Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

The Night

The Night

Mr. Wan had been hiding in the basement of the ancestral home ever since Yang Xinyu had come. Yang Chún qiàn had been secretly supplying him with food and necessary things.     

He wasn't alone when he had arrived in the town. He had hired goons to assist him with his planning. So while he was staying with Yang Chún qiàn, some had put up in the local rest house and two were posing as servants. Yang Chún qiàn was aware of them and she allowed them telling all other old servants that they would be helping her for some time.     

When Yang Xinyu entered the town, his people at the airport had informed him. The fish had taken the bait and he could see that the plan was falling place.     

It was Mr. Wan's idea to add drug to Yang Xinyu's tea.     

After dinner when Yang Chún qiàn helped Yang Xinyu to the bedroom, she saw him losing consciousness and drifting off to sleep. Mr. Wan had said that once Yang Xinyu would be unconscious, he would kidnap him and take him away to an unknown location. They would hold him captive over there and leave him in exchange for getting Yang Chún qiàn back to the board. They had planned to call the mayor once he was kidnapped. They knew that the mayor wouldn't be able to call the police, as he was too conscious of his image. He would easily give in to their demands and make a position for Yang Chún qiàn in the company.     

Mr. Wan smiled at Yang Chún qiàn and said, "You were so convincing. You have done an excellent work and this is going to be super. It seems your son still has blind faith on you."     

Yang Chún qiàn nodded. "Remember, he is not stupid. I hope your plan is foolproof..."     

"Of course yes!" he replied with slight anger as if his intellect was being challenged.     

They walked back to the living room together. "What can I say Mr. Wan, but I really want to go back. The father and son duo have ousted me and I have to resort to this. Once I am back, I will ensure that Wu Lina is out of the board. Do you know she is pregnant with three children?" said Yang Chún qiàn with excitement.     

"Once she gives birth to my grandchildren, I will do away with her," said Mrs. Yang looking in the space. "I will rear those kids to perfection."     

Mr. Wan noticed how badly this woman wanted her position back and what lengths she could go to. But then he always liked people who were daring.     

"I am sure that all will turn in our favor, Ms. Yang. Don't worry and go to sleep."     

Yang Chún qiàn left for her bedroom. She couldn't sleep that night wondering what would be happening to Yang Xinyu. She heard some commotion outside, but it was faint noise. She had an urge to go and check, but refrained herself.     

While Mr. Wan had told Yang Chún qiàn that he would be kidnapping Yang Xinyu and they will hold him until Mrs. Yang get back on board, he had other plans. He wanted his revenge from the mayor. He had plotted to kill Yang Xinyu once he was kidnapped. All the blame would come on Yang Chún qiàn. He went back to the basement quietly and grinned at how stupid the Yang family people were. They fell into his baits so easily.     

He remembered how smart Yan Xiaojun was in comparison to these people. He wondered how do these people have had such a successful business. He wanted to sleep but was too excited to blink and eye. He was waiting for his people to give him a signal. Together they would take Yang Xinyu to the car in the garage and drive off from there. Yang Xinyu's bodyguards were being taken care of by his people already. He smiled how easy it was to lure men in honey traps. Even a man like Lu Shiming couldn't avoid it.     

He waited for an hour. There was no signal from his men. Why were they taking so long? He got up from bed and paced his room. Being in basement, he couldn't hear much as to what was going on the outside. He had to rely on his people to know if the job was done. They had a simple job – to wrap Yang Xinyu in the carpet and bring him to the car. Once they would throw him unconscious in the car's trunk, they would come and tell him in his room.     

Another hour went by and he grew impatient. He started going out to understand what was going on. As he was opening his door, he heard faint noise. 'Yes, the work was being carried out!'     

He closed the door and went back to his room. He could have gone to help his men, but he had to collect his belongings and not leave a trace before leaving that small ghostly town. He collected all his stuff and went out of the room with a small suitcase. He looked towards Yang Chún qiàn's room and said aloud, "Rot in hell from now on!"     

Then he left in a hurry and made his way to the garage.     

Yang Chún qiàn kept tossing and turning in her bed all night. She pondered that thank god for her huge ancestral home. That house was more like a fort. Being over three hundred years old, its walls were very thick and it had many secret rooms. She could easily hide Mr. Wan in the basement. Mr. Wan had come to her as a blessing in disguise.     

She couldn't resist the temptation to go and see outside. She wore her night robe and slowly tiptoed out of her room. She came downstairs. It was very early in the morning and pitch dark. She didn't want to switch on the lights else her servants would suspect her activities. It was still very dark and she decided to take a short nap after checking with Yang Xinyu's room. She was too tired, as she hadn't slept the entire night.     

She went to Yang Xinyu's bedroom and opened its door slightly. It was sheathed in darkness and she couldn't see anything. Using her phone's light, she inspected the room. Her gaze fell on his bed, and she noticed that there was blood on the sheet. She paled. She switched on the lights and saw that it was a huge pool of blood and in fact she was also standing on blood that was spilled on the floor. It looked as if someone had been killed and dragged out of the room. She panicked. What happened? She trailed the blood on the floor. It ended just before the door.     

Suspecting that something had gone greatly wrong, she walked out and closed the door of Yang Xinyu's bedroom quietly. She went towards her bedroom with anxiety. She had to contact Mr. Wan who was already on his way to the unknown location they had discussed.     

As she was going back, all of a sudden all lights were switched on, as if by magic. She looked around in horror. Who could that be?     

"Good morning mother."     

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