Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

His Passion

His Passion

On the filming sets Wu Lina would personally come and look at all the preparations. She would make sure that she was present especially when Ivan was there. Ivan had become extremely active and it was impossible to leave him alone. One day while filming a scene on bed where they had to show that Ivan had to crawl up to his bed, dig his hands into the ice cream box kept over there and smear it on his face, an incident occurred.     

Another child who was able to crawl was being used for that scene to crawl instead of Ivan. Ivan was with Rosa, who was looking at her phone. They were sitting on a small bed nearby waiting for the director to call them for some shots. All of a sudden Rosa heard a loud thud and Ivan crying. It so happened that Ivan had started rolling on bed. The bed was small and Ivan simply rolled out of it to grab equipment that was out of reach. He fell on his forehead.     

Rosa ran to his side and by the time she lifted him in his lap, Ivan had a huge bump on his forehead. Wu Lina ordered her secretary to get lots of ice on the set. They had applied cold compress and the swelling had considerably reduced. But Wu Lina insisted that they go to the doctor for a scan. Everything was absolutely fine and the doctor said that such incidents are common with kids.     

Wu Lina decided to give Ivan a rest for few days. It was important that he was completely fine before resuming the shoot.     

Because of this incident the filming was postponed for a few days. The shooting was supposed to resume next Monday.     

Wu Lina got a chance to take rest at home the entire week, and she rested well. She ate a lot, went for a spa, went for a drive with Yang Xinyu to his family house and slept like a log.     

At the family house she was so happy to see all the horses Yang Xinyu had bought. There were several people who were looking after those horses.     

Yang Xinyu was showing her around the stud farm that he had so painstakingly rebuilt. He loved horse riding and had been a jockey also only out of fun. Since he knew a lot about horses, he was thrilled to show them to her.     

"How much do each of these horses cost Yang Xinyu?" asked Wu Lina out of curiosity.     

"These are racehorses. They are each $100,000 plus," he answered her patting his best black horse. "Come here. Pat this one. Become familiar to them."     

Wu Lina stepped near the horse and patted him. He was such a magnificent one. She looked at his beautiful, muscular built. The horse liked her and gave his face into her hands willingly. She laughed and stroked him gently. Yang Xinyu was standing right beside her. He was surprised that Wu Lina liked all that he was showing.     

"But what would you spend on maintaining them?" she asked again.     

"An upwards of another $25,000 per year on each of them," he replied with a smile.     

"These are racing horses. Have you kept a trainer?"     

"Yes, I have." He chuckled.     

Yang Xinyu showed her the other horses. The last one was a white colored horse who was behaving very naughtily with the trainer. He was in the training ring and he was running around giving his trainer a hard time.     

Wu Lina and Yang Xinyu laughed at him. "This one is an entry level horse. We will be training him from the beginning. I am personally planning to train him," said Yang Xinyu while looking at him with admiration. "His name is Sapphire."     

Wu Lina looked at her hubby with love and curled her arms around his. She rested her head on him and looked at the stallion who was still giving hard time to the trainer. After running for a while when Sapphire saw Yang Xinyu, he ran towards him and nuzzled his face.     

Yang Xinyu laughed and stroked his mane for a long time until he was satisfied. "He just wants me to be with him. He doesn't like the trainer," said Yang Xinyu. Wu Lina could only feel love for the owner. "Now be a good boy and go back to the trainer."     

"You said five more horses will be coming and two will be imported," said Wu Lina.     

"Yes, but they will come later. We are still expanding this area. Those will need special care. They are costing me a lot," replied Yang Xinyu.     

When Yang Xinyu had given her the tour of the stud farm, she was tired. They went back to the house where the butler had already served them dinner. They had decided to spend the weekend over there.     

Over dinner, Yang Xinyu said, "I will be visiting mother at the hospital tomorrow…"     

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