangxu was involved in sabotaging the sets of Wu Lina's home production. The police came and arrested her in the middle of shooting. It was Yang Fangxu's first movie as a lead actress and this kind of a thing would have negatively impacted her career for once and all.     

Her mother had to really beg the mayor for leaving Yang Fangxu just one last time. She promised that her daughter would behave. But the mayor was reluctant. He told her to talk to Yang Xinyu. She was desperate and no amount of begging him worked.     

It took two days for her to even get an appointment with Yang Xinyu. When she did, she reached his office an hour before. Knowing the history between them she wasn't too sure that he would yield.     

Yang Xinyu had given her exactly five minutes to talk only because his father had made him aware of the situation that Yang Fangxu had been in the jail from two days and her movie was suffering.     

"Father, didn't you want to teach her a lesson?" he asked when the mayor called.     

"Yes, I wanted to. But I think she has got her lesson Yang Xinyu. I would have got her out of the jail, however, I don't want to get involved in it. The opposition party has already started brewing trouble on this issue. It is better that she is out of the jail because if her mother decides to go to the press, it will become difficult for me."     

"I understand father," said Yang Xinyu and ended the call.     


Yang Fangxu's mother entered his office at the right time.     

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