Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

The Bloodstains on His Bed

The Bloodstains on His Bed

Yang Chún qiàn turned around to look at the person who just spoke. She was aghast to see Yang Xinyu. So what happened to Mr. Wan? What happened to two men who were in his room when she left him all drugged? Whose blood was that? She came near him and saw that he was sitting on the sofa in a spotless white shirt. His arms were stretched on the back of the sofa and he loosely held a gun in his right hand.     

"Yang Xinyu, wh… what happened? Why do you have a gun in your hand?" she asked afraid of his intentions now.     

"Mother, you tell me, what happened to you? Why are you looking so afraid?" he asked her back keeping his head low.     

"I… I am not afraid. Why should I be afraid? I heard some commotion in the middle of the night and came to see," she stuttered.     

"You heard a commotion in the middle of the night and you have to come to investigate about it so late?"     

"No… Yes… I mean I slept after hearing it, but all became quiet and so I went off to sleep…"     

"Hmm… mother, let's go to my room again," he said looking up at her.     

Yang Chún qiàn paled in fear. She didn't want to go back. There was blood all over. "No! I cannot go back," she shrieked.     

"Why mother? Don't worry, I just killed those two idiots who were trying to gag me yesterday night when you left me in my room."     

She stumbled back a little. "Which two idiots, Yang Xinyu? What are you even talking about?"     

"Oh! You don't know?" he asked her with a smile.     


He got up from his place and walked over to her. Holding her hand tightly, he dragged her up the stairs to his bedroom.     

"Leave me Yang Xinyu! Are you mad?"     

Without saying a word, he kept climbing the stairs. When he reached his bedroom, he pushed her inside and onto the bed with blood stains.     

"Mother, look on the other side of the bed," he spoke gently pointing it with his gun.     

Yang Chún qiàn peeped over there and saw a dead body of one of the men in the room, rolled on the side. It seemed that his head had been bludgeoned. He was lying in a pool of blood.     

She gasped and closed her mouth with her hands.     

"Mother, the other fellow has been carried out by my men and is buried alive ten feet below the ground."     

Yang Chún qiàn was feeling scared. She got up from the bed and tried to rush out of the room. But Yang Xinyu closed the door quickly. Once again holding her hand, he pushed her on the bed.     

"Don't you want to know where is Mr. Wan?" he asked her. He looked so sinister that Yang Chún qiàn started shivering.     

"Yang Xinyu, I am you mother. Show some respect to me! Otherwise I will call your father and let him know about your behavior!" she shouted in order to scare him.     

Yang Xinyu took his phone out of his pocket and handed it to her. "Go ahead, call him."     

She grabbed the phone from his hand. "It is locked!"     

He unlocked the phone and gave it back to her, watching her with interest.     

She dialed mayor's number. When he picked the call, he said, "How are you Yang Xinyu?"     

She shouted on phone, "Yang Xinyu has gone mad! Please come and save me. He has a gun in his hand!"     

"Yang Chún qiàn, only God can save you now," replied the mayor and disconnected the call.     

She couldn't believe that the mayor had told those words to her. She tried to dial his number again but it was switched off. She looked at Yang Xinyu again. He was staring at her, standing against the wall. He was playing with the gun. Then she looked around the room. The metallic stench of blood was too overbearing. She felt like puking.     

"Mr. Wan has been taken to the unknown location that I was supposed to go to," he said and looking at his watch he continued, "I think he must have joined his ancestors now."     

Yang Chún qiàn was shocked. Everything she had hoped for her future was now gone. "But, I drugged you…"     

"Yes, you drugged me so that these guys could murder me."     

"No, that wasn't the plan."     

"Oh really? Then what was the plan?"     

"It was to only drug you and get your video with a C grade actress in a compromising position. I just wanted my position back in the company Yang Xinyu. I haven't plotted for your murder. I may be vicious but vicious enough to kill my only son." She started crying hysterically.     

Yang Xinyu let out a hollow laughter. "Mother, you tried to kill Wu Lina."     

She looked down at her hands.     

"I love Wu Lina so much that you can't even think about it. Let me guess, the word 'love' doesn't exist in your dictionary," he said looking at his gun, which he had now pointed at her.     

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